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  1. sheepdog

    clueless clown with an mp40

    Oh my God. I sure hope this doesn't wind up being melted down and turned into a sewer grate.
  2. sheepdog

    Beginning collector

    A beginner should show the folks around here what they are looking at. You will get honest opinions. K98k collecting is like walking through a minefield these days.
  3. sheepdog

    Wher do i post want to buy?

    If you come across something put pictures up here before you buy it, these guys will let you know if you have a good one. Friendly bunch of guys though sometimes brutally honest.
  4. sheepdog

    Mitchell’s Mausers

    Can't have a thread about Mitchell's Mausers without the term "pimp shined" in it. :biggrin1:
  5. sheepdog

    You just got too have that lol!

    That must be on hell of a 40 year collection, for the past year that guy is giving ole grey blanket a run for his money.
  6. sheepdog

    Lacquer on ar 41

    Denatured alcohol will remove it if it's shellac, maybe some oils but lacquer or varnish will require something stronger. Stripper would do it but my theory on an old stock is to use the least caustic product that works so if denatured alcohol doesn't touch it try some lacquer thinner. Whatever...
  7. sheepdog

    K98 Mauser byf 42.

    Looks like the humpmeister seller beat Ben at Classic to the stock.
  8. sheepdog

    Removing varnish or poly from stock

    That sure has a shellac look to it. Looks as if some of the finish has scraped off in one picture. You can scrape shellac off with a thumbnail, poly or varnish you can't. If it scrapes off a small plastic putty knife will scrape a good bit of it off. denatured alcohol will get the rest. No...
  9. sheepdog

    New guys, whats up with this rifle. Bcd4 auction

    One of the problems with it is the grey blanket.
  10. sheepdog

    Vol. III "Kriegsmodell" books sold out!

    Thanks for Bruce and your extremely hard work, the series of books is magnificent to say the least.
  11. sheepdog

    Early k98 stocks

    I've never seen a 37 Sauer in anything but walnut. When was the change to laminate? I thought Sauer started using laminates in 38.
  12. sheepdog

    Swedish handguard

    Might as well leave it be, you'll never get it back straight for long, that may have been like that for 70 years. Swedish walnut hand guards are a pretty easy find at Liberty Tree or on Gunbroker or Ebay so you could try that and hope for a square one. Since they did a little hand fitting...
  13. sheepdog

    My BSW 1938

    Sure looks like a nice hunk of walnut it's sittin' in too.
  14. sheepdog

    high dollar dou 44?

    That must have been one large collection. He's been using that line for a while now. Most of his stuff does look real nice.
  15. sheepdog

    Removing varnish or poly from stock

    Except it all doesn't evaporate away completely, you get a lot of residue left over with acetone or anything that evaporates quickly. To me lacquer thinner, which is a step down from acetone stands to do less damage to old wood especially a laminate. You just wipe away any that didn't evaporate...
  16. sheepdog

    Removing varnish or poly from stock

    Would work if the finish on the rifle is shellac, won't do much to polyurethane or most old school gloss varnishes. Denatured alcohol is a lot cheaper.
  17. sheepdog

    Removing varnish or poly from stock

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This.........although I would try lacquer thinner instead of acetone. Lacquer thinner isn't quite as hot as acetone and doesn't evaporate as quickly. It will remove all but the toughest finishes. When done rub it down liberally with...
  18. sheepdog

    How to take care of the mauser.

    Don't do anything to the stock unless you absolutely have to. Collectors prefer stocks as is and loading it up with linseed oil just hurts the value. Many late war stocks had nothing on them.
  19. sheepdog

    Another 42 1940

    Metal looks awful glossy like it's been re blued. Don't know, could be the pictures.