Yup. Once you mess up the finish on a laminate stock it will never look right again, so go slow. I would try acetone (you want something that evaporates fast and won’t sink in) and if not try something else...Just my experience anyways. Ultimately your goal is to remove the “extra” with minimal touching/soaking of wood.
This, acetone is about the best thing you can use, as Bigdibbs says, it won't be absorbed by the wood, and evaporates off completely. I have used pure lab grade acetone for 25 years to remove post war finishes. and never had an issue. As an added bonus it leaches oils, so if a stock is oil soaked it can help get some of that out (PS, if you have sensitive skin, wear gloves, it will also leach the oils out of your hands).
For stubborn finishes, I have a mix of acetone, methylene chloride, and toluene which works great too....again, all stuff that evaporates away...
I just really wet a clean rag with acetone or my mix, and rub, changing areas of rag often, so you don't re-smear what you just dissolved back on the wood. Once its all gone, a final good wipe down with a clean rag and acetone, let it evaporate off, and its all set....