Swedish handguard

Newest pawn shop find, 1901 Swed. Haven't been to the range yet but bore looks great with no pitting.
I noticed that the handguard is a little warped. Should I just leave it or use a mini steamer on its underside & hold it down with zip ties as in pic? Handguard not numbers matching.
Also, Murphy's oil soap with a towel & minimal pressure to remove grime but not patina?

Thanks for all input.

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Might as well leave it be, you'll never get it back straight for long, that may have been like that for 70 years. Swedish walnut hand guards are a pretty easy find at Liberty Tree or on Gunbroker or Ebay so you could try that and hope for a square one. Since they did a little hand fitting there's a 50/50 chance of another one fitting right. Of course you could fit it yourself

You do know this is a K98k site not a Swedish Mauser site don't you? There's a good Swedish site over at Gunboards.
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Might as well leave it be, you'll never get it back straight for long, that may have been like that for 70 years. Swedish walnut hand guards are a pretty easy find at Liberty Tree or on Gunbroker or Ebay so you could try that and hope for a square one. Since they did a little hand fitting there's a 50/50 chance of another one fitting right. Of course you could fit it yourself

You do know this is a K98k site not a Swedish Mauser site don't you? There's a good Swedish site over at Gunboards.
Thanks Sheepdog

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