New guys, whats up with this rifle. Bcd4 auction

too bad it wasn't matching.

Oh for sure! Except it probably would sell for much more than I'd be willing to spend. That happened a lot over the years with me and him although I did sneak a few out under the radar.
To my untrained eye, I see a few things. That eagle stamped right above the bcd looks suspicious. In picture 11 it looks like the seriel number is overlapping a JP Sauer CE code? The stock looks refinished, and alot of the seriel numbers look sloppy.
To my untrained eye, I see a few things. That eagle stamped right above the bcd looks suspicious. In picture 11 it looks like the seriel number is overlapping a JP Sauer CE code? The stock looks refinished, and alot of the seriel numbers look sloppy.

The final above the bcd is fine, take a look at it again.
To my untrained eye, I see a few things. That eagle stamped right above the bcd looks suspicious. In picture 11 it looks like the seriel number is overlapping a JP Sauer CE code? The stock looks refinished, and alot of the seriel numbers look sloppy.

You're on to something but I won't say.
Not a bad rifle for a starter or shooter piece. I take it that it's a "test" of sorts as to what's wrong with it for newer, learning members (cool idea) so I will refrain from saying much more. If the price remains lower than $700 I say it's a decent grab.'s a "test" of sorts as to what's wrong with it for newer, learning members (cool idea) so I will refrain from saying much more. If the price remains lower than $700 I say it's a decent grab.

That and what's cool about it maybe too? IMHO everything is there to see. Also agree with your assessment and price point. No import mark or monkey shines.
I think it has some problems. The final proof is ok. But.......

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bcd suggest Gustloff made, on a Astrawerke receiver, but somebody else assembled this rifle. Key is in the firing proofs, serial fonts, and serial suffix font.

I think the stock cleaned/refinished and maybe a reblue.

(not a new guy)
bcd suggest Gustloff made, on a Astrawerke receiver, but somebody else assembled this rifle. Key is in the firing proofs, serial fonts, and serial suffix font.

Receiver proof is for a JPS as is the serial number, not Gustloff made. Other issues abound and hard to believe this seller does not know who used this receiver to make a rifle.?
One of the problems with it is the grey blanket.

:laugh: Come on! In my opinion there are even more clues as to who actually built the original rifle. If it was all matching I'd certainly make a run at it.

I believe this is exactly two rifles. Look over the parts that don't match the original piece. The odd think is how that combination of parts came together?? Doesn't fit the 'parts bin' specials that have appeared over the years.
OK so what I saw about this rifle. Its not a BCD but a JPS assembled rifle. Stock is for a Gustloff and has been renumbered, Stock has some value for someone needing one but its been sanded. Bolt is a completely renumbered, you can see where they stamped over the old numbers. so bolt is worthless IMHO. MrFarb I would like to hear your feedback.
Here's what I see. The barreled action was assembled by JP Sauer, but the receiver is made by Astrawerke for Gustloff (BCD code receiver with JP Sauer barrel and proof). The magazine and TG are from Berlin-Lubecker, indicated by the stamped manufacture and Waa214. Stock is a Gustloff stock, but has been sanded and not original to the rifle. Somehow there's one of each band (one from the Sauer assembly, one from the Gustloff stock). The bolt looks re-numbered.
Here's what I see. The barreled action was assembled by JP Sauer, but the receiver is made by Astrawerke for Gustloff (BCD code receiver with JP Sauer barrel and proof)..

Absolutely agree.

The magazine and TG are from Berlin-Lubecker, indicated by the stamped manufacture and Waa214. .. The bolt looks re-numbered.

Here's where we disagree. Allow me to explain my 'two rifle' theory although it's actually 3. :googlie At Brno early in '44 stamped TGs with a single centered e/214 arrive. IMHO, the bolt complete, TG and FP are from an early '44 dot rifle. The font of the 2 in particular give it away although the 5 and 6 are also somewhat unique.

The front band and handguard are from the same rifle too. I'll be it's duffle cut and the those pieces were lost since the fall apart sometimes if you're not careful. You can see in photos 4 and 5 the dramatic color shift that occurs behind the band. I think it's a good possibility those parts are also dot but of that I'm less confident. The font is really close though.

Close or off the rails?
I didn't notice the bolt and the TG/magazine were matching. I guess what threw me off were how sloppy the numbers on the bolt look. I didn't notice the wood shading until now. Good chance of a duffle cut.
Just checked on the DOT picture section and 214 marked TG/magazines are correct! Nice catch
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