New guys, whats up with this rifle. Bcd4 auction

Thanks. German production has always been interesting and trying to figure out exactly what's going on amuses me. Lot's of things to ponder for sure!
The bolt is not a dot production to me. With the E63 under the bolt handle does this not make it a dou bolt? (forgive me its been a while since have studied my books) Also on magnification it looks like the bolt shroud has numbers underneath. I agree on several of your points, ie the band matching since it likey came from a cut down etc.
dou inspectors were A80 the entire time. They did use primarily dot made e/63 bolts though. I can see how you might think they made them and these parts most likely come from a dou since the bolt only has a finishing inspection and they also used e/214 TGs.
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Were the WAA214 parts native to Brno or did they come from somewhere else? It seems odd that they would have 2 waffenamt teams there.
Were the WAA214 parts native to Brno or did they come from somewhere else? It seems odd that they would have 2 waffenamt teams there.

Yeah great question. It caused me to do some more checking last night. According to the bible, both works used milled blanks already in stock from earlier production for both TGs and FPs until depleted and after exhausted received them from BLM.
Were the WAA214 parts native to Brno or did they come from somewhere else? It seems odd that they would have 2 waffenamt teams there.

WaA214 was from a certain section of Berlin. Each geographic area had an inspector that used a different number. Example if the floorplate was WaA135 then the floorplate would have been made in Oberndorf. I believe I am correct in this, not being an expert though.
i guess what i meant to say was that in some areas there was more than one manufacturer that used the same WaA. some areas there was more than one manufacturer that used the same WaA.

I knew what you meant and you're spot on. e/221 is a great example. At least 6 different sub-contractors of K98k parts in several towns shared the same group.
dou inspectors were A80 the entire time. They did use primarily dot made e/63 bolts though. I can see how you might think they made them and these parts most likely come from a dou since the bolt only has a finishing inspection and they also used e/214 TGs.

I guess I was not clear, by production I meant as production in rifle production not the bolt. (Dot production bolts having two e/63 vs dou one) I still the bolt numbering is suspect.
I guess I was not clear

Me either. I think this may be a case of the written text not exactly conveying what either one of us is exactly trying to say?

(Dot production bolts having two e/63 vs dou one)

Again according to the bible all bolts were made in Brno (dot) with one's assembled into rifles there having acceptance for product quality (large) and fitting to rifle (smaller) while those sent to Bystricia (dou) only had the larger acceptance for quality control. I still believe the '2' is just too unique to be easily faked. Just my opinion however.

bolt sn.PNG

That's the best I have. I don't see numbers underneath nor any signs of the typical metal removal. Notice the upper right edge where it transitions to the handle. If someone did they're really good.
I think the bolt body is good, its the rest. Look at the numbering on the rest of the parts. That 6?? and the funky tops on the 5's. Look close at the shroud, looks like something underneath.