RKI- Reasonably Knowledgable Individual
Thanks. German production has always been interesting and trying to figure out exactly what's going on amuses me. Lot's of things to ponder for sure!
Were the WAA214 parts native to Brno or did they come from somewhere else? It seems odd that they would have 2 waffenamt teams there.
Were the WAA214 parts native to Brno or did they come from somewhere else? It seems odd that they would have 2 waffenamt teams there.
..in some areas there was more than one manufacturer that used the same WaA.
dou inspectors were A80 the entire time. They did use primarily dot made e/63 bolts though. I can see how you might think they made them and these parts most likely come from a dou since the bolt only has a finishing inspection and they also used e/214 TGs.
I guess I was not clear
(Dot production bolts having two e/63 vs dou one)