Vol. III "Kriegsmodell" books sold out!


No War Eagles For You!
Staff member
Wanted to post this here for the forum, as I stated before we were running low on "Kriegsmodell" books - it's finally come to the time to announce that were are sold out of individual copies of Vol.III. We aren't printing any more, it's over, its done, its in the books. We have numbered 4 book sets left from our last offering, but will probably run out of those by summer if there isn't a rush, maybe spring if there is a rush.

We have PLENTY of Vol.1 and 2 books, so it's not time to panic if you haven't bought them. If you waited to buy Kriegsmodell, it's too late unless we can buy back some old stock of Vol.3 books from some dealers.

Bruce and I want to thank all of you for the support and encouragement in this massive book project, without you it would have NEVER happened.
Congrats, that's a rare thing for a self published book. As an aside, did you print the same number of each volume?
Congrats, that's a rare thing for a self published book. As an aside, did you print the same number of each volume?

There are about the same number of each Volume, we may have printed more Vol. II books. Once the project is completely over (sold out) we will tally everything up.
Thanks for Bruce and your extremely hard work, the series of books is magnificent to say the least.
..but will probably run out of those by summer if there isn't a rush, maybe spring if there is a rush.

Quite impressive indeed, as are the books themselves! Great work to you both and I'm glad the sales were so successful. :happy0180:
Thank you both and to all the forum members who contributed to these incredible books. While I only have a couple of 98’s , I enjoy reading these books and they have helped me pass on some humped rifles.
Kriegsmodell later known as Volume III. Where it all began. Get it while you can guys it is essential ....
Just out of curiosity, was the book project as a whole a profitable enterprise? I'm certain that was not the intent or impetus, just wondering if it made you guys money or if you had to pay out of pocket.

I hope it was profitable, you guys definitely deserve something more than just accolades for your hard work.
Thanks very much Mike, Bruce and all who contributed. Extremely well done and a treasure. Wish I had not sold my extra vol. 3.
It simply doesn't get any better with reference :happy0180: There won't be another K98k series, book, or books as there is no need. So as collector ranks continue to grow (us older guys aren't dying fast enough) demand will continue and supply is limited. I bought my Clawson .45 big book when it came out for $85. I sold it for $850 years later and bought a K98k. Thank you Bruce and Mike for your great work!
Do you consider a revised edition in some years?

We thought about redoing Kriegsmodell with new photos, but honestly it's not on a priority list. We're both exhausted from this project. We've spent 9 years of our lives doing these 3 Volumes in total, and the work isn't even over - we have to box and ship each book we sell (well Bruce does). I have other responsibilities with the web and tax/business end. I think we are both pretty much done doing books - except - we may do a small pocket type book for toting around gunshows, something with no photos or documents, just a bare bones buyers guide. Even that project is a few years out.

I saw someone ask about K43 books - never gonna happen. Besides, Darrin Weaver is working on revising his K43 books, breaking them into G41 and G43/K43, and will include color photos and different layouts. No way we could (or would) ever venture into that arena. Like I said, book days - done.
A quick-reference book is a pretty neat idea. I had also hoped you guys might tackle the topic of “Beutewaffen” at some point! A much more niche topic I suppose but a fascinating one!
Yes, we have material to do a Beutewaffen book. I’d like to do it, but at his point I’m ready for a break.

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Certainly can't blame you there. The effort and logistics of putting a book together seems mind boggling.
It's a work in progress...:biggrin1:

I'm finding a ton of satisfaction and illumination in examining the primary sources in that niche. Having a deeper sense of context and institutional 'place' for these and the trends of use of captured materiel has been hugely satisfying.

Great job. Your books are the bible in this field and referred to by me almost on a daily basis. Best book investment I ever made.