Third Party Press

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  1. V

    Zielsechs authenticity check

    Hello, your scope was made in the 1921/22 calender year. it is 1 of 312 made that year. this is a real zeiss and they placed the markings on the early scope like yours. for a small fee zeiss would put your name as a gunsmith or business on the scope this had to be pre-ordered like this and you...
  2. V

    Long Side Rail mount authentication please

    Hello, like the set on ebay that some one plopped a huge 2650 bid from canada on the mount and base are repro's you both even have the 1 stamped in the same location. the proof mark is also not correct on the style needed on these. the screws are very much like the new Czech mount screws being...
  3. V

    Dot 1945 coded receivers.

    Hello, I collect the so called "Winter 98" observations. after the war they started over with serial 1 NO letter block. they used Scrubbed receivers, Rampant Lion Old stock, SWP45, DOU45, DOT45, DOT44. the Highest DOT45 I have is k (K) block. they just took the next receiver from the pile and...
  4. V

    zf41 byf43 'c' block w/walther proofed site tube.

    Hello, Rifle looks real nice but I am not liking the ZF-41 mount BECAUSE I have many examples all from 1943 and the E/135 proof mark is missing from the base. where the 3x E/359 proofs are it is usually void of markings and they proof there normal 1x E/135 on the flat before the rail, with...
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    How did I do? G41(M)

    Hello, this is the model g41 the earlier version was the g41 (W) just to let you know, the G41(M) is a completely different rifle a bolt action semi auto. every part you need can be had as a repro. Original you JUST missed all these parts as a person parted out a complete rifle over the last...
  6. V

    LAW: information on what year my hensoldt-wetzlar 4x scope

    Hello, scope is Post war made. can be used on any commercial rifle with proper 26mm mounts. later vaughn
  7. V Returns!

    Hello, are you going to write about 1938 Steyr production rifles?? or are you only doing K98 rifles? the G29 (o) is the only 1938 rifle built so far? later vaughn
  8. V

    WTK WALTHER G./K.43 information for listing

    Hello, I have been collecting info for the last 15 years for Walther, BLM, BCD for G41 (W), G41, G41M, and G/K43' rifles. The way I went about it is you REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY need to collect PICTURE proof of the rifles serial at a MIN the rest IS GRAVY info, going by a reported rifle with out...
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    (SNIPER) I have a few questions to ask to help decide the fate of this Mauser

    Hello, no SS stamp its what remains of the receiver markings of "1944" later vaughn
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    And It Sold

    Hello, the ONLY thing that caught my eye was the VERY hard to find armours E/359 Bolt shroud but even then it was alterd for that low swin gsafety was a waste of a har dto find armours part!!!!! later vaughn
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    G41 (W) - DUV43 - Restoration

    Hello, incase your interested there is a real bayo lug, set of bands, bands spring, & handguard on ebay as we speak. I believe they are real but I did not go into the auction to confirm just incase you wanted to upgrade to real parts if they are real. least worth checking them out. later vaughn
  12. V

    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    Hello, unless brought back by a vet all pre-war zeiss would have the GERMANY marking either under the elevation drum on the left hand side OR on top of the zeiss logo for very early ones. the red dot on top of the elevation drum is for dissassembly purposes on proper alignment if set properly...
  13. V

    Rear sight base zf 41 help

    Hello, I say fake. from what I have poured over many pics the cut out that makes the <------------ is way to thin and is how I have identified repro's for years but I am not the expert on ZF41 items. it is also missing the final proof but the late ones were not marked so thats no a 100% comment...
  14. V

    Lubeck 237 1940, a few questions

    Hello, the other odd item is the single E/214 on top of receiver this did not occur till 1942 usually has 3x E/2143 on RHS of reciever. has proper BLM small Fireproofs. later vaughn
  15. V

    Ziess Zielvier 4x Scope Elevation adjustment

    Hello, I would like to see pics of course but sounds like a 7.62x54r type meter dial. most 1-8 dials are for 8mm 198gr, most 100-1000 are for Argentine there are exceptions, Czech 100-1000 is 8mm. please post pics!! later vaughn
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    Once, and for all

    I think there are errors. not an expert just what I have seen and read LT BYF stopped k (K) block 1943 unless some left over, small handfull assembled like dave found it would be the latest for normal production. from all the examples I have seen CE didn't make LT's at all mainly made SSR but...
  17. V

    Once, and for all

    Hello, you make it easier you should GROUP the type of sniper system with the manufacturer with proper year. like this. 1. Short Side Rail (SSR) Gewehr 98 SS Reworks 1938-1940 SSR Type 1 J.P Sauer 1941-1942 SSR Type 2 J.P Sauer 1943 SSR Type 3 BYF 1943 SSR Type 3 etc. it will look cleaner...
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    ZF41 Scope for Review

    Hello, scope is built from left over war parts post war. later vaughn
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    1943 Duv code G41

    Hello, if bolt carrier and all bolt parts match this price is a steal, most sell for the 6500-7500 range. later vaughn
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    Making G98/40 Sight Hoods

    Hello, I need 2 G98/40 Hoods. I would like to see some pics of the product also. bought a couple when John Wall made them a few years back. thanks vaughn

Military Rifle Journal