Third Party Press

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  1. L

    KAR 88 thoughts

    hey all, a buddy found this KAR88 in a local shop. says all external matching, although he didnt get to check the bolt head. Not my focus area, but its interesting to me that theres no stock markings. I did blacken the price but im happy to provide it if anyones interested. I might go look at it...
  2. L

    Where to find original snipers?

    yard sales.?.😵‍💫 havent seen another good sniper in the wild since
  3. L

    G98 100 yd POA solutions?

    i shoot cast reloads in mine, 16g 2400 under a lead bullet shoots low enough i need to move the rear sight up to 500 to get a 100 yd zero
  4. L

    3 Turret sniper restorations UPDATE: Kriegsmodell has made it home

    any story on the PU? a buddy has one we believe most likely a recreation, soo little info out there on the few of these that exist in any state thx for any info you can provide! others look great btw!
  5. L

    bnz 4

    i saw a real nice totally unmessed with BNZ4 heer issue last summer in a retail shop for 2700. was gone the next day when i went back to pickup something else
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    ZF41 Sharpshooter help / options

    Hey guys how much vertical adjustment does the zf41 have roughly? Whenever i find one i like ill shoot it now and then w cast loads that generally hit about 1ft low from jaceted at 100yd. Any chance ill be able to zero it?
  7. L

    Tips on spotting faked all matching rifles?

    take an ipad with you to the shop and use the stickies to compare fonts, features etc. The books are great! If the guns close you can take them along. I travel for work so often rely on the stickie examples. Ask the shop holder to hold the gun 24hrs, take good pix and post them here. I wont...
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    general comment and thanks

    welcome! i dont post much, but i read up here daily. I would ask you to post pix of your rifle even if it seems run of the mill. Many here track small production trends by the various manufacturers and good rifles previously undocumented are always helpful.
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    38H Grips - Original or Reproductions

    i havent personally handeled any repops, but these look just like mine which were deemed original awhile back, same overall appearance, markings, etc. this thread goes into...
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    passed on a byf44 zf41 today…

    Emilbusch good catch, seems the curve is tight. thx for the extra pix! u pickup anything there? was a nice gen 1 SAA…tempting! yea price was low, but i look at every rifle and try to judge it irregardless of asking price. never know wht you might find
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    passed on a byf44 zf41 today…

    thx, much appreciated as always. cutout was a bit short on both ends but appeared correctly rounded. no expert, as i cant seem to find any good zf41s other than a members here i was able to handle. i looked thru the stickies, and searched a bit and along with others ive seen i cant find any good...
  12. L

    passed on a byf44 zf41 today…

    bolt mm, e block byf 44. NO e135 on the base bothered me, along with the stock cutout which might be ok. rifle was good and matched other than bolt. scope / mount later unnumbered. im curious, are there any accepted as good 1st run (pre k or l block) byf44 zf41s without the e135 on the base...
  13. L

    Need help with the stock on a Polish K98

    you could try calling SARCO…they always have a pile of stripped military stocks up there. doubt if anyone who works there can truly id what your looking for however. Maybe they could send you pix if they have anything mauser. I get by there now and then, but itll probably be 6 months till i get...
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    dot 1944 75xxx Semi-Kriegsmodell

    daymn…kinda not lookin much at k98s w todays market, but thats one id pry my wallet open for, and sell a kidney nice!
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    Oberndorf BCD43. Field mod PU?

    yea i was there also when the rifle was purchased. I woulda bought it if Jeff didnt knowing it would never be 100% accepted as original. The collection in question had a few nice rifles, and alot of wierd crap. I only saw 1 one the snipers and didnt look close as i could see a LSR recoil ringed...
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    K98 PU Field Armorer Sniper

    i dont own one of these fascinating rifles, but i have a friend with one who doesnt post much. ill point him at this thread.
  17. L

    Reloading problems

    is your .319 measurement a maximum or minimum for the slug? im assuming its the minimum or “lands” measurement. the one to work off of is the maximum or “ groove“ size. If your “groove“ size is .319 theres something odd going on, and most likely the barrels not a ww2 k98 barrel and you need a...

Military Rifle Journal