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  1. Fal Grunt

    Help identifying bolt

    As stated, it is a mongrel, bolt shroud might also be czech, but I can't quite tell from the picture.
  2. Fal Grunt

    S&S 1871 For Further Research

    Im leaning towards the stock being "duffle cut" more than as a sporter.
  3. Fal Grunt

    S&S 1871 For Further Research

    The patch box is similar to earlier German models, but makes no sense on an 1871, however the quality, and construction, along with the traditional penciled number, says to me that it was original. Clearly not the work of whomever saw off the end of the stock. As to origin, or explanation, I...
  4. Fal Grunt

    S&S 1871 For Further Research

    Some history on S&S for those that might be interested. SPANGENBERG & SAUER OHG Suhl. Gegründet: 1835. Inhaber: Spangenberg, Sauer, Ferdinand, Paul. Gewehrfabrik; ""Gewehre, Hieb- und Stichwaffen aller Art und Construction"". Herstellung, bzw. Vertrieb von: Jagdwaffen, Blankwaffen, Zubehör...
  5. Fal Grunt

    S&S 1871 For Further Research

    I bought this interesting rifle at an auction recently, and was not the rifle I was watching the auction for. It went for a very reasonable price, and after I started looking at it, the more I looked at it, the further I was drawn in. So drawn in that I completely missed the rifle I had planned...
  6. Fal Grunt

    Problem -broken collar tabs on stuck bolt, how to compress collar to remove a k98k bolt? HELP

    Did you fix this? If not, let me know, I have a way to do this. It isn't rocket surgery.
  7. Fal Grunt

    $2200 Mitchell's?

    Two questions brought on by this. First, notice celtic man also bid $2,200. Ive seen this numerous times, but never been able to figure HOW to bid up someone at the exact same bid. Second, along the same line, how do you trick gunbroker into allowing you to bid below the minimum bid amount? I...
  8. Fal Grunt

    Looking for any extra info on this 98k

    I was going to say, based on what I can see, I would have bought it for $500, unless there are un presented issues. Looks like an interesting rifle.
  9. Fal Grunt

    Sight Hood identification

    I don't have any experience with presses that small, or low volume. :ROFLMAO: I've had the displeasure of building, maintaining, and rebuilding a few dies that made millions of flat springs, but out of already hardened high carbon steel. (typically 48-50Rc) These were a pierce, form, cut...
  10. Fal Grunt

    Suspicious K98's

    This topic is widely discussed and you will come across quite a bit of it here on the forum. My personal opinion is that there are few true *fakes* quantitatively speaking. That is, for the thousands of rifles sold, only a very small number are actual fakes. There was an enormous number of...
  11. Fal Grunt

    Sight Hood identification

    A blanking die with 100% shear would be excessively expensive. Being a high carbon steel, adds to the fun. Even if they used a pre sized strip, they would need to post finish the ends.
  12. Fal Grunt

    8mm 20 Deg Headspace gauge (field)

    I don't know your technical background to delve into the subject, but for your intended purpose, a field gauge of any make will satisfactorily accomplish the task.
  13. Fal Grunt

    Yard sale bcd 4

    Fantastic find, even around here that gun would have been $800 on the table. I see all kinds of guns at yard sales and flea markets, and typically they have astronomical prices. I've yet to see a "bargain". Hell I think you could probably get $8 for the front guard screw, it looks to be in...
  14. Fal Grunt

    Just found in pawn shop 1911 amburg

    Relining for cartridges like 8x57 is generally not recommended. I think you would have a hard time finding someone willing to do that for you. Crown, counter bore, and even taking a look at the ammunition would be worthwhile. I've shot rifles with darn near smooth bores and that haven't key...
  15. Fal Grunt

    Repro barrel bands?

    I got a batch of these in a recent purchase, and in my opinion they are Yugo. In the batch of 15 or so, there are a few with VERY faint Yugo markings. The rest were unmarked. The ROUGH ID is also a tell tale sign to me. Can't guarantee they are one and the same.... but they look very similar...
  16. Fal Grunt

    Kar98a B, Schutz inscription on receiver

    I recently bought some actions, late late late vz24's, right before the change over, already featured "late war" rough machining and deleted operations. Guy had engraved his social security number on numerous parts including the receivers, extractors, triggers, trigger guards. I really...
  17. Fal Grunt

    What is this rifle?

    If you track KKW's on proxibid, gunbroker, and other public auction sites, most original rifles sell for $750-$1500, a really rare one sold on gunbroker for $650 not too long ago, one with minor modifications sold for $540. Some of the big auction houses garner more. Rare, certain examples/SN...

Military Rifle Journal