Problem -broken collar tabs on stuck bolt, how to compress collar to remove a k98k bolt? HELP


Junior Member
The Problem is a broken collar tab on stuck bolt, so how does one compress an extractor collar to remove bolt if a tab is cracked off? -- HELP
I have never seen this problem. Here is a link to a guy that really needs help. Paul Mauser must have a remedy for such a problem. Who would insert a bolt with a broken collar??? Crazy. Any of the experts got a solution? I'd like to know myself.
I wonder if you could slide in a piece of steel shim stock on the side that isn't broken and then try to slide it around to the broken side to compress the broken side enough to get the bolt to slide out.
This is fixable.

Just brainstorming here....Did you try to remove the bolt take down lever on the left side of the receiver? If you do then I think you can get better access to see the problem and to either rotate the collar and/or compress the ring through the cutout milled in the left side of the receiver.

Another thought is to make some tapered wedges from popsicle sticks or tongue depressor. Insert parallel to the bolt axis. Use several to try to evenly compress the ring.
More brainstorming..... disassemble the rifle and remove the trigger and sear bar to gain access through the sear slot.
This kind of happened to me recently. I stuck the bolt in the receiver without the ejector attached. Fortunately the rifle was completely disassembled. I just slipped a very small screwdriver in and pushed one side of the collar close enough to pull the bolt out.
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