This is really getting out of hand..

As strange as it may seem, most of the guys here are not shopping for RC's, so whatever is happening in the RC market does not have much impact on us. The same people who would spend $1,000 on an RC would almost never up their game and buy an original, matching rifle.

I agree with that totally as I myself have never really been intrested in many captured reworks.
My fear is that classic is going to pull the same shite they did when they bought out Pat Burn's seemingly infinite Finnish mosin stockpile.

They listed all of the roughest most chewed up rifles in their inventory first stating that you better get them while they last, not many to go around, yada yada yada. Then they went one step further saying that they did not have any rifles that had B barrels or civil guard markings or anything special...

Well after they ran out of their first lot they came up with three or four more large groupings all with increasing quality and Rarity. As you can imagine their prices also increased exponentially....

This is what i am expecting to happen here.... he stated that he has quite a few more k98 to sell... If that's the case why sell them as a group like this he's trying to set the market and drive up prices for himself.

My entire life if I have ever seen a k98 at any show or store be it a Russian capture or not I have picked it up and examined it closely and he's a trifle that he posted were absolute garbage for the most part. I would not be surprised if at the end of his little k98 smorgasbord some all matching or bolt MM nice ones pop up and get offered at 3 or 4k and well I never thought anybody would buy a byf 43 chewed up and spit out RC for a grand.....

So yeah.... I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens...
Is there anyone willing to admit they bought any of these rifles. I am curious to know who would possibly buy these RC Mausers at these prices.

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Man hes a genius too.... "They counter bore rifles so that the vibration from the front sight does not cause the bullet to go crooked" 😂😂😂😂
Hmmmmm wondering how many of these rifles are going to appear in future "I just got my first k98, how'd I do" threads....
Man hes a genius too.... the vibration from the front sight does not cause the bullet to go crooked" 😂😂😂😂

My front sights vibrated so much I just knocked them all off... with an angle grinder. Wish I knew about that solution
I'm definitely going to use this sales tactic when I sell off my rifles. I can see it now, a byf44 L block for $5995. I'll be rich!
If you compare the price of a K98k to an antique Winchester lever action, there still seems to be room for the price of the K98k to climb.

$1500 seems to be the entrance fee for a tomato stake of a Winchester. Not unusual for the prices to hit $15,000 it seems either, and these particular guns have questionable value history wise, other than great grampa's favorite deer rifle. This was just a quick look on gunbroker, but apparently there are a lot of people with excess money to piss away.
This he has no idea what he is talking about..."war eagles", "waffens", and my personal favorite reference of his..."the book"..."if you have 'the book' blah blah you can blah blah, bnz is a renowned mauser manufacturers". I have to give it to him though, to uninformed buyers he makes these rifles seem like rare pieces of art.
Yes, what F'n book is he talking about?

"We can't replace them at this price..."

Of course not, you'd be a fool to pay your own asking prices when you can find them on the web for half that.

Of course it's genius because he's doing the footwork for those too lazy to do it themselves with money to waste.

Oh, and the research he's done, that info on each rifle is priceless.
This he has no idea what he is talking about..."war eagles", "waffens", and my personal favorite reference of his..."the book"..."if you have 'the book' blah blah you can blah blah, bnz is a renowned mauser manufacturers". I have to give it to him though, to uninformed buyers he makes these rifles seem like rare pieces of art.

Carnival barker.. used car salesman. Snake oil purveyor. I wish I had half the sales chutzpah this guy does. I'd be rich! Nevermind, I prefer my dignity.

Seriously though, all the guys pulling huge numbers especially on GB just live off puffery, folklore and lies. Just a quick look at the buzzwords they use for their "search terms" says enough.
$1299 for an RC, a bnz42. bnz is renowned as one of the Mauser manufacturers, look it up if you have the book. :faint:

We don't have the book yet cause mrfarb hasn't come out with Vol. 2 yet. Pretty smart of Classic.

Counter bored for your pleasure.:thumbsup:
Dang it I sold mine with sling, cleaning rod, and 40 rounds of ammo for $500 about two years ago. Didn't know it was worth over $1000 now haha.
Simply amazing. Has anyone admitted to having bought any of the recent Classic offerings? I would like to know who the buyers are out of curiosity and send them a list of my entire collection. I will sell it all at these prices.

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Third patch is up two of them are $999 and one of them is $1299 a bcd42 super rare of course. No cleaning rods on some of them this time you guys got spoiled the first patch. And one of those bnz rifles for $799 is a damn joke. Stock is in bad shape metal is pitted. But it has a bnz marked barrel and it's mirror bright. Makes it worth the investment. Surprised the SS link wasnt brought I guess it would make it worth more.

But they have duel eagles my God they duel eagles!
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When the novacaine wears off, the buyers will be attempting to sell these at shows for "what I have in it." As any huckster knows, people WANT to believe.