This is really getting out of hand..

Heard nothing but bad things with those rifles. One of my buddies bought one and sent it back. Cracked stock with rusted metal.

There were a few guys who lucked out, but at the prices they were asking it wasn't worth the risk. Way too many like your buddy got.

Of course a Google search wouldn't show the whole truth on gunboards, because so many posts were deleted. An entire thread was deleted.

I suspected from the beginning Pat was holding back the best M39s. So far she has been selling a couple a week on gunboards with Antique status, but I fully expect the best of the bunch to be listed sooner than later.

Here is the link to the latest of Classic's offerings

New VKT M39 with multiple cracks in the stock and handgaurd

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Man..I'm glad I haven't bought a rifle in 10 years. I don't even have a matching K98 left in the arsenal.

Maybe I will someday. I have a couple RCs that I bought from Federal Arms in Minneapolis way back when and my favorite shooter, the Yugo Capture k98. I doubt I paid over $250 for any of those rifles. It's ridiculous what they've been going for these day though. I doubt I'll ever sell what I have now.
A few thoughts

Ok, so, a few thoughts from someone who's been sitting on only RC K98ks from the mid 2000's.

1. Experienced collectors have been stating how easy it is to find decent, matching, original K98ks for $1k or less. You have to realize that most people wouldn't know where to start. For example, even if I have $2k to blow, it's not easy for me to buy a vet bring back K98k via the Internet (which is more of a reality to people these days, than real life is). I don't have a C&R license. I have to go find an FFL who will accept the shipment/purchase of the rifle from, most likely, a private seller without an FFL (or maybe even a C&R license). It's probably easier to find an FFL dealer willing to work with a company like Classic, versus a private seller. And I doubt that most buyers are on a first-name basis with a local FFL. I know I am not.

2. YouTube. Classic marketed these rifles hard, with an email campaign and YouTube. I don't think I have ever seen a video review of any other K98k for sale. This also ties into Classic having a website. I don't have to join a forum to see what rifles they have. Plus a company with its own website lends an air of legitimacy.

Undeniably, this is sad, and, frankly, if I could sell my four RCs for close to $1k each, I probably would. But I think the lesson to be learned is that there are very clearly two spheres of K98k buyers. There's the experienced, funded, wise, and connected collectors who hit the road and make the "closet finds," or swap with each other. I have always enjoyed seeing what gets posted on the forums, coming out of closets and attics. Makes me wonder what's lurking around me.

The second sphere of "collectors" - really, these people aren't collectors; just "buyers" - are people with money to spend and simply want a WW2 German K98k. To them, having that particular rifle with as little hassle as possible is the end goal. Doesn't necessarily make them air heads. RC K98ks used to be plentiful. And when I, as a young man, got the itch to act on my childhood dream to buy a German WW2 K98k - not a Spanish Mauser (my first mistake); not a Yugo M48 (my second mistake) - at least there were RC K98ks around. Yeah, I fell for a Mitchells (and I since have sold it; the only K98k I ever got rid of). But, to be honest, I feel badly for anyone who genuinely wants to get a K98k, anymore. Where do they turn? RC's aren't coming into the US anymore. And you're more likely to get burned on a supposed "vet bring back" on Gunbroker than ever. So much has been preached on the forums about turds and humped K98ks that I don't think it's any wonder that new buyers are willing to shell out larger and larger sums for an easy, "sure-fire" purchase.

Maybe I should sell my RCs to Classic.
Two things ccubed research and patience. Which is what I saw lacking when all these RC rifles were sold by classic. These people paid well over $1000 for a rebuilt K98k by the Russians. Too me their more of Cold war piece for a collection not a original WW2 model. But their not bad shooters and if its all someone can afford more power too them. But don't pay more for one then a good bolt mismatched rifle out there.

I have learned getting too know people in this hobby is where the better deals are. I have bought a very nice all matching K98k AX41 rifle off one of my dealer buddies in KY. He gave me a great price for it being I have done alot of business with him before. A few months ago I bought a very nice 1916 Gew98 off one my collector friends here.

Too be honest I don't see many bring back k98k rifles walk in the doors of gun shows anymore. If its a good one chances are I will never see it and it will be bought in the first hours of the show by the tables at the door. I have had one good buy at auction two years ago it was a two hour drive in the middle of no where. I got the rifle for less $300 for a closet bring-back that was missing two parts but it was hard too find 1940 660. That was luck pure in simple I was in the front row and it was advertised wrong by the auctioneer. When I walk out with the rifle I had two people that wanted too buy it before I got too my truck.

I later sold that rifle too another collector friend here. Again thats where that connections really helps. One day you may get that call from a collector you become friends with who only collects Nagants are something. And goes heard you wanted a nice bring back got one if you want it.

Give it time I have learned a rifle you want pops up for sale close too you when you least expect it.
I agree completely with Warrior1354.

Ccubed don't waste your money overpaying on gunbroker or even worse classic. First and foremost find a new FFL. There are multiple ways to search for one. Find the guy who has a small shop or works out of his house. Look for reviews. Ask other guys in the area for suggestions. Try PAFOA the Forums. All the FFLs I have dealt with in NJ and PA have accepted firearm shipments from unlicensed individuals. I do not have a C&R and I have never had an issue.

Second start building relationships with other collectors. Most guys will be more than willing to help point you in the right direction and give you advice. Post in the trader section what you are looking to buy and don't be afraid to send a PM. I have made multiple connections reaching out to people via PM and email and by them reaching out to me. There is definitely another market amongst collectors. Many guys want to know their rifle is going to someone who will take care of it and appreciate it and are not just going to flip it for top dollar. I've gotten my best deals this way, and I still own everyone of them.

Finally your in PA which is filled with collectors. Prices for Mausers tend to be on the lower end of the spectrum there. There is no excuse to pay the prices Classic are asking. Unless your not willing to spend the time and want that immediate gratification. If that's the case your going to be wasting a lot of money. Even after Classic sold RC Mauser for $700-$1,400 I have seen them sitting unsold at $500.

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ccubed here is proof deals are out there, especially in PA. Just picked up today Czech Persian Contract 98/29 Mauser. Matching Numbers, Pristine Bore, Stock has some character dings and bruises with 120 rounds of 1953 Yugo 8mm and a Nice Soft Case that fits it like a glove for the grand total of $400. Seller was a great guy who sold it for what he paid for it. I have been looking for one for over a year now and I have no intent of selling it.

Here are a couple not so great pics with my phone. I finally bought a Canon DSLR with multiple lenses so I will post better pics and new pics of my 1940 660 matching except bolt, bolt matches itself also picked up in PA.







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Do you live in PA? If so, what part? I'm in Western MD.
No I live in the People's Republik of NJ. Where they just have neutered black plastic rifles (at least it seems that way).

I go to PA to see what Free America is like. One day I hope to escape to there. Plus Milsurps are still plentiful.

I'm guessing being in Western Maryland it must feel similar. When I was younger I always thought of Maryland as being part of the South. Now it is seems to have joined The Communist States of the Northeast.

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Lol. Isn't that the truth. I am planning to buy land in PA to avoid all the B.S. As well.

I purchased my K98 a few weeks ago in PA as well. I will be posting photos soon. Keep an eye out for it. It has an interesting story behind it.
No I live in the People's Republik of NJ.. I go to PA to see what Free America is like..

Born there except it wasn't so f'd up in the 60s and 70s. The Boy Scouts and then the Army showed me what "Free America" looks like.

..One day I hope to escape to there.

I ended up escaping. Left lots of money, some conveniences and family behind though but I'm glad I did.
heavy_mech I may do the same if Sweeney is elected governor.

NJ wasn't too bad even in the 1980s. Second Amendment Rights have been infringed since 1924, but I could hunt and shoot right in my backyard growing up. I moved back to the same town I grew up in because of the school system. Now I can't discharge a firearm anywhere in the town.

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At least in my opinion, totalitarian anti-gun laws and political corruption are inseparable. My old outfit is holding its 2017 reunion in California and I'll miss seeing the guys, but spending a lot of money in that state isn't even a remote possibility.
...because of the school system. Now I can't discharge a firearm anywhere in the town.

This was my parents rational for getting us out of Jersey City. Ironically I had "Rifle and Shotgun Club" as an afterschool activity in Junior High... in New Jersey!
Couldn't help but laugh at what someone posted on Gunboards about this today:

View attachment 126532

I laughed my a$$ off at that one when it got posted. It's so damn fitting too. I'm still a little surprised that chumps are paying what they are to Classic. My Grandpa used to say a fool and his money are soon parted. I don't understand why people don't do their homework and shop a little bit. It takes all of ten minutes in this day and age. When I saw Classics prices I hoped they would stay there for a long time. I was a bit shocked to see how fast they sold.

I'll give them credit where it's due though. Ben sure knows how to build up the hype.
Got me

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I think everyone understands your hatred of anything relating to the Russians....

give a break already since you can't seem to comprehend the fact that maybe there are those that don't have a German k98k example and the best they can do at the time, for whatever reasons, is to buy an R/C.

Some people and their high horses.......
I think everyone understands your hatred of anything relating to the Russians....

give a break already since you can't seem to comprehend the fact that maybe there are those that don't have a German k98k example and the best they can do at the time, for whatever reasons, is to buy an R/C.

Some people and their high horses.......

I see you have read some of my posts. High horse no. Refusal to collect anything related to Russians, Bubba, and especially Bubba'd by Russians absolutely. There are those on RMNF that refuse to collect anything German. To each their own.

For a couple hundred you want an RC Mauser ok. My point has always been if you are going to spend $500+ on a RC Mauser why not get a German matching except bolt?. For $1,000 spend a couple dollars more and get a German matching K98k.

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I see you have read some of my posts. High horse no. Refusal to collect anything related to Russians, Bubba, and especially Bubba'd by Russians absolutely. There are those on RMNF that refuse to collect anything German. To each their own.

For a couple hundred you want an RC Mauser ok. My point has always been if you are going to spend $500+ on a RC Mauser why not get a German matching except bolt?. For $1,000 spend a couple dollars more and get a German matching K98k.

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"To each their own."


But I realize that "value" is what the market will pay. I've overpaid for things that I wanted right now. Some people don't want to wait. Some don't have a hands on selection around them. Some may not even use the message boards online to research and buy from. Maybe they don't trust anyone on the internet other than websites like Classic's? Maybe they'd rather pay him than bid on anything in an auction?

Who knows for sure but them?

I suppose if any of these people that bought any of those rifles ever show up, we can ask them.

Until then, we can only speculate to the possible reasons.

You have your reasons for not buying anything related to the Russians. Good for you, and good for anyone else that will because you are freeing up supply for those that are looking to buy.

$500 bolt m/m rifles? $1000 all matching?

Yeah, I don't see you posting links to where these rifles are that are waiting for a new home. I suppose you have rifles that you'd sell for $500/$1000? I think not.

Finally, I think you are missing the point that I've made previously that the demand for these rifles continues to grow. Supply is limited and they aren't as plentiful in every location of the states where a warm body occupies, or at least, not as plentiful as they may be to you.
The + sign after $500 indicates more than. For a couple dollars more again indicates more than.

As in matching but bolt can be found $600-800. All matching $1,200-$1,500. Of course they go up from there. You can find them right here on the trader.

Classic sale week was the top for RC Mausers. Yes they are plentiful still and are sitting unsold at $500. If you think they are going to increase in price from $500 you will be disappointed. Your investment won't even keep up with the pace of inflation. Especially if during the tenure of President Trump many more flood the market that are sitting in storage in Russia, Ukraine, and other Former Soviet States. If you can get one for $200 with a decent bore to use as a shooter that's worth it.

As for overpaying and not wanting to wait they are Millennial Traits that will not serve one well in the long run.

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