A few thoughts
Ok, so, a few thoughts from someone who's been sitting on only RC K98ks from the mid 2000's.
1. Experienced collectors have been stating how easy it is to find decent, matching, original K98ks for $1k or less. You have to realize that most people wouldn't know where to start. For example, even if I have $2k to blow, it's not easy for me to buy a vet bring back K98k via the Internet (which is more of a reality to people these days, than real life is). I don't have a C&R license. I have to go find an FFL who will accept the shipment/purchase of the rifle from, most likely, a private seller without an FFL (or maybe even a C&R license). It's probably easier to find an FFL dealer willing to work with a company like Classic, versus a private seller. And I doubt that most buyers are on a first-name basis with a local FFL. I know I am not.
2. YouTube. Classic marketed these rifles hard, with an email campaign and YouTube. I don't think I have ever seen a video review of any other K98k for sale. This also ties into Classic having a website. I don't have to join a forum to see what rifles they have. Plus a company with its own website lends an air of legitimacy.
Undeniably, this is sad, and, frankly, if I could sell my four RCs for close to $1k each, I probably would. But I think the lesson to be learned is that there are very clearly two spheres of K98k buyers. There's the experienced, funded, wise, and connected collectors who hit the road and make the "closet finds," or swap with each other. I have always enjoyed seeing what gets posted on the forums, coming out of closets and attics. Makes me wonder what's lurking around me.
The second sphere of "collectors" - really, these people aren't collectors; just "buyers" - are people with money to spend and simply want a WW2 German K98k. To them, having that particular rifle with as little hassle as possible is the end goal. Doesn't necessarily make them air heads. RC K98ks used to be plentiful. And when I, as a young man, got the itch to act on my childhood dream to buy a German WW2 K98k - not a Spanish Mauser (my first mistake); not a Yugo M48 (my second mistake) - at least there were RC K98ks around. Yeah, I fell for a Mitchells (and I since have sold it; the only K98k I ever got rid of). But, to be honest, I feel badly for anyone who genuinely wants to get a K98k, anymore. Where do they turn? RC's aren't coming into the US anymore. And you're more likely to get burned on a supposed "vet bring back" on Gunbroker than ever. So much has been preached on the forums about turds and humped K98ks that I don't think it's any wonder that new buyers are willing to shell out larger and larger sums for an easy, "sure-fire" purchase.
Maybe I should sell my RCs to Classic.