This is really getting out of hand..

Here's one, $515.00 sporter rescue. 1000 times better than an RC for the same money. I see them often enough, just a little diligence and a new collector could find some great starter deals. Gunshows, online auctions, traders....lots of deals on good stuff if you look.

Here's one, $515.00 sporter rescue. 1000 times better than an RC for the same money. I see them often enough, just a little diligence and a new collector could find some great starter deals. Gunshows, online auctions, traders....lots of deals on good stuff if you look.
Correct me if I'm wrong wasn't there a matching except the bolt, but bolt matched itself not too long ago on the trader for $600?

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Here's one, $515.00 sporter rescue. 1000 times better than an RC for the same money. I see them often enough, just a little diligence and a new collector could find some great starter deals. Gunshows, online auctions, traders....lots of deals on good stuff if you look.

My point is that maybe they just don't want to look, they just want the first thing they can get.

That was solely my point.

We all here know there are better deals to be found, if, IF you are willing to put in the time for it.

A lot of people don't want to for various reasons, and that's on them.
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Look, the truth is not everyone cares about matching or non-import. There's plenty of everything for everyone, no need to get in a pissing match. Hell, I know a guy that only collects sporterized examples, and has a display of them every year at the SOS. Is he wasting his money? Probably not, people offer to buy them off his display. Both camps are wrong in my opinion, it's America, we are free to waste our money in other peoples eyes..............
My apologies for not being as intellectually superior as you.

Decided to retract my reply as it wasn't called for, like your insult.
I removed my insult. My point was you misquoted me.
The + sign after $500 indicates more than. For a couple dollars more again indicates more than.

As in matching but bolt can be found $600-800. All matching $1,200-$1,500. Of course they go up from there. You can find them right here on the trader.

Classic sale week was the top for RC Mausers. Yes they are plentiful still and are sitting unsold at $500. If you think they are going to increase in price from $500 you will be disappointed. Your investment won't even keep up with the pace of inflation. Especially if during the tenure of President Trump many more flood the market that are sitting in storage in Russia, Ukraine, and other Former Soviet States. If you can get one for $200 with a decent bore to use as a shooter that's worth it.

As for overpaying and not wanting to wait they are Millennial Traits that will not serve one well in the long run.

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Look, the truth is not everyone cares about matching or non-import. There's plenty of everything for everyone, no need to get in a pissing match. Hell, I know a guy that only collects sporterized examples, and has a display of them every year at the SOS. Is he wasting his money? Probably not, people offer to buy them off his display. Both camps are wrong in my opinion, it's America, we are free to waste our money in other peoples eyes..............
That is true. I for one am not bothered by small import marks on the barrel. The dot matrix billboards on the Receivers they bother me.

Yes Americans are free to waste their money, but I think the government safety nets make people reckless and lazy. Especially many Millennials. They view bankruptcy as a Mulligan. How many would be so wasteful if it wasn't there?

It's when they waste their money then take advantage of the government handouts that it begins to bother and affect me.

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Yes Americans are free to waste their money, but I think the government safety nets make people reckless and lazy.

First off, my apologies to you for misquoting you. What you like and what you don't, or what I do and don't is really irrelevant to everyone else when it comes to their desires, for the most part.

Agree with your comment there.

(you following that badselfeater thread?)
First off, my apologies to you for misquoting you. What you like and what you don't, or what I do and don't is really irrelevant to everyone else when it comes to their desires, for the most part.

Agree with your comment there.

(you following that badselfeater thread?)
Not familiar with that thread can you link it? I apologize as well. You seem like a reasonable guy.

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These are some the posters I deal with it Gunboards and why I like this forum so much better.

I recently looked at a K98 42 code dated 1940 that is in a nice walnut stock with a bit of tiger striping. I did not take it apart to verify that the stock matched but all visible sn's on metal parts did match. I know I am going to get some grief because I don't have pictures but I don't and the owner does not want me taking any unless I buy it and then of course I can do what I want with it. I would give it a good to very good condition rating with some very slight freckles here and there but is otherwise unmessed with. I am thinking it is around a $1000 rifle but I could be wrong - I haven't been paying much attention. What do you folks think?

Basically we said no pictures really not much too go on.

Response: I am confident in my knowledge of determining what looks to be messed with or otherwise faked. This looks to be a fresh out of the closet piece. Your responses are no help.

Then why ask good luck then.
I'll say it here also, you are being a bit unfair to this guy. He didn't ask for us to evaluate the authenticity of this rifle. He asked for a opinion on value. So he does need to be beaten up about it.

And it is not unheard of for some older guys to not want people to take pictures and post them to the internet. I know older guys who are just scared of the unknown. This simple fact doesn't make the rifle bad.

I got some slack on because I posted a thread asking for M1 Garand price opinions. People wanted to see pictures, and even accused me of "fishing" so I could sell my own rifle. Sometimes people just want to know a value and can't share pictures. Just ask CanadianAR, he went in head first and threw down some virtually punches for me.
I was going to respond to you there, but I would rather here. To give an honest valuation is impossible without pictures. The honest answer is $500-$1,500. Especially when talking about a K98k.

Just because numbers match are they the correct parts or was it built from the same numbered parts from many different rifles? With serial numbers repeating finding a part with the correct 2-4 digits is not impossible. However does it have the correct waffenampts, is it milled or stamped, should it even be numbered, etc. Just because he thinks it is not refinished does not necessarily mean it isn't refinished.

Without pics what a poster should ask is what is the going rate for an original and matching X Rifle. Just my opinion.

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I was going to respond to you there, but I would rather here. To give an honest valuation is impossible without pictures. The honest answer is $500-$1,500. Especially when talking about a K98k.

Just because numbers match are they the correct parts or was it built from the same numbered parts from many different rifles? With serial numbers repeating finding a part with the correct 2-4 digits is not impossible. However does it have the correct waffenampts, is it milled or stamped, should it even be numbered, etc. Just because he thinks it is not refinished does not necessarily mean it isn't refinished.

Without pics what a poster should ask is what is the going rate for an original and matching X Rifle. Just my opinion.

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That's what was asked on Milsurps. Haha.

If poster A asks "What is a 90% byf45 all matching worth?"
You can just answer. In reality who cares what the rifle he's looking at is. It could be RC for all it matters. He didn't ask for an evaluation of the gun, just a ballpark value.

Someone could ask me what a Picaso is worth. I'd say millions. If he buys garage sale garbage, not my issue. Haha.
I was going to respond to you there, but I would rather here. To give an honest valuation is impossible without pictures. The honest answer is $500-$1,500. Especially when talking about a K98k.

Just because numbers match are they the correct parts or was it built from the same numbered parts from many different rifles? With serial numbers repeating finding a part with the correct 2-4 digits is not impossible. However does it have the correct waffenampts, is it milled or stamped, should it even be numbered, etc. Just because he thinks it is not refinished does not necessarily mean it isn't refinished.

Without pics what a poster should ask is what is the going rate for an original and matching X Rifle. Just my opinion.

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I think this is exactly what he was trying to do.
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I am sorry but I must address your thinking on this, and please understand I write this with as much respect as is possible over a internet forum.

You clearly have a issue with younger people and you make terrible generalizations. Every generation has it's fair share of lazy, reckless and irresponsible people. Sure as a Millennial I see people my age who are as you described. But I also see several that are hard working, honest, good people who are trying to help this country get back to what made it great in the first place. I own and operate two small business and bankruptcy is not a option to me. So please stop treating my generation like we are everything that is wrong with this country. I doubt that is your intention but at times it feels this way. And keep in mind that there are several millennials here on this forum.

And last I checked, it was not my generation who is currently in the White House, Senate, House (at least majority) or Supreme Court.

I said many as in not all. I did this specifically in regard to Warrior1354 here and the couple others I have heard of who are hard working, don't cry when they get yelled at while at work, don't think they are owed anything, and realize respect is earned not given. Unfortunately in most of my personal experiences Millenials are not willing to work hard, want everything handed to them, and they want it now.

You have to ask yourself this why is it that illegal immigrants from Mexico and other Central American Countries are the ones cutting the lawns, framing houses, and now creeping into trades like electrical and plumbing?. It's not because they work cheap anymore, and it's not even because they are hard workers anymore. It's because the younger kids today will not put in an honest hard day's work, show up on time everyday, and work their way up. They want to start at the top. They want immediate gratification. The first time they get yelled at they cry and quit, or try and work the system to their advantage. Ask yourself how many of your friends cut lawns or worked construction over the summer while in school; and actually lasted the entire summer.

Personally I will not hire any illegal immigrants and I will not work with contractors who do. However every year it is getting harder and harder. This Millenial way of thinking crosses over into all parts of life and that includes collecting Milsurps.

Here are some scary stats the Millennial U-6 unemployment rate is 12.8% and the percent of Millennials working low wage dead end jobs, defined as making $25,000 or less a year with little to no room for advancement is 44%. The jobs are out there in trades and other jobs that require hard work; where one starts out making more than $25,000 a year. Why aren't they taking them?

Please understand this is not an attack on all Millennials, but it is not just an unfair generalization either.

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I said many as in not all. I did this specifically in regard to Warrior1354 here and the couple others I have heard of who are hard working, don't cry when they get yelled at while at work, don't think they are owed anything, and realize respect is earned not given. Unfortunately in most of my personal experiences Millenials are not willing to work hard, want everything handed to them, and they want it now.

You have to ask yourself this why is it that illegal immigrants from Mexico and other Central American Countries are the ones cutting the lawns, framing houses, and now creeping into trades like electrical and plumbing?. It's not because they work cheap anymore, and it's not even because they are hard workers anymore. It's because the younger kids today will not put in an honest hard day's work, show up on time everyday, and work their way up. They want to start at the top. They want immediate gratification. The first time they get yelled at they cry and quit, or try and work the system to their advantage. Ask yourself how many of your friends cut lawns or worked construction over the summer while in school; and actually lasted the entire summer.

Personally I will not hire any illegal immigrants and I will not work with contractors who do. However every year it is getting harder and harder. This Millenial way of thinking crosses over into all parts of life and that includes collecting Milsurps.

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Well none of my friends are still in school but when we were in college we did work. I graduated with a degree in Accounting with no school debt because I worked and went to school full time. I know several others who did the same.

Again, you seem to have a very negative opinion of younger people. If that's how you feel then I imagine nothing I say will change your mind. And frankly I am tired of listening to old men trash younger generations. Your Grandfather and father did the same thing about your generation. It must be a cycle of life or something. I am sure I will do it to my kids generation. I could make a case that it is the "baby boomers" who screwed up this country. Are they not the ones who raised us? Every generation has it's short comings, not just millennials.
Well none of my friends are still in school but when we were in college we did work. I graduated with a degree in Accounting with no school debt because I worked and went to school full time. I know several others who did the same.

Again, you seem to have a very negative opinion of younger people. If that's how you feel then I imagine nothing I say will change your mind. And frankly I am tired of listening to old men trash younger generations. Your Grandfather and father did the same thing about your generation. It must be a cycle of life or something. I could make a case that it is the "baby boomers" who screwed up this country. Are they not the ones who raised us? Every generation has it's short comings, not just millennials.

The funny thing is you would think I am a baby boomer. I do feel old feeling this way, but I am not. I fall in between baby boomers and Millenials. I have this opinion because of what I see and deal with first hand. I blame the liberals, the safety nets, and I guess the generation who raised the kids. Maybe it's because there were too many hugs and drugs (ADD/ADHD, etc) and not enough strap.

I double majored and graduated with no debt either, and I commend you for this. You I then would include as not part of the many.

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The funny thing is you would think I am a baby boomer. I do feel old feeling this way, but I am not. I fall in between baby boomers and Millenials. I have this opinion because of what I see and deal with first hand. I blame the liberals, the safety nets, and I guess the generation who raised the kids. Maybe it's because there were too many hugs and drugs (ADD/ADHD, etc) and not enough strap.

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This is something we can absolutely agree on. I do not understand how my fathers generation got the belt from teachers in school and now a parent can't spank his child without the federal government coming in and taking them into custody. How did this happen to fast?????
This is something we can absolutely agree on. I do not understand how my fathers generation got the belt from teachers in school and now a parent can't spank his child without the federal government coming in and taking them into custody. How did this happen to fast?????
Not sure either, but you definitely don't sound like the majority of your generation. I've heard 20 year olds say "My parents tried to hit me when I was younger and I told them I would call 911". That is likely why you aren't like most Millennials.

I couldn't imagine threatening to call the cops on my father. Likely result would have been another smack, him dialing the phone for me, and then when the cops got there them telling me I deserved it.

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