I said many as in not all. I did this specifically in regard to Warrior1354 here and the couple others I have heard of who are hard working, don't cry when they get yelled at while at work, don't think they are owed anything, and realize respect is earned not given. Unfortunately in most of my personal experiences Millenials are not willing to work hard, want everything handed to them, and they want it now.
You have to ask yourself this why is it that illegal immigrants from Mexico and other Central American Countries are the ones cutting the lawns, framing houses, and now creeping into trades like electrical and plumbing?. It's not because they work cheap anymore, and it's not even because they are hard workers anymore. It's because the younger kids today will not put in an honest hard day's work, show up on time everyday, and work their way up. They want to start at the top. They want immediate gratification. The first time they get yelled at they cry and quit, or try and work the system to their advantage. Ask yourself how many of your friends cut lawns or worked construction over the summer while in school; and actually lasted the entire summer.
Personally I will not hire any illegal immigrants and I will not work with contractors who do. However every year it is getting harder and harder. This Millenial way of thinking crosses over into all parts of life and that includes collecting Milsurps.
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