Right Nad
Just shows how baseless a lot of it is here.
Nobody is "against" nor scared of differing opinions.
It's when someone uses falsehoods either out of ignorance or malice as "fact".

Just shows how baseless a lot of it is here.
Nobody is "against" nor scared of differing opinions.
It's when someone uses falsehoods either out of ignorance or malice as "fact".
Just shows how baseless a lot of it is here.
Nobody is "against" nor scared of differing opinions.
It's when someone uses falsehoods either out of ignorance or malice as "fact".
I've seen it at WAF where the falsehoods were perpetuated by censorship and banning of those who disagreed and tried to correct the falsities and misinformation. We don't do that here. No forum or site is free of misinformation. The point is to vet the information and test it with debate. What is stated here may be debated. I find that the position most rationally supported prevails here. If all sides have the opportunity to present their positions then that is about as good as it gets. If falsehoods exist, identify them and present contrary information and support.![]()
I've seen it at WAF where the falsehoods were perpetuated by censorship and banning of those who disagreed and tried to correct the falsities and misinformation. We don't do that here. No forum or site is free of misinformation. The point is to vet the information and test it with debate. What is stated here may be debated. I find that the position most rationally supported prevails here. If all sides have the opportunity to present their positions then that is about as good as it gets. If falsehoods exist, identify them and present contrary information and support.![]()
I think Frank was acknowledging that your thread and this discussion have merit, he wasn't taking a shot at you that I see.
Yes, thank you Craig. I've stated it a number of times: I do see value in this discussion, even if I am not on-board with everything that's being said. Brian is right: it's subjective. We are just looking at pictures on a computer after all.
What I appreciate most is that this discussion is forcing you to look closer at an artifact. Reading through the posts in this thread I found myself a number of times thinking 'I didn't notice that!' — something you won't get from pages of "Thumbs up!" "Stunner!" or "One looker!" I enjoy seeing things from a different perspective, even if I sometimes want to shout 'Step away from there!'
Agree that it would be nice if M45 and GHW could mend fences and some form of this discussion could take place there. I'd imagine it could lead to quite a bit of new insight.
That, or a bar brawl.
The guys over on GHW tried really really hard to locate period photos of German medics wearing Red Cross helmets while NOT in clearly in custody as POWs. The pics more or less don't exist, or are so rare as to be comical. You see armbands, white ponchos, the occasional white helmet, but not the classic white helmet with a Red Cross. If they pretty much don't exist in period photos, where are they coming from? Where are the German photos of them in use? That's my gripe. Everyone is free to have their own opinions, of course, and I respect that.
Ive only seen 1 photo of a german medic with a white and red cross helmet,can't remember if it was on histomil or GHW not so long ago.And for what it's worth I enjoy this thread and what M45 is doing,I don't always agree with what the fellow says but we all have opinions and are lucky to be on a forum that allows us to air them fair and square.
This is a fairly unique pair of helmets. They were not brought to the US by a single veteran but were sourced by me in two different places some two years apart from each other. (One came from North Carolina and the other from South dakota.) They are both Ckl64 helmet shells. They are both M42 single decal army helmets with 95% paint and 95% decal. Liner s are original, intact and sound. Chinstraps are original; one is marked and the other is not. Both have a name and feldpost number hand painted at the rear skirt. The feldpost number is from a mortar unit which was attached to the Cherbourg defenses in the spring of 1944. Although there is no information on the veteran (s) who brought these helmets home in 1945, it is pretty safe to assume that they were captured at the time that Cherbourg fell to the US VII corps (composed of the US 4th, 9th and 79th infantry divisions). One helmet belonged to a gefreiter and the other to an oberleutnant (who may indeed have been the company commander). The fact that they have been re-united here is by virtue of a remarkable coincidence. Individually, they are wonderful examples of completely honest combat helmets. Together, they make a display which is nothing less than extraordinary. Price for the pair is $4000.00
Two helmets, captured by two different vets, sourced separately from two different places some two years apart from each other, painted by two different soldiers some 7 decades ago who happen to have been stationed at Cherburg with the same Field Post number ?
Amazing what they are finding these days. Awfully bright/new looking paint for being some 70 years old. A handwriting expert would probably tell you these two inscriptions were painted by the same person. Notice near identical numbers and very similar lettering.
Flag clearly has a red cross in the center of it.. The whole red cross medic helmet this is a mess for sure... Thank god I have absolutely no desire to own one.Red cross white helmets. Surrender situation ?
Good catch. It is the same handwriting in my eyes.
Flag clearly has a red cross in the center of it.. The whole red cross medic helmet this is a mess for sure... Thank god I have absolutely no desire to own one.
The man standing in the doorway has an Allied style collar ?
The man standing in the doorway has an Allied style collar ?
Two helmets, captured by two different vets, sourced separately from two different places some two years apart from each other, painted by two different soldiers some 7 decades ago who happen to have been stationed at Cherburg with the same Field Post number ?
Amazing what they are finding these days. Awfully bright/new looking paint for being some 70 years old. A handwriting expert would probably tell you these two inscriptions were painted by the same person. Notice near identical numbers and very similar lettering.