Questionable Camos

If 25/30 say something is legit wouldn't that mean 5 out of 30 think it is a fake? Then M45 says it is a fake too that makes 6. I would say that is an item that needs further investigating.

I wish someone would spend the money already to have the paint analyzed by an accredited lab. It is the only way I see a 100% conclusion to the debate. If you can afford to drop $2,500-4,000 on a camo helmet surely another $1,000 isn't going to bankrupt you.

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If 25/30 say something is legit wouldn't that mean 5 out of 30 think it is a fake? Then M45 says it is a fake too that makes 6. I would say that is an item that needs further investigating.

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Dont saying that from 30, 25 is good. I was mwaning that from 25 to 30 person says it good. Of cource, if among those 25 to 30 people there are good collectors who have handled many camos, thats a positive point.
Dont saying that from 30, 25 is good. I was mwaning that from 25 to 30 person says it good. Of cource, if among those 25 to 30 people there are good collectors who have handled many camos, thats a positive point.
Oh. For the record it should be typed 25-30 meaning 25 to 30. 25/30 means 25 out of 30.

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So if a helmet passes muster on another forum than M45 is somehow wrong? that a forum is somehow above reproach?
i too think GHW2 is suffering from "maroon morons" syndrome the same as WAF,,,,brian is trying to sound the alarm is all
only the wise will heed his warnings

its not about being great,,its about taking the item and looking at it and not listening to stories or opinions of the unwashed masses

You are not reading what Im saying properly... The helmet he posted and gave us his typical thumbs down the same response was given there. He made it sound like it was given a thumbs up there as it clearly had not.

He is trying to make the member's there look like a bunch of fools which they are clearly not. His one sided discussions are getting old.
He posts a helmet he knows NO back story to and I do. I was contacted by a friend over the KM coastal artillery helmet and it was just bought from the family of deceased vet literally two weeks back. There is no made up story and there are NO random people faking camo's that have no clue what the damn helmet even is.. Based off the colors I said it had to be a KM coastal Arty. lid and by tracking the lot and mating it to another ckl shell it was a KM lid. I will give him credit where credit is due and say his research helped in that identification.

I will leave this with my last comment; ANYONE I MEAN ANYONE CAN DO WHAT HE IS DOING HERE !!!! IT TAKES NO SKILL OR EXPERIANCE ONLY TIME AND THE WILL>>> he seems to have plenty of both.
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I have to say M45 makes some excellent points.

Very few soldiers are going to want to hump around an extra helmet. So taking them as souvenirs during the height of the war just does not make sense. I know personally it would only take a day or so of carrying it around before it got tossed. Now if the war has ended grab one from a pile knowing I am heading home that makes sense.

However it also makes sense that these would no longer be setup as snow camos in May. Even if it wasn't an official order what soldier in his right mind would want to stick a white helmet on his head in Spring. Especially when things are not looking too good for the Germans. I would venture to guess the removal of the white would be one of their first actions once the snow started to melt.

It also makes sense that at the end of the war medic helmets would be painted white with a large Red Cross. Medics I am sure were in need and there would be less chance of being killed by advancing Allied Forces. Obviously that is just a theory.

The helmets left behind in Norway being the answer to where the newly found snow camos are coming from also doesn't fly. Especially if Norway reissued the majority of them.

One would have to believe Norwegians ran around picking up the helmets as souvenirs before they were reissued. I don't think that would be in the mindset of your average person at that time.

True Relic condition helmets would make sense, but not in mass quantities. I would also think just as many would be showing up from Finland as well. Yet I have not seen much mention of German Winter Camos found in Finland. I could be completely wrong and there are a lot that come out of Finland. I just haven't seen Finland mentioned much in this thread.

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DEFINITELY a pattern to this Red Cross question. Red Cross personnel rigged for combat seem to have only the armband and kit bag as identifier (and possibly a medical corp patch).

The high visibility Red Cross members (with red/white helmet, RC vest, RC flags) are shown in studio shots/poses or capture situations with Allied gear/personnel present.

And since it would have been highly frowned upon for Allied personnel to confiscate German Red Cross personnel equipment, that makes it that much less likely for red/white red cross helmets to have been taken as war booty. The Red Cross even then was an international organization, not a Nazi organization.


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Well, if that helmet passes in that forum, in FB, in WAF, sent by e-mail to some old members and most of 25/30 person agrees is a good one, and a man comes and say that is bad, is that man the only one who has reason?

Nobody says is good for being from a friend, from the woodwork, from a vet, etc... because the history is the easiest way to create a fake, just study, study and study and handling, handling, and handling...

When you travel around Europe, visiting old friend when internet era was a project, you study and smell a lot of helmets.

The fact that you EVEN MENTION Facebook and WAF as a source for authenticating ANYTHING but a pile of dog poo speaks volumes to your abilities
You are not reading what Im saying properly... The helmet he posted and gave us his typical thumbs down the same response was given there. He made it sound like it was given a thumbs up there as it clearly had not.

He is trying to make the member's there look like a bunch of fools which they are clearly not. His one sided discussions are getting old.
He posts a helmet he knows NO back story to and I do. I was contacted by a friend over the KM coastal artillery helmet and it was just bought from the family of deceased vet literally two weeks back. There is no made up story and there are NO random people faking camo's that have no clue what the damn helmet even is.. Based off the colors I said it had to be a KM coastal Arty. lid and by tracking the lot and mating it to another ckl shell it was a KM lid. I will give him credit where credit is due and say his research helped in that identification.

I will leave this with my last comment; ANYONE I MEAN ANYONE CAN DO WHAT HE IS DOING HERE !!!! IT TAKES NO SKILL OR EXPERIANCE ONLY TIME AND THE WILL>>> he seems to have plenty of both.

Yes ANYONE CAN shed light on these high end crapola Camos,,but they ARENT....why?? sheep mentality..., the fact that most of the head nodders have a pile full of these camos on thier shelves and have invested thousands,,,we simply cant afford these to be fakes,,therfore they arent!!
And you naysayers ignore legit responses, I've posted many.

1. If you comprehend what is wtitten by myself and M45 they are BOTH opinions based in either common sense and SOME fact based truths,

2. NEITHER of us has definitive proof of these logical conclusions BUT only one of us is using this as a end all be all.

3. That is the problem a lot of people have.

4. The proof is in the lid itself,wartime history,pictures,timelines are all considerations,not proof.

Here is all you need to know,.......again.

So if I post some me some pics of some "exotic Camo" period pics..........I could make the same arguments,only opposite of M45.

I'm starting to think those with lesser ability to purchase nice camos are "upset".

I would still like someone to list point by point why his "analysis" is spot on.

I think even the novices will see if they are laid out without all the other interference going it's just opinions.

Opinions are easy.
The fact that you EVEN MENTION Facebook and WAF as a source for authenticating ANYTHING but a pile of dog poo speaks volumes to your abilities
Well, i dont the kind of friends you can have there, but i consider to be in good groups, and of cource, you must take consideration of who helps you.
Its very easy
I'm starting to think those with lesser ability to purchase nice camos are "upset".

I would still like someone to list point by point why his "analysis" is spot on.

I think even the novices will see if they are laid out without all the other interference going it's just opinions.

Opinions are easy.
Why would anyone who has nothing invested be upset by fake camos in particular? What I am bothered by is scumbag dealers and forgers destroying a hobby and their work is being validated without question. This will only lead to the same type of people infiltrating and destroying other aspects of collecting. If one can fake a Camo Helmet they can certainly fake other items as well.

I think most of us on this forum have the means to buy Camo Helmets if we chose to. Have you seen any of the rifles posted?

M45 is offering a service that instead of attacking him personally, other collectors should sit back and have an open intelligent discussion about. Even if you play devil's advocate good can come of it. Nothing good ever comes out of slinging personal insults and saying "I refuse to share my knowledge, but M45 is wrong".

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Why would anyone who has nothing invested be upset by fake camos in particular? What I am bothered by is scumbag dealers and forgers destroying a hobby and their work is being validated without question. This will only lead to the same type of people infiltrating and destroying other aspects of collecting. If one can fake a Camo Helmet they can certainly fake other items as well.

I think most of us on this forum have the means to buy Camo Helmets if we chose to. Have you seen any of the rifles posted?

M45 is offering a service that instead of attacking him personally, other collectors should sit back and have an open intelligent discussion about. Even if you play devil's advocate good can come of it. Nothing good ever comes out of slinging personal insults and saying "I refuse to share my knowledge, but M45 is wrong".

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This is what most folks are doing--precisely!:thumbsup:
Why would anyone who has nothing invested be upset by fake camos in particular? What I am bothered by is scumbag dealers and forgers destroying a hobby and their work is being validated without question. This will only lead to the same type of people infiltrating and destroying other aspects of collecting. If one can fake a Camo Helmet they can certainly fake other items as well.

I think most of us on this forum have the means to buy Camo Helmets if we chose to. Have you seen any of the rifles posted?

M45 is offering a service that instead of attacking him personally, other collectors should sit back and have an open intelligent discussion about. Even if you play devil's advocate good can come of it. Nothing good ever comes out of slinging personal insults and saying "I refuse to share my knowledge, but M45 is wrong".

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What you call a service I call a disservice.

1. Yeah he points out the super obvious fakes on his own from E Bay.
2. He posts helmets on GHW that are called bad but doesn't mention it.
3. He posts helmets that are good that several of us know the actual story and still comes up with more speculative arguments to shame the helmet.

You don see how this would annoy people?

You want to see good intelligent discussion,go to GHW.

We don't have this nonsense there,why is that?

Regardless of what M45 says there is plenty if disagreement when warranted.

What he calls everyone giving thumbs up and saying "goidod helmet." is simply not the case.

It's more of many experienced collectors who show helmets sometimes collecting for decades.

Ask yourself this.If someone professes knowledge in a field with tactile real objects,wouldn't you expect them to own a few?
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I don't go to GHW so just because they are posted there many here may not see them.

Does GHW allow an open discussion or is it like WAF and gunboards?

If one is willing to have a discussion at another forum why not do the same here?

I would think M45 has handled many camo helmets and is not purely basing his knowledge on pictures alone.

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I don't go to GHW so just because they are posted there many here may not see them.

Does GHW allow an open discussion or is it like WAF and gunboards?

If one is willing to have a discussion at another forum why not do the same here?

I would think M45 has handled many camo helmets and is not purely basing his knowledge on pictures alone.

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Why do you thinks he's handled many camos?

Common sense tells us if he tells us he owns none why is he so interested in them?

The already said that ,yes there are many discussions on bad camos if warranted.

Go over there and look for yourself.

It's not the same here because he's proven himself wrong and when told won't accept it.

Something that doesn't happen at GHW.

Hell,one of mine listed here got some dissenters on GHW.

It's all good if you make good points.
I don't go to GHW so just because they are posted there many here may not see them.

Does GHW allow an open discussion or is it like WAF and gunboards?

If one is willing to have a discussion at another forum why not do the same here?

I would think M45 has handled many camo helmets and is not purely basing his knowledge on pictures alone.

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Here you go for some levity.This is my helmet discussed on GHW, I'm bringing it up again,trust me I can take warranted critisizm.

I was told by M45 I should collect something besides camos............

If you read that thread then some of the things said here there is a clear difference .
DEFINITELY a pattern to this Red Cross question. Red Cross personnel rigged for combat seem to have only the armband (and kit bag) as identifier (and possibly a medical corp patch).

The high visibility Red Cross members (with red/white helmet, RC vest) are shown in studio shots/poses or capture situations with Allied gear/personnel present.

And since it would have been highly frowned upon for Allied personnel to confiscate German Red Cross personnel equipment, that makes it that much less likely for red/white red cross helmets to have been taken as war booty. The Red Cross even then was an international organization, not a Nazi organization.

Nobody ? I thought this was a good point.

Photo #7 of the 3 RK personnel, 2 painted helmets - those are US Army tents in the background, no ?


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Here you go for some levity.This is my helmet discussed on GHW, I'm bringing it up again,trust me I can take warranted critisizm.

I was told by M45 I should collect something besides camos............

If you read that thread then some of the things said here there is a clear difference .
Need to get on laptop. What is so hard about forums installing tapatalk?

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