Questionable Camos

..If you ever marched around as a soldier you would realize that a German helmet is heavy/bulky and not something you would want to hoof around for a long time..

Great observation! I did and still do drop my brain bucket at every opportunity.
Not sure the game you are playing but, you are losing all your credibility as you are twisting the truth.
This was put on the discussion forum as a ? was asked as far as originality and it was struck down immediately.
So, we are not as dumb as you are making yourself look..
The exterior is flat and new looking the interior is flat new looking a really bad combo.

Please don't try to dumb down GHW and give yourself so high status here... It's not working. Best to stick with the lot list something your good at and it's actually a positive thing. This witch hunt your on is over as you have lost all credibility with most.

you naysayers fail to support your reasoning with anything factual,resorting to sarcasm, insults and bullying,,Socrates said: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"
Brian has shown you the way,,yet you guys still want to "believe" so have at it,,,,
you naysayers fail to support your reasoning with anything factual,resorting to sarcasm, insults and bullying,,Socrates said: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"
Brian has shown you the way,,yet you guys still want to "believe" so have at it,,,,

And you naysayers ignore legit responses, I've posted many.

1. If you comprehend what is wtitten by myself and M45 they are BOTH opinions based in either common sense and SOME fact based truths,

2. NEITHER of us has definitive proof of these logical conclusions BUT only one of us is using this as a end all be all.

3. That is the problem a lot of people have.

4. The proof is in the lid itself,wartime history,pictures,timelines are all considerations,not proof.
More medic photos. The red armband appears standard but when viewing many photos of German medics, most clearly wore standard helmets, not the bright white background with red cross as collectors perceive. Those seem to have been rare. And there are those with white helmets but no red cross.


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It looks like modern collector's perceptions of WW2 German medics was that they all had bright white helmets with red crosses. So now, collectors want a German medic helmet and by golly they are being found left and right out of the woodwork.

So like white painted snow camos, white red cross medic helmets also appear to have been rare back then, yet this does not stop collector's perceptions that these were common and thus the acceptance of loads of these appearing out of the woodwork for sale to the gullible.


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This is of course speculation, but the reason most German medics appear to have worn standard helmets was that they wanted their medics to be visible to their own troops but not to the enemy. A bright white helmet with bright red crosses would have been a target and a hazard in a combat zone (giving away positions and such), and this was realized at the time, I believe.

It was probably toward the later stages of the war when Germans were surrendering in large groups when the bright white/bright red cross helmets started to appear. Then it was more desirable for German medics to be highly visible even to the Allies, during mass surrenders for example.

Notice the third photo in post# 1565 of well-marked red cross personnel with US troops in the background.

Other photos of well-marked red cross personnel appear to have been studio/posed shots.
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But Brian,,,like you said,,"I want a medic helmet" or I'm going to cry,,,,,lets face it
most collectors financial means outweigh their knowledge it appears
I hear you, bro. I feel your pain. I'm here to help. You caught me at just the right time! I just happen to have some of these for sale. Take you pick.

But not the KM with heavy wear, that one is mine : )

EDIT: I believe the KM medic has a chance. Notice disparity of wear between the KM medic and the others ?


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you naysayers fail to support your reasoning with anything factual,resorting to sarcasm, insults and bullying,,Socrates said: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"
Brian has shown you the way,,yet you guys still want to "believe" so have at it,,,,

Not really...Anyone with a computer and lots of time can do the same thing. I do think its a worth while discussion hence why I respond and continue to do so. I tend only to argue when I know Im right. He doesn't think anyone but himself tells the truth or anyone else's opinion matters.

Now you see frustration.

He posts a helmet that was shot down on another forum like they weren't smart enough to tell it was a modern forgery say its fake. Just look there for the same results.

He has an axe to grind with GHW that's pretty clear. If he's so great he should start his own helmet forum. As they aren't doing a proper job according to M45.

I'm glad he has changed his focus back to medic lids as that's an area that needs a major house cleaning.
I have to say M45 makes some excellent points.

Very few soldiers are going to want to hump around an extra helmet. So taking them as souvenirs during the height of the war just does not make sense. I know personally it would only take a day or so of carrying it around before it got tossed. Now if the war has ended grab one from a pile knowing I am heading home that makes sense.

However it also makes sense that these would no longer be setup as snow camos in May. Even if it wasn't an official order what soldier in his right mind would want to stick a white helmet on his head in Spring. Especially when things are not looking too good for the Germans. I would venture to guess the removal of the white would be one of their first actions once the snow started to melt.

It also makes sense that at the end of the war medic helmets would be painted white with a large Red Cross. Medics I am sure were in need and there would be less chance of being killed by advancing Allied Forces. Obviously that is just a theory.

The helmets left behind in Norway being the answer to where the newly found snow camos are coming from also doesn't fly. Especially if Norway reissued the majority of them.

One would have to believe Norwegians ran around picking up the helmets as souvenirs before they were reissued. I don't think that would be in the mindset of your average person at that time.

True Relic condition helmets would make sense, but not in mass quantities. I would also think just as many would be showing up from Finland as well. Yet I have not seen much mention of German Winter Camos found in Finland. I could be completely wrong and there are a lot that come out of Finland. I just haven't seen Finland mentioned much in this thread.

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you naysayers fail to support your reasoning with anything factual,resorting to sarcasm, insults and bullying,,Socrates said: "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"
Brian has shown you the way,,yet you guys still want to "believe" so have at it,,,,

Lol Niblet, are you the famous Niblet from GHw and FB??, you are very famous in the wassap groups:thumbsup:
Not really...Anyone with a computer and lots of time can do the same thing. I do think its a worth while discussion hence why I respond and continue to do so. I tend only to argue when I know Im right. He doesn't think anyone but himself tells the truth or anyone else's opinion matters.

Now you see frustration.

He posts a helmet that was shot down on another forum like they weren't smart enough to tell it was a modern forgery say its fake. Just look there for the same results.

He has an axe to grind with GHW that's pretty clear. If he's so great he should start his own helmet forum. As they aren't doing a proper job according to M45.

I'm glad he has changed his focus back to medic lids as that's an area that needs a major house cleaning.

So if a helmet passes muster on another forum than M45 is somehow wrong? that a forum is somehow above reproach?
i too think GHW2 is suffering from "maroon morons" syndrome the same as WAF,,,,brian is trying to sound the alarm is all
only the wise will heed his warnings

its not about being great,,its about taking the item and looking at it and not listening to stories or opinions of the unwashed masses
Famous? if by famous you mean consistently pointing out the ridiculous fakes on the above mentioned sites,,then yes

Pointing out, you? if you have allways asked here because you dont have the enought knowledge to see it, c´mon boy ,be more serious.

And if im not wrong, you sayd in that famous fb sentence that you liked it
Pointing out, you? if you have allways asked here because you dont have the enought knowledge to see it, c´mon boy ,be more serious.

And if im not wrong, you sayd in that famous fb sentence that you liked it

Is this ACER? well whatever nic you hide behind,, you are no doubt a shill for "Gulli" and his amazing collection of enhanced exotic "camos"
who knows. maybe he is the source of all these new generation "enhancements",,he sure is a sore loser:thumbsup:
So if a helmet passes muster on another forum than M45 is somehow wrong? that a forum is somehow above reproach?
i too think GHW2 is suffering from "maroon morons" syndrome the same as WAF,,,,brian is trying to sound the alarm is all
only the wise will heed his warnings

its not about being great,,its about taking the item and looking at it and not listening to stories or opinions of the unwashed masses

Well, if that helmet passes in that forum, in FB, in WAF, sent by e-mail to some old members and most of 25/30 person agrees is a good one, and a man comes and say that is bad, is that man the only one who has reason?

Nobody says is good for being from a friend, from the woodwork, from a vet, etc... because the history is the easiest way to create a fake, just study, study and study and handling, handling, and handling...

When you travel around Europe, visiting old friend when internet era was a project, you study and smell a lot of helmets.
Is this ACER? well whatever nic you hide behind,, you are no doubt a shill for "Gulli" and his amazing collection of enhanced exotic "camos"
who knows. maybe he is the source of all these new generation "enhancements",,he sure is a sore loser:thumbsup:

ACER??!!, no im MASTER. :laugh::laugh:

Shill of Gulli? lol!!!! :laugh::hail: the problem is that i can´t sort out to you because you fell by yourself