Questionable Camos

GHW2 multi-colored wire camo. Well received as were the previous two, but is it me or am I seeing things very odd about this camo ??


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I've got to pay to bitch now ?? What is this world coming to Frank ? K98K should charge admission to view this threat with its organ grinder and monkeys and all : )

Oh no! The bitching is free.

The pictures cost a little bit of money. Put 5 bucks down – buy a few bananas for those monkeys! :laugh:

Another nice GHW2 camo. A Normandy 3-color that shows age and wear. What ?? No fancy woodship or sand media, no fancy distinct patterns, no bright shiny finish, no chicken/bailing wire, no heavy finish popped off to bare metal ??

I like this helmet a good bit. I'd be happy to own it.
GHW2 authentication table camo.

It is interesting to see the varied thinking of GHW2 members re: camos. This camo appears to be on the edge of their knowledge of original vs. fake. The fake liner was spotted straight away, but some remarked that if it were not for the fake liner, the camo would be scary good looking. One member commented that the camo looked good to him and that even with a fake liner, the camo could still be good. Others were more suspicious and brought up Latvia (BINGO) and the repetitive tool marks.

WHY is this Latvian Connection camo so good looking to them ? A fairly bright 3-color Normandy (RAL colors off) with contrived wear and fake liner. Interior dark green with rust spots is CLASSIC Latvian Connection.

These 'regional fake kamoz' (re: Latvian, French, Norwegian) have similar characteristics and should be some of the easier kamoz to spot, yet it is scary good looking ???

What happens when the professionally done high-end fakes are passed before them ? What chance do they have then ?


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Oh no! The bitching is free.

The pictures cost a little bit of money. Put 5 bucks down – buy a few bananas for those monkeys! :laugh:


I can't put my 5 bucks down Frank, my membership has been refused :reposthorse:

I just can't figure out how a helmet forum with the vast experience GHW has could be enamored by such an obvious Latvian fake ?
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GHW2 authentication table camo.

It is interesting to see the varied thinking of GHW2 members re: camos. This camo appears to be on the edge of their knowledge of original vs. fake. The fake liner was spotted straight away, but some remarked that if it were not for the fake liner, the camo would be scary good looking. One member commented that the camo looked good to him and that even with a fake liner, the camo could still be good. Others were more suspicious and brought up Latvia (BINGO) and the repetitive tool marks.

WHY is this Latvian Connection camo so good looking to them ? A fairly bright 3-color Normandy (RAL colors off) with contrived wear and fake liner. Interior dark green with rust spots is CLASSIC Latvian Connection.

These 'regional fake kamoz' (re: Latvian, French, Norwegian) have similar characteristics and should be some of the easier kamoz to spot, yet it is scary good looking ???

What happens when the professionally done high-end fakes are passed before them ? What chance do they have then ?

You sure spend a lot of time on GHW for not being a member there!

Read the thread again: nobody said anything more about this thing other than it is a good looking fake?

You sure spend a lot of time on GHW for not being a member there!

Read the thread again: nobody said anything more about

this thing other than it is a good looking fake?


That's part of the problem here.Many,many fakes put on here confirmed as fake on GHW,but never mentioned.So IMO this forum has an agenda.
You sure spend a lot of time on GHW for not being a member there!

Read the thread again: nobody said anything more about this thing other than it is a good looking fake?


I think I got the gist of it Frank; a crude Latvian fake camo looks scary good, and with an original liner could pass for authentic. One guy says that despite the bad liner, the camo might still be authentic.

Frank, Frank... despite years of being online and 1000's of helmets posted with many bang-on camos, you would think the forum was filled with a bunch of novices.

I guess my point is, why does an obvious crude Latvian fake look so good to a forum with so much experience ?

Here's one for the record books; an M35 Luftwaffe with wood-chip tan paint and a former chicken-wire and former inner-tube band camo to boot !!!
Damn Frank, where are they FINDING these beauties !!! There seems to be NO END to them.

Wait a minute, I think I have this wrong. It looks like an M35 Luftwaffe with Luft blue-gray camo with wood-chips, then rubber band and wire, then tan camo on top of all that, then wire and band removal = a work of art. It looks like the artist put the helmet on and did head-stands in the sandbox to give it that nice worn look.

Assessment: Luft blue gray used with wood-chips ? I don't think so. Every one I've seen was highly dubious IMO. THEN an inner tube band, THEN chicken wire, THEN tan camo paint, THEN removal of wire and band ?? Add to that all of the red rust on that beast and you have a total fantasy piece, IMO.

Red rust should be a red flag. Who in their right mind leaves their priceless one-of-a-kind treasures out in the weather ? You'll notice how many of these exotic freshies have red rust - it is part of the ageing process.

I'm sorry, Frank. Tell your forum friends it's no good.


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PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: The sheet steel construction helmet retains about most of its three-tone pattern camo overpaint. Eagle decal was painted around when the camo was originally applied and is still visible. Tri-color had a light coat of camo paint applied over top, but it still very visible. The interior of the helmet has a M31 leather liner with all eight of it’s fingers and original tie-string intact. The reverse, interior, neck guard apron is serial/lot number stamped, "T 3664" and the interior, left side, apron has the stamped manufacturer’s code and size, "ET64", indicating manufacture byEisen-und Hüttenwerke, AG Thale/Harz, size 64. Complete with original chinstrap. Nice looking camo helmet.

GRADE ****1/4 PRICE $3,570.00


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WK2 Original Wehrmacht M35 Stahlhelm mit Normandietarnung

Futter wurde Teilweise erneuert . Lack stark nach gedunkelt . Zustand siehe Bilder bei Fragen bitte Mailen .Rückgaberecht 7 Tage auf Originalität, nicht auf Zustand oder "Nichtgefallen"! Versand ins Ausland bitte Preis erfragen . Pay Pal Zahlung nur für Ausland . Seht euch auch meine anderen Auktionen an. Viel Spaß beim bieten .

EUR 299,00
0 Gebote


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M35 DD Luft camo - My first helmet

Another Norwegian woodwork find, this one well received at WAF. I never cease to be amazed at what passes for authentic these days on experienced helmet forums. Many German helmets were reissued postwar in Norway; I believe this was one of them. I have seen that same color of overpaint on other Norwegian reworks, those with the tan paint to base metal and red treated liners. The net does not impress either. Isn't it strange how the former occupied countries are suddenly flush with camo helmets now that they know how much they are selling for (2K-4K average), places like Norway, France, Italy, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia.

Take a postwar Norwegian reissue, bang it up a bit, throw on a recent net and viola! you have an extremely 'rare and original' camo.

If you are a camo collector, I would stay away from camos from occupied countries. You've got about a 95+% chance of getting a bad one. Your chances in the US are slightly better, only about 85%.

A fantastic Norwegian woodwork find! I have seen others from Norway with similar nets. Are you near the coast? I have seen others with that paint as well, in southern Norway (Rogaland/Agderfylkene if I remember correctly). Some say that paint color is Norwegian OD but I am sure it is German.

A few thoughts on the net. I understand they are highly debated and that it is hard to know when they were applied. I have asked an old colleague who is very much into fishing. He is certain that this is the kind of net they used to trap large groups of fish. I believe so too. Fishing was a huge industry here on the west coast of Norway those days. Combined with the helmets history I personally have no doubt it was applied during the war.


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GHW2 woodchip/wire camo. Posted by a member who just acquired it, no solid provenance whatsoever, not even an attempt at any provenance.

GHW2 is not buying it though. They are starting to question these exotic freshies.

Essentially no combat wear despite heavy rim/vent/rivet wear. Woodchips AND wire AND snow/mud ?, typically overdone re: exotic freshies. Liner appears to have been treated. A nice painted name.

That's got to be at least a 3-4K item. I would consider this to be a professionally done high-end fake. Anyone ?


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More photos. Some red rust and rust pitting. Who is leaving their precious camo beauties out in the weather again ???

I feel as if my message is getting through.


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More photos. Some red rust and rust pitting. Who is leaving their precious camo beauties out in the weather again ???

I feel as if my message is getting through.

Believe it or not I was able to come to the conclusion on my own. Base shell is fine. I feel the liner was added and the wire.
This is my opinion and mine alone others may feel differently that's their right.

Wire is extremely rusted either it was that way when applied then or now either way. No way I'm paying a premium for a wire helmet.
You are making progress Mauser, and I can't fault that. But the key issue here is that IMO the base shell IS NOT fine. Heavy wear to rim/vents/rivets with some rust pitting despite pristine condition paint (strong disparity of wear). Original camos show a much more even wear because all of the components saw real combat as a unit. Original camos were not created in a garage or art studio with an artist picking and choosing where to apply the damage.

Also ask yourself why would a "bang-on" wood-chip camo with traces of snow/mud even need a rusty old wire ? And why not put a decent liner in it ?
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You are making progress Mauser, and I can't fault that. But the key issue here is that IMO the base shell IS NOT fine. Heavy wear to rim/vents/rivets with some rust pitting despite pristine condition paint (strong disparity of wear). Original camos show a much more even wear because all of the components saw real combat as a unit. Original camos were not created in a garage or art studio with an artist picking and choosing where to apply the damage.

Also ask yourself why would a "bang-on" wood-chip camo with traces of snow/mud even need a rusty old wire ? And why not put a decent liner in it ?

Now I think you finally "jumped the shark" Full dusclousure,it's my lid.Ive sent them back before,this one has a lifetime guarantee from a honorable seller.This one I won't be sending back.I listed the reasons why I like it on GHW in hand.

This is by no means another "exotic freshy" I think it wasn't stored in a temp controlled environment,I don't believe it's "snow" and the wire exhibits bits of the camo.The liner may have been replaced( pins aren't bent though)

It's fine though,some may like it,some may not.I think you missed some things that favor it's real but to each his own.