You sure spend a lot of time on GHW for not being a member there!
Read the thread again: nobody said anything more about this thing other than it is a good looking fake?
I think I got the gist of it Frank; a crude Latvian fake camo looks scary good, and with an original liner could pass for authentic. One guy says that despite the bad liner, the camo
might still be authentic.
Frank, Frank... despite years of being online and 1000's of helmets posted with many bang-on camos, you would think the forum was filled with a bunch of novices.
I guess my point is, why does an obvious crude Latvian fake look so good to a forum with so much experience ?
Here's one for the record books; an M35 Luftwaffe with wood-chip tan paint and a former chicken-wire and former inner-tube band camo to boot !!!
Damn Frank, where are they FINDING these beauties !!! There seems to be NO END to them.
Wait a minute, I think I have this wrong. It looks like an M35 Luftwaffe with Luft blue-gray camo with wood-chips, then rubber band and wire, then tan camo on top of all that, then wire and band removal = a work of art. It looks like the artist put the helmet on and did head-stands in the sandbox to give it that nice worn look.
Assessment: Luft blue gray used with wood-chips ? I don't think so. Every one I've seen was highly dubious IMO. THEN an inner tube band, THEN chicken wire, THEN tan camo paint, THEN removal of wire and band ?? Add to that all of the red rust on that beast and you have a total fantasy piece, IMO.
Red rust should be a red flag. Who in their right mind leaves their priceless one-of-a-kind treasures out in the weather ? You'll notice how many of these exotic freshies have red rust - it is part of the ageing process.
I'm sorry, Frank. Tell your forum friends it's no good.