The SSD MP38s sucked....however I have one and will never sell it unless I get a real one..... The semi design was cool in that it kept things as close as possible to the original, while keeping with a closed bolt hammer fired design. Field stripping was the same and overall appearance was awesome. They look like a real MP, way better than the "SSR" MP40s..... (but at least those work). But in function the SSD MP38 design was very lacking.......
A disconnector would have helped,, but as it is if you are shooting faster than one round a second you will trip the hammer while the bolt is in mid cycle and jam up the whole works. So you have to field strip the gun to get it so you can re-cock the hammer with your fingers then put it back together. Then repeat......
IO didn't do anything to fix this,, just an addendum to the owners manual not to pull the trigger while the bolt was back and how to clear it if you do!
I put a section of nylon dowel in the spring tube so the bolt cannot go past the hammer. No more stuck bolts.
Then the firing pins.... oh yes the firing pins........
Little "L" shaped bastards....... the firing pin itself was pressed into an extension,,..... first the firing pin would break from the extension. Then eventually the striker would stick in the bolt face...... I don't know how I never got any runaways with it, just jams when that happened..... SO I mod'd ar15 firing pins and used an additional forward spring on them. No more problems there for year or so.... then it was light strikes galore. It was maddening......Hammer springs are the same as an MP44/G43,,, so that was easy enough, except it didn't help..... I ended up switched out the firing pin with an MG42 firing pin and that has cleared up allot of the light strikes,, It will fire most anything live now..... but it still will only fire swanson's blanks though,, everyone elses blanks will light strike... It makes no sense.......
Then during all that the rear "L" shaped firing pin extensions decided to break. After having it welded and it breaking again a couple times I had new parts fabricated. A new reinforced firing pin extension and a new threaded end cap on the spring tube to fit the new beefed up firing pin extension.
So now with my MG 42 firing pin, new fabricated parts and $600 later it's running great.
Not being in an MG state my MP options were/are limited. If I didn't love the gun I would've shite canned it long ago. I've run pretty close to 5K rds through it though...... So they are fun when they work!
A disconnector would have helped,, but as it is if you are shooting faster than one round a second you will trip the hammer while the bolt is in mid cycle and jam up the whole works. So you have to field strip the gun to get it so you can re-cock the hammer with your fingers then put it back together. Then repeat......
IO didn't do anything to fix this,, just an addendum to the owners manual not to pull the trigger while the bolt was back and how to clear it if you do!
I put a section of nylon dowel in the spring tube so the bolt cannot go past the hammer. No more stuck bolts.
Then the firing pins.... oh yes the firing pins........
Little "L" shaped bastards....... the firing pin itself was pressed into an extension,,..... first the firing pin would break from the extension. Then eventually the striker would stick in the bolt face...... I don't know how I never got any runaways with it, just jams when that happened..... SO I mod'd ar15 firing pins and used an additional forward spring on them. No more problems there for year or so.... then it was light strikes galore. It was maddening......Hammer springs are the same as an MP44/G43,,, so that was easy enough, except it didn't help..... I ended up switched out the firing pin with an MG42 firing pin and that has cleared up allot of the light strikes,, It will fire most anything live now..... but it still will only fire swanson's blanks though,, everyone elses blanks will light strike... It makes no sense.......
Then during all that the rear "L" shaped firing pin extensions decided to break. After having it welded and it breaking again a couple times I had new parts fabricated. A new reinforced firing pin extension and a new threaded end cap on the spring tube to fit the new beefed up firing pin extension.
So now with my MG 42 firing pin, new fabricated parts and $600 later it's running great.
Not being in an MG state my MP options were/are limited. If I didn't love the gun I would've shite canned it long ago. I've run pretty close to 5K rds through it though...... So they are fun when they work!