New semi auto STG 44s being imported

Hey actiondan - these two site links are still active: - The site importing SSD products. - The site looking to produce the rifle in various calibers.

El-Be-Tac's site link is 404. Nothing new on Robarms (a rumored importer) either.

I've tried to get information from all these places, but no dice.

Honestly guys, I'm saving my coin for SMGs Type 1 FG42. If at all possible, Rick WILL build them - they are made in the USA -
and they are backed by the manufacturer. :thumbsup:

I'm also getting prepared to spend some coin this Fall on a few mods I want done for my PTR44.

I'm not saving money on wishful thinking ever again. :googlie



It's one thing to put up a web site but another thing to actually have product to sell. Like D.D. Dog I too am awaiting the new SMG FG42 Mod.1 with open arms and wallet. lol

I know Rick Smith will get the Product to Market, that's for Damn sure.

More MKB

Hi Guy's

Remember in Canada our magazines are limited to five rounds so short video, my first shots with ZF41 at fifty yard target. It was in the middle of the paper but low, I did not bring the ZF41 sighting tools with me so I will have to go again and adjust for elevation, such a fun gun to shoot! love it! maybe because my 300 Win pounded me......

Hi Guy's

Remember in Canada our magazines are limited to five rounds so short video, my first shots with ZF41 at fifty yard target. It was in the middle of the paper but low, I did not bring the ZF41 sighting tools with me so I will have to go again and adjust for elevation, such a fun gun to shoot! love it! maybe because my 300 Win pounded me......


Thanks DB, beautiful setup. I had a K98 with a repro ZF41 on it, what a PITA to zero. Took me about 2 hours to get the job done. I believe the Germans had
Armorers do the setup.

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Hmg stg44 clone

The attached pics came in an email from HMG indicating prototype progress...


  • 650b6e74-a754-42d5-8bff-502c04a1d2ae.jpg
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  • 917d1bdf-3645-4b6e-981d-98f3b1edd8b5.jpg
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The attached pics came in an email from HMG indicating prototype progress...

Everybody and his mother-in-law in the Eastern block are churning out the pictured parts. Gunbroker is full of them. They are easy to fabricate (although the pictured op-rod is completely wrong) and skill-wise nothing compared to the other parts needed for an MP44.

Four tires and a cell phone battery don't make a Tesla car.
PTR44 still the only game in town, one of the valiant 200.:thumbsup: These Rifles can become reliable if one is willing to strip out all original internals and replace with MP44 Parts.

For all of the heartbreak I had to put up with in the end I'm proud to own one. (that works) ;)

Only thing that comes close is the real thing.

Is it a terrible thing that I recognise your Deck from photos over on HkPro?
Great collection, Model!

A lot of different calibers.

My whole shooting collection is 8x57 or 8x33 - makes life simple, but no less expensive, lol.
Great collection, Model!

A lot of different calibers.

My whole shooting collection is 8x57 or 8x33 - makes life simple, but no less expensive, lol.

Mine represent a whole bunch of calibers. I like the German stuff the most which is why I have a K98 sniper, an SMG FG42 and PTR44. Then lots of AKs (mostly Chinese) and some AR platforms. Throw in a few newer piston guns like the SCAR and ACR and then add a bunch of hunting rifles, shotguns, and .22s. Not much of a defined collection, but lots of fun to shoot as mine are ALL shooters.

I've seen a few more select pics of his and I have to say - I'd like to my hands on a few more of Model's toys.

I got this today from waffenfabrik

Dear Jack

Just an update on were we are with respect to these weapons.
As you may know these guns have been produced to the original German
specifications with updates that reflect the lates
metal technologies and safety issues.

As we are importing these guns from the German manufacturer the ATF has
requested that we first supply them with one of each type for approval.
We are currently awaiting this approval. The ATF will not give us a
timeframe so we will have to wait and see.

As soon as approval is granted the first weapons will be shipped.
I will keep you informed.
If you have any queries or would like to be removed from this list
please respond to this email accordingly



I received the same Email. Looks like they will be doing the MP44/MP38 first. Unfortunately I have no interest in ether one.
Now if they would do a MKb42(H) or a STG45 that would be a different story.

Thanks for the complements on the collection Guys, as always German weapons of War is my main interest.
However over the years I have developed an interest in American/Russian/European (Eastern European) Guns.

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Yes - this is the info. I heard, Model.
Additionally I also heard that the Mkb42(h) replica would be closed bolt for US buyers, which is good, if not 100% accurate.

Ref. my statement about calibers - my shooting collection is 8x57 and 8x33 - being the ones I take to the range to shoot live on my own time - and the only live ammo I keep.
The rest of the arsenal is tuned for blanks, and we currently cover about 14 different calibers (and then different powder loads of most of those calibers.)
I received this e-mail today from Waffenfabrik

Dear undefined

It has been a while since I contacted you in respect of our desire to
import the MP38 and STG44.
In my last note I mentioned that we were at the mercy of the ATF. well
it got worse than that the German equivalent the BAFA.
Got involved and believe me they make the ATF look like amateurs when it
comes to Bureaucracy.
We had to resubmit the weapons in order for them to receive the German
Standards Bureau Proof test. This has now been completed
along with the proof stamps and the test weapons should be on there way
back to our German manufacturer in the near future.
Once this happens they will be resent to the ATF for approval. We have
already identified and sourced 922r compliant parts and once approval is
granted our German Manufacturer will release the first batch of weapons
as per our standing Purchase order.

Unfortunately I do not have a pricing at the moment as we are in
discussion with the Manufacturer to attempt to lower the wholesale
price. Thankfully this seems to be one part of the process that appears
to be going well.

I appreciate your patience and understand if you are no longer interested.

Yours Sincerely

Harry Batten
Managing Partner
Waffenfabrik USA
Great! I would give my eye-teeth for an Mkb42(h) replica, but due to the CT AWB, that is no longer possible. Each day gives me a new reason to move!
1 Year warranty for a product that has some serious known deficiencies? We got guys buying up original bolts and oprods to replace their failing SSD internals.

Is anyone else skeptical?
I had a chance last spring to buy several PTR MP-44's that were not functioning correctly from Jerry at recon, I spoke to Jerry several times. I regret being to Leary and not buying one of them and sending it off to pete I got bolts and op rods

Leary of the new product, heck I wont even download windows 10. I am Leary of every new product