So this dude who claims in his "Black Widow" infommercial that he won't even change out a loading tool from a holster swaps the magazine and grips and essentially commits historical vandalism of a factory original piece for a huge markup? Is that a bit douchenozzle in addition to guncarnie? Just my question and humble opinion.
I laughed b/c I heard him say the same thing in his video. I wouldn’t swap tools, swap grips though, that’s a different story. They have a couple things that they wanted to put on consignment for me too, calling on Monday to get those back. Been an eye opening experience for sure. I had one account of them for reputation and it was good feedback, that’s over.
I bet there are guys here who would pay more than he would to swap grips and parts and flip and the guys here are buying for their collections.
Truthfully I sold mainly the “scraps” stuff that was rougher or had issues and they offered prices I’d be embarrassed to ask for. That being said, I’m going back to just selling to collectors if I part with anything else. I’m generally not about getting top dollar, as I believe you need to pass some stuff along reasonably otherwise the hobby dies. I bought a C&R MP40 and the wife wanted me to quickly replace what came out of the checking. Something about a gun not benefiting the family or something of that nature, I wasn’t really listening. Going tried and true and using the trader from here on out.
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But how does an MP.40 not benefit the family? For the life of me I can’t come up with a single reason how it doesn’t.

I’m looking for a nice Beretta M1934 rig in 1941 or 1942 flavor.
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But how does an MP.40 not benefit the family? For the life of me I can’t come up with a single reason how it doesn’t.

I’m looking for a nice Beretta M1934 rig in 1941 or 1942 flavor.
I can’t figure it either, it’s really for the kids. Got duplicates of my US stuff (have twins and can’t have them fighting when I’m dead 😂), really just a regular family man over here!

Unfortunately can’t help out with the beretta 1934, I had one Italian 1934 that I sold on here about a year or so ago. Had an opportunity to buy one from a vets nephew a few years back but he wanted $1k for it and at that time was REALLY overpriced and had to pass unfortunately.

Almost 7k for common "Black Widows".

According to Tom's own book, a byf41 is 2500 and a 42 is 2800. He suggests you add 1000 for plastic (which is insane).

Almost 7k for common "Black Widows".

According to Tom's own book, a byf41 is 2500 and a 42 is 2800. He suggests you add 1000 for plastic (which is insane).
What does the price guide suggest adding for the holster, second magazine and loading/takedown tool? Is it another $3,000?
What does the price guide suggest adding for the holster, second magazine and loading/takedown tool? Is it another $3,000?
Sadly, he does not tell us. Perhaps it will be corrected in the next edition.
This goes back to the "why so much thread" Again as I stated when you run no reserve absolute auctions and the market is driving the price then you can self justify charging that price.. That's how I see this anyways..
Before this even started Nick and I just for a non scientific study have been tracking these for the last couple years.. I had gained an interest and Nick is a seasoned luger observer. This price hike was driven over no reserve auctions eclipsing even Pre98 insane retail prices.. Now the market self adjusts to the point when they sit for 3-4 months unsold discount it for 20% and see if they bite..
High prices wont stop till people refuse to pay !! Its that simple....

The black bakelite grips were probably made by a third party and its possible there was surplus available post war ??? It seems plausible a stash of these were found as replacement parts were usually made in excess of what was really needed.. No post war use can be seen in Germany other than the VOPO grips which are of a totally different pattern and I have no clue of their internal composition..
Another 7K BW.

Possibly the original matching grips from above? Very convenient timing for some 655 grips numbered 94 to show up a month before the above goes on sale.

Edit: Screen shots added:


  • P.08 BW Legacy ad 94 grips.JPG
    P.08 BW Legacy ad 94 grips.JPG
    102.9 KB · Views: 30
  • P.08 BW Legacy ad 94 replaced grips 2.JPG
    P.08 BW Legacy ad 94 replaced grips 2.JPG
    151.6 KB · Views: 30
  • P.08 BW Legacy ad 94 replaced grips.JPG
    P.08 BW Legacy ad 94 replaced grips.JPG
    98 KB · Views: 30
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Haha, so in July he lists a matching pair of grips to a gun that sells a month later with the same serial number but has the mythical “Black Widow” grips?

What a clown. I want to post this on Gunboards and get his defenders in a tizzy. I’m still annoyed with how many people defended him selling a junk Arisaka “sniper” bubba job with the caveat that he wasn’t well versed in Japanese snipers…..despite making a YouTube video where he talks all about them as some kind of authority.
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I've pretty much stopped collecting WWII firearms because it's just too much of a minefield anymore.
I’m sorry but it is not unique to WWII firearms. Anothing worth collecting is a minefield. Guy told me the other day that they are faking Pokémon cards.
Another 7K BW.

Possibly the original matching grips from above? Very convenient timing for some 655 grips numbered 94 to show up a month before the above goes on sale.

Thanks for posting that. What we know:
1) He's done the grip switch on a member's P.08 and flipped it with an added set of "Black Widow" grips;
2) He handled Ralph Shattuck's estate;
3) Ralph had spare "Black Widow" grips;
4) Now this....

This is the essence of gun carnie conduct. Historical and original firearms are being humped and vandalized for profit. All my humble opinions.
Out of curiosity, I read Ryan's review of Tom's book:

then I watched McCollum's review (I subscribe to his channel):

(just watch the comments of people being baited below his video)

Finally, I read this thread.

The consequence for me is that the stench of forgery emanating from Legacy will probably make me unsubscribe to Ian's channel (the moment when he tried to publish the book of a Swedish volunteer to the Azov battalion was already a red flag).
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