Was just going to make that same comment, to their credit they did make that update so followed through with what they said they were going to do.

No credit given. They ONLY did that because he was called out for it. It's not like they had a sudden change on conscious and decided it wasn't right to deceive collectors. If the OP hadn't noticed this, that listing would have stayed the same.
IMO, he's still obfuscating in that ad. If he were being honest, the add would actually say that the original grips were removed and replaced.
No credit given. They ONLY did that because he was called out for it. It's not like they had a sudden change on conscious and decided it wasn't right to deceive collectors. If the OP hadn't noticed this, that listing would have stayed the same.
Buddabing. Also, quite the circular bullshite in the response. I won't swap a takedown tool because either a 655 or 135 could be correct, but I will swap grips to make $1000 more because either could be correct? Worse, I will remove the original factory numbered grips, sell those separately, and add "Black Widow" grips and destroy originality to make more money? He says the serial range was "Black Widow" grip range? Really? I mean, I didn't shite a Luger book, but I know that wood and black resin grips are interspersed though out that byf 42 range. But that proves too much because we know THAT P.08 had wooden grips because I presume they were matched to it. Good grief.
Buddabing. Also, quite the circular bullshite in the response. I won't swap a takedown tool because either a 655 or 135 could be correct, but I will swap grips to make $1000 more because either could be correct? Worse, I will remove the original factory numbered grips, sell those separately, and add "Black Widow" grips and destroy originality to make more money? He says the serial range was "Black Widow" grip range? Really? I mean, I didn't shite a Luger book, but I know that wood and black resin grips are interspersed though out that byf 42 range. But that proves too much because we know THAT P.08 had wooden grips because I presume they were matched to it. Good grief.
They were original wooden grips, but were armorer replacements. One would make the assumption that the previous grips were also wood as the Bakelite tended to hold up better.
They were original wooden grips, but were armorer replacements. One would make the assumption that the previous grips were also wood as the Bakelite tended to hold up better.

Well that's not nearly as bad. We don't have someone tossing factory original grips to fabricate a "Black Widow". It's still a cheesy "wordsmith" means of getting around the fact that he swapped the grips, which is now corrected as it was caught. Perhaps it did have "Black Widow" grips on it, which were swapped out before you got it and it was sold. Thanks for the clarification.
For byf41 6294w, we very well might. How many number matched grips has he done this to?

Nice to see him admit he is boosting Lugers to "Black Widows" for profit. It may not be illegal, but its slimy.
Well now we know how much he values his reputation and what he thinks it's worth.

To add to your first point, kinda makes his whole book worth less than a pile of dogshite now. Bravo Legacy dude you've really out done yourself now.

I'd never whore out my rep like that, especially for that, not going to going to lie im kinda like a stud.
Randomly came upon this just now. Here's a byf 41"Black Widow" that a vet brought home with him. Complete with a second matching magazine which just happens to have an aluminum bottom...

For byf41 6294w, we very well might. How many number matched grips has he done this to?

Nice to see him admit he is boosting Lugers to "Black Widows" for profit. It may not be illegal, but its slimy.

For the life of me I don't know why Tom\Legacy get such a free pass on Still's Luger Board, your post there calling this out with clear pictures before and after and instead of seeing it for what it is most of them are basically defending him or saying it's not a big deal??? "He's a great guy!!" "I've bought from him and always been happy!!" This isn't like adding a sling to a K98 that didn't have one, he's swapping original parts to boost value, slimy indeed.

For the life of me I don't know why Tom\Legacy get such a free pass on Still's Luger Board, your post there calling this out with clear pictures before and after and instead of seeing it for what it is most of them are basically defending him or saying it's not a big deal??? "He's a great guy!!" "I've bought from him and always been happy!!" This isn't like adding a sling to a K98 that didn't have one, he's swapping original parts to boost value, slimy indeed.


Which is why more than a few of us are banned from Gunboreds.
For the life of me I don't know why Tom\Legacy get such a free pass on Still's Luger Board, your post there calling this out with clear pictures before and after and instead of seeing it for what it is most of them are basically defending him or saying it's not a big deal??? "He's a great guy!!" "I've bought from him and always been happy!!" This isn't like adding a sling to a K98 that didn't have one, he's swapping original parts to boost value, slimy indeed.

This has been one of those 'ra-ra' statements that bugs the sh*t out of me. If you're one of the happy buyers who forked over 7, 10 or 15k for something and then when trying to sell it on down the road it brings 20-45% of what YOU paid him. Still 'always happy'?? I know I wouldn't be, but there's still people doing it on the daily.