DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

Willy Z isn't interested who produced and sold these fakes, so nobody is!
- If you think differently, you have no place in the virtual world he controls and you better join the hobby anarchists.
How could a collector even begin to include SS anything into their collection? Isn't this area ruined now? I guess rifles that have appropriate SS proofs according to books are ok? I look at helmet sites daily and see the near mint dd m35's and one off pre war helmets for sale in the middle teens. Please. I don't even want to hear about how smart and tenured one is in SS bs. Awards, medals, buckles, badges, insignia, helmets, cuff titles, camo, y-straps, mess tins, etc….I wouldn't buy it unless I could resell it to a reenactor for a profit. I'm sure plenty know what's right from wrong. No thanks, I'm a puss. I'll stick to all the fake army and luft stuff. At least I won't be out the premium. SS is now to me the new chicken wire

I think I can ID an original ss zelt. All else is suspect to me. This is officially my limit on "original"SS
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SS collecting was pompous and ridiculous to me back in the 80s; mostly important people BSing themselves and each other trafficking in humped up elite exotica. Little has changed except the prices. IMHO, these guys have crapped in their own mess kits with ethical lapses and that branch of the hobby has become somewhat of an overpriced joke. They've cannibalized the new guys and now are running out of fodder. The only thing propping up the helmet end is guys who may want one example to go with their other non-SS helmets. I'll wait as the prices drop.
How could a collector even begin to include SS anything into their collection? Isn't this area ruined now? I guess rifles that have appropriate SS proofs according to books are ok? I look at helmet sites daily and see the near mint dd m35's and one off pre war helmets for sale in the middle teens. Please. I don't even want to hear about how smart and tenured one is in SS bs. Awards, medals, buckles, badges, insignia, helmets, cuff titles, camo, y-straps, mess tins, etc….I wouldn't buy it unless I could resell it to a reenactor for a profit. I'm sure plenty know what's right from wrong. No thanks, I'm a puss. I'll stick to all the fake army and luft stuff. At least I won't be out the premium. SS is now to me the new chicken wire

I think I can ID an original ss zelt. All else is suspect to me. This is officially my limit on "original"SS

IB , as has been said elsewhere there has probably been no safer time than now to collect SS. It's all about how you go about it. Never rush into a purchase. If you are put on the spot and have to make a choice make the right choice and pass. With a I-phone and internet forums there is more information at your finger tips than in anytime in history.

As for your other comment. There are as many fake SS rifles as helmets. How can you tell an SS rifle is fake ? Some say its easy. Easy because you have invested days, months ,years studying real and poor fakes and decent fakes ect. Not many humped up SS rifles fool experienced g/k98 collectors anymore. Same with anything else you may want to plop down you hard earned cash to buy. As of right now the bigger choice to make is is NOW the best time to buy. Prices have been coming down. Do you buy now why they are low ? Or wait till they drop more if they drop more ?? I know all true collectors collect this stuff because they love it. Not because what it might have been worth 20-30 years later. The fact its has always gone UP in value was a second level benefit .. There was a big drop during the crash. And there has been a slight decline over the last two years. I have seen more REAL SS helmets for sale for reasonable prices than I ever remember seeing.
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I agree, it's a decent time to buy a SS lid, but it's only getting better as the prices will continue to drop. The fakery has always been overwhelming in SS, to the point of comical. It is just now very exposed, but only forcibly by an ethical person who is not a SS trinket whore, who puts the truth over "going along to get along". The WAFgod SS lid guru is the Champagne rune cheerleader, salesman, XRFacts proponent and COA writer for what I believe is the biggest hoax in helmet collecting. But WAF doesn't want to talk about that. Guys are turned off by that, disgusted by it, by the artifacts and the personalities involved IMHO. Those "original" SS lids sold for $7500 several years ago are sitting unsold for $4000-5000 now and a bunch of people are stuck pounding sand up their a$$es with their $300 airbrushed art they paid $7500-$20,000 for. Thanks for shopping! So that end of the hobby has the WAF helmet forum as its stewards to clean it up? Is the Poacher next? There has never been a better time to wait a couple years to buy a SS lid ;)
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When you read the topic "SS CH runes helmets" on WAF, in post 36 Willy Z makes a funny remark. He is looking for years on CH helmets and never saw phony wear or aging on them. Do i hear a bell ringing? Nope its a deafening silence. Only fools dance on his music.

"If As the saying goes "I don't have a dog in this fight" as I don't collect SS helmets and I am certainly no authority on their decals. I do, however, know phony wear/ aging when I see it."

A mod at WAF provides the cure for waftardation: fresh air not hot air........Perhaps there isn't more locking and censoring more. This is the truth, the 3000 lb. gorilla ignored by Willi's rubber chicken toss thread. Of course, if he was just a regular poster he would be a "hobby anarchist" with a "hidden agenda" and a "friend of Hambone" :laugh: In any event, hats off to JoS.

I hear you Willem. The scurrying is interesting.


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Many have rocked the boat on WAF in the past and they all get dealt with, in the WAF way, in the end.

I think JOS's post is well done, but he might be risking his WAFmod status if he persists.

WAF is like a federal bureaucracy office; they don't tolerate outspoken boat-rockers that possess integrity and common sense.
go to town and country magazine's page. And search "inside the trial all the Billionaires are watching". The trial over the art fraud has started in Manhattan. This would be a good gauge to see how this couple makes out suing a now bankrupt auction house for an 8million dollar fake painting.
If they walk away empty handed I don't feel the holders of Shampain ruin lids have a snowballs chance in hell of winning a case.

This tale reads very similar to the CH rune hoax. Worth a read if you haven't read it after my first mention of it. Even though the painting in question looks like a blind five year old did :facepalm: What do I know about art. All my disposable cash is tied up in WW2 militaria...
go to town and country magazine's page. And search "inside the trial all the Billionaires are watching". The trial over the art fraud has started in Manhattan. This would be a good gauge to see how this couple makes out suing a now bankrupt auction house for an 8million dollar fake painting.
If they walk away empty handed I don't feel the holders of Shampain ruin lids have a snowballs chance in hell of winning a case.

This tale reads very similar to the CH rune hoax. Worth a read if you haven't read it after my first mention of it. Even though the painting in question looks like a blind five year old did :facepalm: What do I know about art. All my disposable cash is tied up in WW2 militaria...

My opinions:
You're telling me about something I've been doing for a living (successfully) for quite a long time. There are significant legal differences between the art fraud trial in Manhattan and this. I would not bet against even a moderately talented lawyer in winning this case. Is Hicks going to get up there and testify that the SS airbrushed runes on their helmets? The next question if he says yes is to bring all of his books up there, hand them to him, and say "Mr. Hicks, please show us the part in your book where you state that the SS airbrushed runes on their helmets. You can't do that, can you?" Next, you put someone on the stand to qualify as an expert in graphic art, i.e., the difference between a decal and airbrushing. All somewhat modern courts today have screens for power point / graphic displays, and you'd do magnified graphics showing that the COA lid was airbrushed. Does anyone contest that? If Hicks is the quintessential SS lid expert, I promise a moderately skilled cross examination could turn him on himself.

I saw some terrible advise at WAF with "predictions" concerning the legal efficacy of COAs and evidentiary matters, etc. Anyone betting on a defendant winning on this issue with a properly worded COA would be silly/high/idiotic. I think you may be confusing winning a case with collecting a judgment. Yes, collecting a judgment against a bankrupt is tough to impossible. However, is a $20,000 judgment going to bankrupt a SS lid dealer? Does he have a house with equity? Does he have inventory? Did he spin it off in a year before bankruptcy? The only real issue is what state/county jurisdiction could be established. If you believe the advise posited by the WAF lawyers and pseudo-lawyers, invite them here to discuss it ;)

"Konrad Paul Kujau (27 June 1938 – 12 September 2000) was an illustrator and forger. He became famous in 1983 as the creator of the so-called Hitler Diaries, for which he received DM 2.5 million from a person who in turn sold it for DM 9.3 million to the magazine Stern. The forgery resulted in a four-and-half year prison sentence."

Hitler diaries

"It is unclear when Kujau produced his first Hitler diary. Stiefel says Kujau gave him a diary on loan in 1975. Schulze puts the date in 1976, while Kujau says he began in 1978. He used one of a pile of notebooks he had bought cheaply in East Berlin, and put the letters AH in gold on the front, although these letters were purchased in a department store, made of plastic in Hong Kong, and he used FH, rather than AH. To add a further look of authentication, he took the black ribbon from a real SS document, and attached it to the cover using a German army wax seal. For the ink he purchased two bottles of Pelikan ink, one black and one blue, and mixed the two together with water so it flowed more easily from the cheap modern pen he used. Kujau had spent a month practicing to write in the old German gothic script in which Hitler used to write. Kujau showed it to Stiefel who was impressed by the work, and wanted to buy it, but when the forger refused to sell it, he asked to borrow it instead, which was agreed upon.[19][20]

In 1978 Kujau sold his first "Hitler Diary" to a collector. In 1980 he was contacted by the journalist Gerd Heidemann who had learned of the diary. Kujau told Heidemann that the diaries were in the possession of his brother, who was a general in the East German Army. Heidemann made a deal with Kujau for "the rest" of the diaries.[21] Over the next two years Kujau faked a further 61 volumes and sold them to Heidemann for DM 2.5 million. Heidemann in turn received DM 9 million from his employers at Stern.[21]

However, on their publication in 1983 the diaries were soon proved to be fakes and Heidemann and Kujau were arrested.[21] In August 1984 Kujau was sentenced to four and a half years for forgery and Lieblang to one year as an accomplice. Heidemann was convicted of fraud and also received a four-and-half year prison sentence the following year.[22]

On his release from prison after three years Kujau became something of a minor celebrity appearing on TV as a "forgery expert", and set up a business selling "genuine Kujau fakes" in the style of various major artists.[23] He stood for election as Mayor of Stuttgart in 1996, receiving 901 votes.[24] Kujau died of cancer in 2000.

In 2006 someone claiming to be his grandniece Petra Kujau was charged with selling "fake forgeries", cheap Asian-made copies of famous paintings with forged signatures of Konrad Kujau.[25]

He was portrayed in the 1991 miniseries Selling Hitler by Liverpool-born actor Alexei Sayle. The series also featured Jonathan Pryce as Gerd Heidemann, and Tom Baker as Stern executive Manfred Fischer.[26] He was also portrayed in the German film "Schtonk!" (1991) by Uwe Ochsenknecht."
These posts help to maintain the focus on the issue, IMO.

In the wake of this fraud exposure, WAF exists as a place of group therapy, not investigation. It provides a place for burned collectors to tell their stories, to cry on shoulders, for group hugs and maybe sing a few bars of K um-by-yah.

It's a place for 'tough-love".

Greg, it is a learning opportunity for everyone. WillZ as the lead 'therapist'.

I think everyone who jumps into the hobby as a beginner has to take certain attained knowledge for granted.
That's what happened with the CH runes , they were in a book by a highly regarded SS collector. It's only when others started to see the dots not connecting that the decal became controversial in forum topics.
If this was a real fake decal perhaps even now the conclusion would still not have been reached.
DH helping with therapy.

Correct. As Doug said all CR helmets are perfect for Halloween. They are all bad. I do not mean to be disrespectful...but why in the world would you buy a Helmet based on someones opinion ? CR helmets are just a mess. Time to take the turkey out of the oven it's done. Panzer1432 gives the right amount of chiding with sensitivity.

My goal here is to continue to welcome opposing views in a thoughtful manner, free of any "lynch mob" bullying and disgraceful behavior. So, I am still asking for photos of CR decals, and painted CRs from decades ago. If either truly exist. Continuing to keep this thread on topic and focused will be a benefit to the collecting community. WillZ laying down some ground rules so that "therapy" continues in a civil manner. No lynch-mob, bullying or disgraceful behavior, in other words, no serious attempts to get to the bottom of the C-SS fraud.


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My goal here is to continue to welcome opposing views in a thoughtful manner, free of any "lynch mob" bullying and disgraceful behavior. So, I am still asking for photos of CR decals, and painted CRs from decades ago. If either truly exist. Continuing to keep this thread on topic and focused will be a benefit to the collecting community. WillZ laying down some ground rules so that "therapy" continues in a civil manner. No lynch-mob, bullying or disgraceful behavior, in other words, no serious attempts to get to the bottom of the C-SS fraud.

"Disgraceful" behavior? IMHO, the truly disgraceful behavior, the truly disgraceful and injurious behavior was attacking and censoring ZAM for pointing out their beloved $20k Champagne rune was a $350 airbrushed hump job, censoring and stopping the truly enlightening discussion of XRFacts, and other such waftardation which has such a deleterious effect on the hobby. The waftarded do not venture out to an uncensored, open, transparent forum to pontificate. That's because idiotic pontification cannot stand the test of open debate. If they had any shame they would be apologizing to ZAM and the hobby.

I think to them the term "disgraceful" is what we call "accountability" and "transparency" and "open uncensored debate" and "ethical".

Now for the first time, the complete expose of the most daring and successful forgery of all time. For seven days in April 1983, the sensational discovery of Hitler's sixty-two volumes of secret diaries dominated the news headlines of the world. Scholars hailed the diaries as the greatest find of the century, a historical bonanza that would entirely alter our views of Hitler and the Third Reich. Shocked readers followed daily installments showing that Hitler knew nothing about the Holocaust. Then, in an abrupt reversal, the diaries were proved to be bogus!

Editorial Review From Library Journal

One of the postwar period's most flamboyant historical scandals was the forgery of the so-called "Hitler Diaries." The acceptance of these fakes as genuine by prominent journalists and historians, the publicity surrounding their publication in news magazines in West Germany and the United States, and the unraveling of the fraud perpetrated by their author, a sleazy dealer in pseudo-Nazi relics, rocked West Germany in the mid-1980s and resounded in journalistic and historical establishments elsewhere. Unfortunately, this book is for the most part awkwardly written, self-opinionated, and superficial. Hamilton, a handwriting expert, barely touches on such fascinating subjects as the market in Nazi relics and its seamy underside and his own involvement as a critic of the manuscripts' authenticity. Instead, he makes sweeping and mostly undocumented generalizations about the personalities involved. This book may appeal to World War II buffs, but for most libraries Robert Harris's Selling Hitler ( LJ 5/15/86), a more detailed and interesting account, is a better buy.
- Barbara Walden, Univ. of Minnesota Libs., Minneapolis
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Editorial Review From Library Journal

Discovery of Adolf Hitler's secret diaries several years ago caused first a worldwide sensation and then a howling scandal when they proved to be a crude forgery. Harris, a BBC journalist, competently reconstructs this tale of international chicanery, which eventually cost gullible press barons in Germany, Britain, and the United States some $4 million, making it "the most expensive and far-reaching fraud in publishing history." Especially interesting are Harris's colorful profiles of the leading players, including Gerd Heidemann, the German reporter who "found" the diaries, and Hugh Trevor-Roper, the Oxford don who, to his lasting regret, originally authenticated the documents. For popular collections. Kenneth F. Kister, Pinellas Park P.L., Fla.
Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.

I think there is a parallel here between the Hitler Diaries fraud and the sham-pain ruin hoax. The huge demand for Nazi trinkets causes supplies to be "found" with no lack of gullible victims shelling out lots of $$$$.

About $4 million was paid for the diaries, "making it "the most expensive and far-reaching fraud in publishing history."

If only 200 of these C-SS helmets were sold for an average of $5,000 apiece, that would make the C-SS fraud equal to about $1 million, possibly the second most expensive TR related fraud in collecting history.
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If only 200 of these C-SS helmets were sold for an average of $5,000 apiece, that would make the C-SS fraud equal to about $1 million, possibly the most expensive TR related fraud in collecting history.

The biggest fraud, hoax and scam I've seen in 30 years of collecting. WAF, the site which attacked and censored the first person to expose it now calls it "disgraceful" when some point out there are people responsible and that should be examined. The best it can say is that it tolerated some oblique questioning of the Champagne rune over the last decade, but never an in depth discussion and analysis, which it censored. IMHO, this is the "disgrace," a shameful failure of hobby stewardship. It's over, nothing more to see, and their forumleiters (except one) seem satisfied that they can now pat each other on the back for generally concluding that everyone is a victim and the SS probably didn't airbrush decals on their helmets in 1944. :googlie That's surreal to me.
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The waftards don't have their stuff together. If they did, they'd be in the process of gathering and compiling information so that they'd know the full scope of this C SS lid scam and the chain of custody for each lid. The product of these efforts would be a crumb path back to the perpetrators.
That starts with a database. People who don't know what they don't known and can't be helped are a waste of time. It's interesting that they would devote such time, energy, and cheerleading to the XRFacts pseudo-science hoax which "authenticated" the Champagne rune hoax, yet it was a DougB, one guy, who debunked the CRSS fraud instead of a group effort over a decade ago. Much work is left to be done, which starts with a database which will not happen short of what Brian has put together which was crucial in debunking the fraud to begin with. It's all quite sad really.
IMO the reason the C-SS hoax lasted so long was that the community was depending on others as per authenticity. Think about the captain and crew of a cruise ship who can steer the ship anywhere they want (re: off course) and the passengers are only along for the ride. If the captain makes bold statements about where the ship needs to go and backs it up with charts and maritime gadgets, the passengers are for the most part trusting of his judgement. After all, he is the one with the experience. And if some few passengers actually complain, the crew can chide them for their lack of experience. Have they ever commanded a large ocean liner?

The problem now is that the ship has not docked at some beautiful tropical paradise as had been promised, but instead at some middle eastern port; the C-SS ship has been hijacked!
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Remember the early doubters? "I don't know about these C-SS; they look too new, too flat, with a spray-painted on appearance. They look different. There is an SS decal that will fool almost everybody."

And remember what the "captain" and "Crew" were saying?

"Nothing to worry about! There is plenty of period photographic evidence to support these. We have been looking at these under loupes, USB and high magnification scopes and see a very similar if not the same construction as original Pocher SS decals. C-SS are in published works by well-known authors, come with COA guarantees, have oodles of vet provenance, and now are backed up by scientific evidence - XRFacts!"

"You dare question the experience and expertise of the 'experts' who have written books and examined hundreds of SS helmets? And how many SS helmets have you owned? So, who the hell are you to tell us C-SS is fake?"
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