Bob saw one in 1962. You can't prove he didn't so you're a hobby anarchist. Or did Willi Z say hobby anti-Christ?'s_teapot
You can't prove me wrong, therefore I am right. Pretty much a steaming pile of crap.
Somewhere out there, a wartime CR SS is orbiting the sun, we just need to find it. Its been there for decades, beyond the power of us mere mortals to see. Only the authors have access to a powerful enough telescope....
The Willi Z new and improved CRSS thread at 5 pages is now pretty sure the SS didn't airbrush rune decals on their helmets and everyone was fooled. There are no crooks, only victims. At that rate, unless a hobby anti-Christ (or is it anarchist?) posts something that Willi doesn't like to get the thread locked it will take about 20 more pages to conclude that CRSS runes were painted on some helmets that were too late to have decals. That thread has no hope of becoming revealing, substantive or helpful other than group therapy as it alternates between Willi approved navel gazing, hugging and self evident remarks.
Who issued the COAs on these? How many have COAs? Where is the list of them by lot number, decal pic, COA, seller, date? How many passed through Hicks' hands? How many are there and is there a common connection or crossover point in their chain of trafficking? Much of this can be compiled by Internet search. Of course, that would be a hidden agenda and anarchy.
Mike, you are no doubt aware that some forums are all about agendas and personalities. The militaria is only a venue for them exert their 'control' over members, opinions and discussions.
They felt confident blathering on about what helmets did not exist, and being proved wrong repeatedly only made them angry and bitter when they should have been excited for the hobby, that such rare pieces do in fact exist.
Although much valuable information has been gathered from such places, IMO they are unworthy to be the guardians of our great hobby.
(BTW: still looking for that elusive M54 DDR KVP helmet)
Thanks, gentlemen.
The best analogy I can think of at the moment is that of the members of a homeowners association who, never having had any authority in life, suddenly find that they can dictate many things to their neighbors. In any case the great Champagne Runes hoax has been very entertaining and it has been lovely to see that the emperor truly had no clothes.
The problem with HOAs is that most homeowners that serve on these HOA boards can't read very well. If they could read, they'd realize that most of their actions are invalid, because they don't have the authority.
The problem with HOAs is that most homeowners that serve on these HOA boards can't read very well. If they could read, they'd realize that most of their actions are invalid, because they don't have the authority.