WAFworld Willi takes a topic and makes it waftarded, i.e., kills it. The premise of this "informative" thread is to learn the difference between a real Champagne rune and a fake one. Kind of like discussing the difference between a real unicorn and a pony with a fake horn on its head.
"Zero tolerance regarding those who continue the behavior that ruined the last attempt. If nothing productive comes of this, the hobby is not well-served."
Willi Z's new and improved Champagne rune thread without "hidden agendas" and "hobby anarchy" has taught us:
1) Those who disagree with Willi Z and WAF are bad
2) Willi Z is nice for taking control and making discussion good
3) Everyone is a victim of the Champagne rune hoax
4) Champagne runes have been around a long time
5) The SS probably didn't airbrush runes on their helmets
6) If the SS did try to airbrush runes on their helmets it would be hard (here is an example)
I note that the value of the thread is the technical information provided by Federico on how these airbrushed humpers were created. But that's an autopsy and we need to know who the murderer(s) are and who helped them. There is a seller/COA/XRFacts connection. Some of the discussion involves people who didn't read DougB's treatise on this so they post self-evident things and ask questions already answered and shown ad nauseam. The cleaned up, "hobby anarchy-free" waftarded thread is like the same "discussions" which occurred when ZAM first revealed the Champagne rune was an airbrushed humpjob in 2012:
http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/showthread.php?t=578059 and of course, the censored and locked cheerleading threads for XRFacts. It's the difference between having a hunting dog which actually flushes game and one which barks happily and chases its tail.
I do agree with Willi Z though on one thing, that if "nothing productive comes of this, the hobby is not well-served." Sorry Willi Z, you shut down the thread that was going to be productive, and serve the hobby. There won't be any substantive participation as who wants to be assailed by you or the waftarded? Try allowing an open and transparent discussion if you are truly interested in "serving the hobby". Our discussions and debates here involve adults wearing their big boy pants and bringing facts and sound information.