DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

I think this is it....interesting parallel, with the bucks involved much bigger.

Art-Forgery Trial Set to Begin

The Wall Street Journal
By Jennifer Smith
January 22, 2016 12:43 PM

On the verge of a trial over the art-forgery scandal that sank one of New York’s most venerable galleries, this much, at least, is agreed upon: The black-and-red painting that sold for more than $8 million in 2004 is definitely not by Mark Rothko.

Whether that fact was known by Ann Freedman, the former president of Knoedler & Co. who sold the work to the family of Sotheby’s Chairman Domenico De Sole, is another matter.

On Monday, Mr. De Sole and his wife, Eleanore, will square off in Manhattan federal court against Ms. Freedman and her former employer in a fraud and racketeering lawsuit. It alleges Ms. Freedman and Knoedler were part of a yearslong scheme to defraud buyers who purchased counterfeits attributed to Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Richard Diebenkorn and other major midcentury American artists.

Ms. Freedman and Knoedler have said in court filings that they believed the works were authentic.

The De Soles’ lawsuit is the first to come to trial since Knoedler, a blue-chip gallery founded 170 years ago, shut down in 2011 amid forgery allegations.

The scandal rocked the art world, where secrecy is common and works can sell for millions to buyers who may not even know the name of the previous owner.

It also highlighted the challenges of determining an artwork’s authenticity at a time when prices for in-demand artists continue to surge. Last spring, two Rothko paintings were auctioned, on back-to-back nights, for $46.5 million and $82 million, respectively.

“You’re looking at a vast pool of money chasing a finite pool of art,” said Pepe Karmel, associate professor in the art-history department at New York University. “The temptations are huge.”

Mr. Karmel, a Pollock specialist, is among a number of scholars who Knoedler told buyers had viewed works that later turned out to be fake.

“I passed through the gallery when they had some would-be Pollocks there,” he said, but didn’t venture an opinion, adding that he doesn’t know whether Ms. Freedman was aware the works were counterfeit.

These days, he said, “No art historian in his or her right mind will give a public or even a private opinion about authenticity, because you can be sued.”
Benjamin Lozovsky/BFA Ann Freedman at Mnuchin Gallery in New York in April, 2014
The Knoedler affair offers a prime example.

Between 1994 and 2008, Knoedler sold more than 30 fake paintings to galleries and art collectors, reaping what the judge overseeing the De Sole case has called “outlandish profits” from works that were actually created by a man living in Queens.

The pieces were supplied by Glafira Rosales, a Long Island art dealer. Ms. Rosales said she had access to a trove of modern masterworks acquired by an anonymous collector dubbed “Mr. X,” who had lived in Mexico and whose son and heir wished to sell the works discreetly.

Ms. Freedman has said she was duped by Ms. Rosales and that the artworks were sold in good faith. She also personally bought a handful of paintings from Ms. Rosales.

In 2013, Ms. Rosales pleaded guilty to taking part in a scheme to pass the works off as genuine. She is now awaiting sentencing.

No criminal charges have been filed against Ms. Freedman or Knoedler, according to her lawyer, Luke Nikas. Five of the 10 civil suits filed against them have been settled, he said.

Lawyers for the De Soles say the gallery made some $40 million in profits from the fakes, which it sold for increasingly hefty sums despite having no documentation showing the works had been sold by the artists or bought by a collector at any time.

“Banking on their unblemished and impeccable reputations, Knoedler and Freedman fraudulently warranted that the work was an authentic Rothko, when they knew or should have known otherwise, lied about their knowledge of the work’s provenance, and hid the true facts,” according to the complaint. The De Soles are seeking as much as $25 million in damages.

Their lawsuit also alleges that the defunct gallery’s parent company, 8-31 Holdings Inc., is liable for the claims against Knoedler because the two operated as a single economic entity. Lawyers for the gallery and 8-31 Holdings maintain they are separate companies. The judge overseeing the case, Paul G. Gardephe, dismissed claims against 8-31’s chairman, Michael Hammer, last year.

The defense team for Ms. Freedman argues that she believed the Rothko and other Rosales works were genuine: “she sought opinions from experts around the world, exposed the works to critical eyes at every opportunity, and even purchased works for her own art collection,” according to a November court filing.

Filings on behalf of Ms. Freedman and Knoedler say the De Soles were sophisticated buyers who failed to exercise appropriate due diligence when purchasing the supposed Rothko—for example, by not contacting anyone on a list of experts that Knoedler said had viewed the work. Knoedler also disputes the De Soles’ claim for breach of warranty, saying, “Ms. Freedman’s representations to plaintiffs that the work was created by Rothko is an opinion rather than a warranty.” ​

Ms. Freedman, the De Soles and a parade of other art-world notables are expected to take the stand over the course of the trial, which is scheduled to last about four weeks.

Potential witnesses include David Anfam, a British art historian and leading authority on Rothko, and Dana Cranmer, the former conservator for the Mark Rothko Foundation, according to court filings. The artist’s son, Christopher Rothko, and Gretchen Diebenkorn Grant, the daughter of artist Richard Diebenkorn, whose family expressed concerns about the authenticity of some Rosales-supplied works, may also testify.

A main point of contention: Ms. Freedman’s state of mind at the time of the sale.

The De Soles allege that Ms. Freedman and Knoedler knew—or should have known—the “Rothko” and other works supplied by Ms. Rosales were counterfeit, given the number of works, the low prices the gallery paid for them and the shifting stories about their provenance.

“Merely pleading the existence of red flags does not establish that a defendant was reckless,” Ms. Freedman’s lawyers wrote. “Freedman did not know that the Rosales works were forgeries when Knoedler sold them, so she could not have knowingly participated in a scheme to sell forged paintings.”
yes, that's it. Some very interesting similarities. I thought it was worth adding here.

Also would be interesting to see how the legal battler turns out.

The main culprits have been arrested but, no money has been returned as of yet.

I also like the part where one painting was found as fake and the auction house quietly returned the $$ to the seller.
Obviously done so they could continue pushing bad art.

The auction house closed up shop and went bankrupt . Big surprise.

Also there were two segments in this article this is just the first.
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If anyone is capable of posting a link.. Im not. there was just an article in todays online New York post. It reads a little like what happened in the Shampain ruin. hoax.

Talented artist. Sleazy middle man and greedy auction house pushed millions of dollars of fake art onto the U.S. market.

Post link or take a read. It's dated today I think. It was posted on the yahoo main page this morning.

Makes the shampain ruin hoax look like child's play.

Classic scam. The shampain ruin is a big deal though. We're talking about defrauding people out of $5,000-24,000 a pop over an extended period of time. How many of these are out there? Who has them? That's felony / federal offense / could get the interest of law enforcement zone. The prevailing "attitude" at WAF, saving a few moderators and people who are not wanting to get attacked and insulted for having a differing opinion, seems to be "meh, fakery is everywhere, Hicks is a great guy, just another fake, no need to waste time or money or legal fees tracking anything down, happened long ago, what difference does it make....." If you're a helmet humper looking at that reaction, is there any motivation NOT to commit fraud?

Here, if that was someone humping K98ks, there would be a feeding frenzy, a competition to bust them. Loewe would have the auctions and background history in photos and screen shots and it would be a humper arse shredding. We'd be tracking them, known examples, who sold them, etc. That's why I can conclusively say that our hobby was cleaned up over a decade ago and has stayed clean. Everyone is involved and participating. It's like living in a neighborhood of cops. That's why I can also conclusively say that no one can come here and say our information and discussions are vetted, transparently. No one is censored, you stand and fall on the merit and proof of your arguments. That's why the guys at WAF b!tching and crying about the boogie man Hambone don't come here to address their complaints. They are intellectual cowards and are on unsound ground. They are free to do so to make their case. We let Maui do so and even he complimented us on not censoring and allowing him his say. It's hard to watch, but we all benefit.
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Thank you jhv.

Also, one other thing: At WAF there is now developing the idea, seen below, that you should not seek trusted advice, rely upon yourself. :googlie Well, why have a forum then? Is that very encouraging for a new guy entering a hobby? I guess if the "advice" is unvetted without transparency, or anyone with a differing opinion is attacked and smeared, then I agree, I would not rely upon such sources. But good grief, if your hobby is so bad you can't rely upon trusted advice to make a purchase, then where are you?

Now this thread is started to officially point out and "prove" that which DougB already proved: the Champagne rune is airbrushed and the SS didn't airbrush decals on their helmets. I promise that if that thread really started to become substantive, i.e., questioning Hicks, examining the publications on this, tracking the COAs and Champagne rune sales and helmets there would be hysterics and Willi would proklaim whomever addressed that to be "disgraceful". With many latent agendas and alliances and money involved, there are going to be arguments. Let the arguments take place. And sorry Willi, the "disgraceful" conduct is shutting down the reveal of the Champagne rune hoax in 2012 by smearing and insulting the man telling the truth, allowing such a simple hoax to exist, doing little of substance to discover the who/what/where/how/when. So far, that thread is self evident navel gazing and road kill autopsy. It gets substantive when an attempt to start connecting the dots develops. It has potential, but I predict that it will be skipping across the surface and will fizzle out, just as the previous CRSS thread was fizzling until Farb asked questions and stirred it a bit. By failing to get a resolution a strong message is sent, and it's not a good one.


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A database of C-SS sounds like a good idea, but what do we do with it? What will it really tell us other than which helmets have C-SS insignia? It must be contrasted with known decal production ranges to demonstrate that they do not belong, that they stick out like sore thumbs, that they are forgeries.

This is done in the lot# book (version 8) where I have archived C-SS with known factory production (see photos). They are listed side-by-side with originals according to lot#.

Focusing in on a problem is good, but we need to focus outward once in a while to get the proper perspective.

Remember this statement? It was used to legitimize certain C-SS helmets, in this case hkp M42. Yes they do follow identical application standards (template spray-painted), are matching decals, and are found in a tight cluster of lot numbers. The page showing hkp M42 shows C-SS in a tight lot number cluster. But of course, all of this means diddly squat.

Regarding hkpM42 shells; this is the gold standard for me for NS decals on an M42. Why, because they follow the identical application standards - few, tight cluster of lot numbers, matching decals -


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A database of C-SS sounds like a good idea, but what do we do with it? What will it really tell us other than which helmets have C-SS insignia? It must be contrasted with known decal production ranges to demonstrate that they do not belong, that they stick out like sore thumbs, that they are forgeries.

This is done in the lot# book (version 8) where I have archived C-SS with known factory production (see photos). They are listed side-by-side with originals according to lot#.

Focusing in on a problem is good, but we need to focus outward once in a while to get the proper perspective.

I agree, and with respect to the database I mean an outward view, that is where they came from, who issued the COAs on them, what do the COAs say, who sold them, etc. I agree on an outward stretching inquiry, but do you really think WAF is going to allow that?
I agree, and with respect to the database I mean an outward view, that is where they came from, who issued the COAs on them, what do the COAs say, who sold them, etc. I agree on an outward stretching inquiry, but do you really think WAF is going to allow that?

Asking that question is also answering it!
I agree, and with respect to the database I mean an outward view, that is where they came from, who issued the COAs on them, what do the COAs say, who sold them, etc. I agree on an outward stretching inquiry, but do you really think WAF is going to allow that?

If an informal investigation is to take place (data-base creation, etc), then it should not be done in places known for censoring, deleting, and banning. We have seen two high profile forums lock C-SS related threads recently.
Asking that question is also answering it!

Well, Peter, we are "hobby anarchists" and boogie men for asking that question and pointing out the problems with the non-answer and the smearing of those with differing opinions. The difference here is anyone can, and does, criticize me or what we do all they care to. One of two things will happen: the criticism will be shown to be without merit or the criticism will have merit and the forum membership here will demand change. A big difference is as noted by WAF "Dom" who admitted the censorship but said it was necessary because WAF was a business and to avoid "slander". We aren't a business. If anyone has a problem with Hambone they should come here and air it in an open, uncensored environment where their complaints can be addressed openly.
If an informal investigation is to take place (data-base creation, etc), then it should not be done in places known for censoring, deleting, and banning. We have seen two high profile forums lock C-SS related threads recently.

I don't know that it will ever take place because there is not enough demand for it, and among those demanding not a strenuous enough opposition. We, a firearms forum, were the people who were the bulwark against XRFacts, as noted by DougB. My fear was that unvetted nonsense would be forced upon the hobby and it would seep over onto us. The hostility for anyone without a sufficiently high post count at WAF who disagrees is not good. Reminding them of this, in the hopes they will change their ways, makes one an "anarchist":


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And the evidence presented that there really are real Champagne runes out there, and Hicks and XRFacts were correct, they just can't find a real Champagne rune lid right now because I guess a Sasquatch has it. :googlie


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Classic scam. The shampain ruin is a big deal though. We're talking about defrauding people out of $5,000-24,000 a pop over an extended period of time. How many of these are out there? Who has them? That's felony / federal offense / could get the interest of law enforcement zone. The prevailing "attitude" at WAF, saving a few moderators and people who are not wanting to get attacked and insulted for having a differing opinion, seems to be "meh, fakery is everywhere, Hicks is a great guy, just another fake, no need to waste time or money or legal fees tracking anything down, happened long ago, what difference does it make....." If you're a helmet humper looking at that reaction, is there any motivation NOT to commit fraud?

Here, if that was someone humping K98ks, there would be a feeding frenzy, a competition to bust them. Loewe would have the auctions and background history in photos and screen shots and it would be a humper arse shredding. We'd be tracking them, known examples, who sold them, etc. That's why I can conclusively say that our hobby was cleaned up over a decade ago and has stayed clean. Everyone is involved and participating. It's like living in a neighborhood of cops. That's why I can also conclusively say that no one can come here and say our information and discussions are vetted, transparently. No one is censored, you stand and fall on the merit and proof of your arguments. That's why the guys at WAF b!tching and crying about the boogie man Hambone don't come here to address their complaints. They are intellectual cowards and are on unsound ground. They are free to do so to make their case. We let Maui do so and even he complimented us on not censoring and allowing him his say. It's hard to watch, but we all benefit.

Not saying it isn't. Just, it seems to be up to the screwed individuals to take it upon themselves to get their own money back.

Doug B. made a couple key mistakes and he acknowledged them in his article. One was keeping quiet when his M34 blackie was found to be a fake and that's a chain that can be traced right back to Bob I and Hicks.. Second was not pushing for a refund directly from hicks for the CH rune transitional that he used as his test piece. I'm assuming a refund was denied because said helmet and decal was destroyed during testing.

Doug had the means at his disposal to take an 8k shamwow decal and scrape it off and test it. Not many others did or do. That's what it took to put and end to this sham. I have read all the posts and really cant figure out why it took so long to make this public. As there has always been a staunch opposition to these decals for some time.

It all goes back to the art scam. Secret source, trumped up stories, Dealers who really don't care if they are real or not pushing them out the door.
COA's that may never be called in. Once they are they might be dead or out of business.
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And the evidence presented that there really are real Champagne runes out there, and Hicks and XRFacts were correct, they just can't find a real Champagne rune lid right now because I guess a Sasquatch has it. :googlie

This is what is going to keep this argument going for years. Long time collectors recollections of owning these back in the day when good fakes didn't exist. K. Hicks's report on his sight saying real examples do exist.

Going forward all we can do is take anders response of ALL CH RUNES ARE FAKE AND DONT BUY ANY. If someone does shame on them going forward. I would be shocked to see another blessed on any forum going forward.

I do feel bad for the guys who worked hard and saved their $$$ to buy one. :facepalm: That's the real crime here. Most wont have the funds for a legal battle that might not bear fruit.
Not saying it isn't. Just, it seems to be up to the screwed individuals to take it upon themselves to get their own money back.

Doug B. made a couple key mistakes and he acknowledged them in his article. One was keeping quiet when his M34 blackie was found to be a fake and that's a chain that can be traced right back to Bob I and Hicks.. Second was not pushing for a refund directly from hicks for the CH rune transitional that he used as his test piece. I'm assuming a refund was deigned because said helmet and decal was destroyed during testing.

Doug had the means at his disposal to take an 8k shamwow decal and scrape it off and test it. Not many others did or do. That's what it took to put and end to this sham. I have read all the posts and really cant figure out why it took so long to make this public. As there has always been a staunch opposition to these decals for some time.

It all goes back to the art scam. Secret source, trumped up stories, Dealers who really don't care if they are real or no pushing them out the door.
COA's that may never be called in. Once they are they might be dead or out of business.

I know you weren't, you were comparing it, and I agree. It's much smaller, but pretty big when a guy spends three months' salary on one based upon the assurances of a forum which relies upon the god stature of one person. Instead of heeding the evidence, and those gauleiters investigating with a loop, attack and smear the messenger of a differing opinion. It's always the same, "you are a troll", "you have an agenda", and now "you are a hobby anarchist". That's wrong and dangerous.

But, as you noted, it's really up to the defrauded individual. If they are fine to take an $8k ar$e pounding, that's their business. the problem at WAF is all the legal exspurts working OT to convince folks that legal action is a dead end, bad idea. It's not only a good idea, it's the ONLY idea if your efforts at getting a refund are rebuked.

As for a database, I'll start:


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Anyone know if the champagne COA's include similar verbiage like the last line above his signature?

Anyone know if the champagne COA's include similar verbiage like the last line above his signature?

View attachment 113526

One of his CRSS COAs is pictured in my post above. Don't know if he issued all of them this way, but it sure would be a legal problem for him, IMHO, if the subject of the COA is fake. Also, all that rubbish at WAF about how hard it would be to win this case must be coming from lawyers who do real estate closings or transactional work. If it is obvious to all of us, it is going to be obvious to a judge and jury. The rest of the prattle about judges hating Nazi collectors and such is simply rubbish as well. The issue is airbrush or decal and that is shown by magnification and the testimony of someone who does paint and decal work.
We see that this new civilized WAFthread on Champagne rune self-evidence is to be kept "respectful" per the decision of Willi Z. "Respectful" means agreeing with them and if you get attacked or waftardation starts to creep in, you must say nothing to correct it, otherwise you're a "cowboy" or the forum is the "wild west" or you're a "hobby anarchist". This is what that accomplishes, the defeat of the truth and the unvetted pronouncements of the gauleiters:

Stalhelm wants civility and fears that the posts will get "argumentative" and "cowboys" will raid the tea party and break a tea cup handle or spill something. Well, the discussion is about a long, ongoing fraud which should have been outed long ago, with a WAFgod at the center, and which resulted in people being skinned for $5,000 to $20,000 per CRSS lid. The chances are about 100% that someone's ox is going to be gored and someone will be butthurt by such a discussion. Being an adult means being able to handle a heated and transparent debate. Much good comes from that, below is what comes from the "civility" demanded by Stalhelm. He also demanded civility and criticized the original person who first outed the Champagne rune as a fraud in 2012. Look how embarrassing and destructive that brand of "civility" is. Me, I'd rather have not gotten burned by a $7500 airbrush special. So, shake the sand out your panties and man up. It's only the internet. We don't censor here and it's wide open. Anyone think this place is "shameful" and the "Wild Wild West?"



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Well, Peter, we are "hobby anarchists" and boogie men for asking that question and pointing out the problems with the non-answer and the smearing of those with differing opinions. The difference here is anyone can, and does, criticize me or what we do all they care to. One of two things will happen: the criticism will be shown to be without merit or the criticism will have merit and the forum membership here will demand change. A big difference is as noted by WAF "Dom" who admitted the censorship but said it was necessary because WAF was a business and to avoid "slander". We aren't a business. If anyone has a problem with Hambone they should come here and air it in an open, uncensored environment where their complaints can be addressed openly.

Did we, the "hobby anarchists" tell them that champagne decal helmets were "one lookers"?
- I just checked the thread and I almost fell of my chair.
In posting #36 Will Zahn claims that he can reckognize phoney wear, I remember that several years ago he couldn't reckognize a phoney boult under "one looker" camo paint on a M38 that was found on a Dutch attic, so I guess he learnd to reckognize phoney wear just recently.
My response is intended for those who shout "show us the real ones" in this "discussion" and then infer that because there are no responses that there are none.

The valuable and scholarly discussion that advances the hobby gets lost in the personal attacks, and agendas.


Just because no one can show a unicorn doesn't mean unicorns aren't real, so don't make that inference. This is a scholarly discussion.

My brain hurts, a lot.
My response is intended for those who shout "show us the real ones" in this "discussion" and then infer that because there are no responses that there are none.

The valuable and scholarly discussion that advances the hobby gets lost in the personal attacks, and agendas.


Just because no one can show a unicorn doesn't mean unicorns aren't real, so don't make that inference. This is a scholarly discussion.

My brain hurts, a lot.

That's what I mean by "waftarded". The ole "prove a negative" followed by ad hominem attack smearing the credibility of the "outsider". That's what they do when they get boxed in and have no facts to back them up. If you pointed out how ridiculous such a statement was, and you were the "wrong" person, there would be wails and waftarded cries of butthurt, then Willi Z would step in and say how disgusted he was by such bad behavior and the thread would lock. He is predicting his own butthurt and trying to preempt it. Of course, there's always the waftarded "create an argument to lock the thread" technique of those who want to stop a discussion.

At this point, I think that issue is largely deceased at WAF. The WAFleiters don't want any more boards kicked over I don't believe.
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