DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

Silencing the voice that doesn't agree with you is that something ethical?
And in this case does it help the hobby?
What benefit did it have to silence ZAM in 2012 for the hobby?

I wonder what those that bought CD vandalized helmets after ZAM exposed on waf that they were airbrushed and not decals think about the moderating program of waf and how it helped them.
I recall disagreeing with the WAFperts and then being accused of "disrespecting". I told them that disagreement did not equate to disrespect and that respect is something to be earned, not demanded.

That got you on the ban list right there because it is completely logical and made them look foolish and petty. A tiny tyrant can't allow such slights to pass, nor can they be shown to be wrong. You've done those things. In order to exist you must abide, and if you ever disagree, allowed once a post count breaks four digits, you must disagree in the prescribed manner, to no greater extent than allowed at any given time, subject to rebuke and admonition and cessation of such state of "disrespect" when instructed. Such an environment does not contribute to the fact finding process and dissemination of good information.
The guys were initially arguing that no one was banned or censored for questioning XRFacts and CR helmets. (post 329). This was after talking about how the forum actually fought against XRFacts (post 326). Once that position became embarrassing, because the issue of screen shots came up, the bans were suddenly connected to forum conduct. (post 331). That's the party line now (post 331-338). And the dealers are okay again. And lawsuits aren't needed. And the swamp fills back up.

Predictions on the camo bubble bursting?
And the swamp fills back up.

Does that mean the alligators are coming back?

Nirvana, there you go again! (to quote President Regan). The community is reeling with embarrassment enough to go around over C_SS and XRF, and now you bring up the topic of questionable camos being ripped wide open :\

My my, you sure know how to pile it on. If there was an affordable, hand-held paint analyzer for collectors to zap questionable camos, that could spell the end of the illegitimate camo business!
If there was an affordable, hand-held paint analyzer for collectors to zap questionable camos, that could spell the end of the illegitimate camo business!

Is that a business proposition? I'll write a book real quick if you'll buy the wonder gun:

It would be the savior of the camo hobby. Its this sort of REAL SCIENCE that will keep people honest, and its what we need as buyers. If someone doesn't have a certificate showing that their helmet was tested, it would be impossible to sell. We will have to keep the database secret, of course, so that the fakers don't know what they doing wrong. Does $250 a helmet sound fair?

I'm getting this feeling of deja vu.
Real science has no more place in 3R collecting than it does in global warming or the achievements of Emperor Obama (or her Royal Heiney Hillary).:hail:
New member here, more of a WAF refugee at this point. Nothing new going on there, same old cya. I guess what I finally woke up to is that the alleged hobby forum is a business marketing forum. No naming names of crooks and it's your responsibility to educate yourself not the dealers obligation to validate their goods.
It's a little mafia business setup there, too bad. So many of us got sucked in thinking we were there to learn from a great bunch of experts on a forum where politeness and decorum were the order of the day. Little did I know I was fishbait.
Nobody's getting any money back and nothing will change, they are seeing to that. Well I'm done with that crap. I always felt there was something uneasy going on there now I know. Thanks to this forum for the wakeup call
New member here, more of a WAF refugee at this point. Nothing new going on there, same old cya. I guess what I finally woke up to is that the alleged hobby forum is a business marketing forum. No naming names of crooks and it's your responsibility to educate yourself not the dealers obligation to validate their goods.
It's a little mafia business setup there, too bad. So many of us got sucked in thinking we were there to learn from a great bunch of experts on a forum where politeness and decorum were the order of the day. Little did I know I was fishbait.
Nobody's getting any money back and nothing will change, they are seeing to that. Well I'm done with that crap. I always felt there was something uneasy going on there now I know. Thanks to this forum for the wakeup call

That's what I call saving the hobby...
It's pretty obvious that the specks are fly shite. Dead Germans = flies. I plan on inventing a bug shizeometer to measure the organic make up of the fly shite. I can then authenticate it came from a European fly 60 some odd years ago. It will be the savior of the hobby.

That makes perfect sense to HamFacts and could be an extra service, a dually COA, "Provenance Through Magic" and "Provenance Through Fly Shize". Win win win.
More interesting C-SS posts from the past.

#1. "Sorry Sherlock Holmes, but what you are looking at is a textbook "NS" champagne runic SS decal. This decal is what you expect to see on NS shells. The marks you see are from scuffs over the years.......70 years! Any real SS collector will tell you that's a genuine SS decal. I give it a big thumbs up!" (02-28-2012) Vetting a C-SS helmet.

#2. "Just got a couple of emails regarding this thread because I have discussed this decal only in private. I never had confidence in this type, but I also did not want to "step on toes", as I am a small fish in the SS pond. I told close friends here in GHW how I really felt about these decals, including Doug. I've owned all well known SS decal types EXCEPT for the "champagne" type and it is because of this reason. Just never was convinced it was a period made/applied decal. I can come out now n talk my schit because I am no longer steady here on the forums like I used to be although I still keep in contact with close friends here. I like a good debate with experienced collectors such as Doug, but this is one topic I will have to agree with him all the way. Of course, this is just my opinion."

"By the way, I told those same members in private that one day these will be deemed fake and sure as schit it is happening. Members Frank and Jonathon are one of the few people I have told over a year ago." (09-26-2015) Never had confidence in this type (C-SS).


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More interesting C-SS posts from the past.

#1. "Sorry Sherlock Holmes, but what you are looking at is a textbook "NS" champagne runic SS decal. This decal is what you expect to see on NS shells. The marks you see are from scuffs over the years.......70 years! Any real SS collector will tell you that's a genuine SS decal. I give it a big thumbs up!" (02-28-2012) Vetting a C-SS helmet.

#2. "Just got a couple of emails regarding this thread because I have discussed this decal only in private. I never had confidence in this type, but I also did not want to "step on toes", as I am a small fish in the SS pond. I told close friends here in GHW how I really felt about these decals, including Doug. I've owned all well known SS decal types EXCEPT for the "champagne" type and it is because of this reason. Just never was convinced it was a period made/applied decal. I can come out now n talk my schit because I am no longer steady here on the forums like I used to be although I still keep in contact with close friends here. I like a good debate with experienced collectors such as Doug, but this is one topic I will have to agree with him all the way. Of course, this is just my opinion."

"By the way, I told those same members in private that one day these will be deemed fake and sure as schit it is happening. Members Frank and Jonathon are one of the few people I have told over a year ago." (09-26-2015) Never had confidence in this type (C-SS).

What is even worse then a liar is a bad liar.
"That brave thing that I did? It was in private. That's why none of you saw it. I was in the right the whole time. I'm still right. I was never wrong."

"That brave thing that I did? It was in private. That's why none of you saw it. I was in the right the whole time. I'm still right. I was never wrong."


When he realized there were screenshots showing that his bull$hit that no one was censored over XRFacts, Willi Zahn the WAFmod proclaimed that the censorship, post deletions, etc., were due to "rule violations". He also claims that the XRFacts hoax was resolved by him and his krewe of insiders "privately". Yes, of course :googlie