DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

You know I bit those black dots were caused by an shell explosion sending fragments of dirt and metal staining the metal with those small particles. Craig bring out the "Provenance Through Magic" rock I believe it will tell us everything about that helmet. Who wore it, what was the person's name, what battles the particles came from, what SS division this helmet was with, who sprayed the fake champagne runic SS decal cough cough, I mean it was capture in Berlin most likely. :laugh:
You know I bit those black dots were caused by an shell explosion sending fragments of dirt and metal staining the metal with those small particles. Craig bring out the "Provenance Through Magic" rock I believe it will tell us everything about that helmet. Who wore it, what was the person's name, what battles the particles came from, what SS division this helmet was with, who sprayed the fake champagne runic SS decal cough cough, I mean it was capture in Berlin most likely. :laugh:

For $35 the Magic Rock would be passed over a picture of it on the screen and a complete provenance story would be created. Provenance Through Magic!
The Magic 8-Ball says "Signs Point To Yes" no matter what the question asked. It's stuck. You just have to ask the right question, but that's the tricky part. I learned that the hard way.
They are going full retard over there at WAF now. There appears to be a small group (nothing new) promoting an idea (nothing new) that undercuts and screws all of those who bought rattle-can runes (nothing new) and are actively trying to make sure that nothing happens or is discovered (also not new).

Their views, in brief:
1- We shouldn't try to track these helmets back to their source. It could be hard. Maybe we won't find anything. Its a bad idea. If you think its such a good idea mr rifle-collector-guy, what don't you do it?

(Hmmm... making a spreadsheet is so fucking tough. Likewise, asking people where they bought a helmet is really hard. If you don't find anything, at least you can say that you tried. And why should a rifle collector be expected to come over and drain the shite-swamp that is the fake helmet community on WAF? Apparently that "community" doesn't want it done.)

2- We still shouldn't think about suing people. It could still be expensive. No lawyer would take it. Judges hate eeeeeevil nazzzzzzi stuff, so that you are guaranteed to lose.

(I've never seen so many lawyers in one place, its like every person there got their JD at Harvard or Vanderbilt. Their technical understanding of evidence and cross-examinations just blows my mind. They should be listened to, If judges hate nazi stuff, how exactly is that bad for the plaintiff? Both sides were involved in a nazi-helmet transaction. Using that standard, its not like there even is a good guy here, which makes that argument pretty meaningless. A lawyer wouldn't take the case? I am assuming here again their their knowledge here is based on their experience with their own successful practice. And the cost comes up again.... Someone spent $25,000 on a spray painted piece of crap. They are really going to avoid spending $5,000-10,000 on the carnival barker that sold it to them? That argument works so well everytime someone raises it.)

Back to business as usual I guess. Has anyone found any "exotic freshie" camo helmets lately? I've been looking for an SS paratrooper medic Normandy camo chicken-wire helmet, with remains of snow camo from the battle of the bulge. I want it to have a unique name, like Hans Zhehejghy, so that it can be researched and linked conclusively to one guy who died and is buried in a war cemetery. I would prefer that it come with a story, like it was bought from a guy, who bought it from a guy, who was the stepson of the veterans 1st cousin. That's provenance that is beyond dispute. Anyone have any leads? I'm willing to spend up to $25,000 for such a gem.

edit: typos, as I am dumb.
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:laugh: Nirvana nailed it. These guys giving "legal advice" is on par with them giving handheld XRF advice. The hogwash which results is equally erroneous and biased to serve a self-interest. You'd have to be truly ignorant, profoundly waftarded, or medically diagnosed imbecile not to be able to spot this.

The waftard drama always has a predictable arc: something which does not serve the special interest agenda is posted (e.g., something erroneous, unethical, or asinine is called out such as XRFacts, airbrushed Champagne runes, etc.); the special interest attacks, insults, and vilifies the poster; the waftarded are awakened and shuffle out burping inane commentary in support (e.g., "legal advice", insults, imaginary courtroom testimony, ridiculous "zingers" which they think make them look witty and smart) boosting their post counts and "status"; posts are deleted, the thread is locked.

That thread is ongoing proof of the very points they are arguing against, as pointed out by Nirvana. The war they are waging against common sense and logic is its own proof of the opposite of what they claim. At this point I'm qualified to speak to the "legal advice" and I can say without equivocation it's truly asinine, except for a couple guys who are obviously actual attorneys. Invite any one and all of them here making such ridiculous comments here to discuss them openly.
What's bizarre, and well, waftarded, is how some of them spend so much time and effort, giving bad advice and unqualified law lectures, supporting doing nothing. Don't post a database on these, it's too hard and "slanderous". Don't get a lawyer, they won't represent you, you'll lose, it will be too expensive, the judge won't like you, etc.
Back to business as usual I guess. Has anyone found any "exotic freshie" camo helmets lately? I've been looking for an SS paratrooper medic Normandy camo chicken-wire helmet, with remains of snow camo from the battle of the bulge. I want it to have a unique name, like Hans Zhehejghy, so that it can be researched and linked conclusively to one guy who died and is buried in a war cemetery. I would prefer that it come with a story, like it was bought from a guy, who bought it from a guy, who was the stepson of the veterans 1st cousin. That's provenance that is beyond dispute. Anyone have any leads? I'm willing to spend up to $25,000 for such a gem.

edit: typos, as I am dumb.

It's the best I could do on short notice!

Some interesting discussion on GHW2 about a C-SS M42 NS64.
2008 posts by members raved about the helmet including those of a number of their 'SS' gurus.
Recent posts contrasted the past with what is now known, but some posts were censored/deleted with a thread-lock by the mod.


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We lost some interesting discussion. However, Willi Zahn locked the old thread because it was starting to get out of hand, disagreement with the WAF gauleiters. Best of all, Maui showed up to run in circles claiming that there were original Champagne runes, but DougB ID'd the fake Champagne runes, but Maui and Hicks tazered original Champagne runes which were faked by the airbrushed ones, just like any other fakes of SS decals. Furthermore, says Maui, he still "cracked the code" and ID'd copper in the Champagne rune (the real one, not the airbrushed one). It's a bit bizarre. So, after smearing those who advocated for the idea of a Champagne run database, showing who wrote the COAs for them, and where they came from, and asserting that could not be done and was a bad idea, the Willi Z new thread solution is to post up and identify known Champagne rune helmets and background on them (aka, a database).

At least one moderator at WAF really nailed it and cut through all the BS. I've saved Maui's post below, because it's surreal, and the Jo.s WAF mod's post because he nails it and it is real.

This is some crazy stuff and it seems some absolutely don't want to get to the bottom of this, "Hicks is wonderful and a victim too, and people tying Hicks and Champagne Runes and XRFacts together have hidden agendas and are hobby anarchists, there were real Champagne rune helmets because Bob says so, but we can't find one now, though Maui and Hicks tazed one, which wasn't any of the ones DougB showed were airbrushed fakes, if you disagree with us you're a hobby anarchist and have Hambone's double secret agenda....etc. etc." However, it's encouraging to seeing the below post from a WAF mod. And, of course, the mods there do get credit for not completely deleting and censoring, only locking. That's a turn around. Maybe this involves a gorilla in the room too big to ignore and maybe too many are watching too.


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But there are plenty guys there, and mods, who are not waftarded. Examples of waftardation are seen here, when this fellow pointed out that yes, your beloved $24,000 "Champagne rune" SS helmet is an airbrushed humpjob worth about $300:

So what do they do? The same thing as they do to anyone who disagrees and won't sit back and take his beating; personal attacks, accusations of "hidden agendas", etc. Same was done with respect to XRFacts and this latest caper. DougB I believe is disgusted by all of this and the lack of follow through. There is a WAF faction trying to defend Hicks, though Hicks hasn't appeared to respond and defend himself. If you connect Hicks and XRFacts and the Champagne rune (which are all factually connected by Hicks own publications and words) then you are a "hobby anarchist". Under that theory, Hicks is a victim of the mysterious airbrushed Champagne rune and the anonymous boogie man who made them. So, everyone move along, let's focus on other things, and if you ask for answers or suggest kicking over some boards you're an "anarchist" with a "hidden agenda". God forbid if you point out that their bash and silence the disagreeing poster is detrimental to the hobby and good information.

There are some WAF bright spots, and I posted a screen shot of it. That mod sees this as what it is, BS. Of course, ScottB has appeared and Hicks is wonderful, and an old timer dealer named Bob claimed he saw original Champagne rune lids in the 70s, "direct from a vet", so they aren't airbrushed fakes, just the fakes of them are fakes, just like there are fakes of other SS helmets. However, no one can produce an original non-airbrushed Champagne rune, but you can't prove their isn't one, so you're a "hobby anarchist" and XRF is a useful tool because they said so. Ever see any of these guys come here to defend anything?
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All the legit C SS lids must be squirreled away in private collections and are not available at the moment to put this fake C SS lid allegation to bed. Yes, there will always be those that claim they saw legit C SS lids back in the 70s, but they don't remember what happened to them. Just like all those guys that recall seeing bigfoot and sasquatch back in the 70s. The legit C SS lid is the new bigfoot of the lid collecting community.
All the legit C SS lids must be squirreled away in private collections and are not available at the moment to put this fake C SS lid allegation to bed. Yes, there will always be those that claim they saw legit C SS lids back in the 70s, but they don't remember what happened to them. Just like all those guys that recall seeing bigfoot and sasquatch back in the 70s. The legit C SS lid is the new bigfoot of the lid collecting community.

That's the second part of the ad hominem attack strategy; create a ridiculous hypothesis and if you can't prove it untrue then you're a trouble making idiot and troll. Bob said he bought an original SS Champagne rune lid from a vet in the 70s. Prove that didn't happen. For the record, I don't think that the latent self interest and agenda thing is as much at work as simply arrogance created in an environment where contrary opinions, particularly from an "outsider" are reviled, and sole source authority worship is present.

Here is another thing that if you pointed it out there the waftarded would shriek and attack you: a couple of those guys, in an attempt to put this CR lid hoax back on the victimized buyer and remove focus on the COAs, state "you should not rely upon anyone's opinions but your own". Then, in a few more posts they advise that a buyer or someone accepting another SS helmet in trade as part of a CRSS fake refund, should "come post it here and let us vet it for you". But I thought buyers were only supposed to rely upon themselves? :googlie
So, how many others have seen the legit bigfoot besides KH, maui and Bob? We ought to run a list and make it a sticky.
So, how many others have seen the legit bigfoot besides KH, maui and Bob? We ought to run a list and make it a sticky.

I think you just completed the list. I believe somewhere I predicted that would be a defense. The next is "well you can't prove an original Champagne rune didn't exist so you have a hidden agenda and are a hobby anarchist, like ZAM." How is it that no one until DougB ever looked at one of these critically under high magnification?

With a "mystery" like this which some don't seem to want to solve, always look to the money. One guy has been airbrushing these, selling them to or through dealers making over 2000% profit and that's the end of it? Move along nothing more to see?
major scams

If anyone is capable of posting a link.. Im not. there was just an article in todays online New York post. It reads a little like what happened in the Shampain ruin. hoax.

Talented artist. Sleazy middle man and greedy auction house pushed millions of dollars of fake art onto the U.S. market.

Post link or take a read. It's dated today I think. It was posted on the yahoo main page this morning.

Makes the shampain ruin hoax look like child's play.