Just as with XRFacts in 2010, I believe that the Champagne rune matter at WAF is officially concluded with no substantive revelations other than navel gazing debates over whether someone in the 70s saw a real one or not. Willi Z has made it klear that any debate will be within His defined parameters and His konduct kode, thus the waftarded are happy and the other members at WAF know that no substantive and meaningful discussions will be had which will discover or resolve much of anything other than what DougB has already shown. That genie can't be shoved back in the bottle. Should any WAF member attempt to go farther, particularly as to the "who", they will be hectored, attacked, accused of having a "hidden agenda" and smeared as a "hobby anarchist". Who wants that? IMHO, going further is bad for business.
Farb is right to pull out and quit this as there is no upside to it there or here really. It's probably the most embarrassing and shameful episode in SS helmet collecting, or helmet collecting generally, that I've seen in my life. Unlike XRFacts and the real danger that virus would spread and infect our hobby too (e.g., Nutmeg's prophesy that XRFacts would be used to "authenticate blueing (sic)"), the Champagne rune is a virus wholly contained to that population of SS lid collectors. If they aren't embarrassed enough that they didn't discover with magnification that the CR was an airbrushed fraud, then shamed and silenced the guy who first did in 2012, and won't police their own hobby and clean up the mess, then they will suffer the consequences. Those lids they paid $7500 for today will be worth $2500 in 10 years. The problem is for us who collect helmets too. Hopefully that stink is not so bad, obvious, and so poorly handled that some of it gets on German helmet collecting generally. That's my reason for weighing in as I collect German helmets, thankfully no SS.
The real issue in all of this is the control and use of the Internet forum. That is where collectors get their information now, that is where their opinions and ideas are formed, that is where people become new members and the future of a hobby. The integrity and future of hobbies are being set forth now in the sites and forums. DougB did an outstanding and brave thing by standing up for the truth. Sadly, it doesn't appear to me that there is sufficient will from WAF for the necessary and appropriate follow through. I hope they prove me wrong. The next big clown shoe to drop will be when the $7,500 to $20,000 CR fraud owner of a now $300 helmet tries to get a refund.