DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

Some straightforward questions being asked over there, but it seems that most want to reach for a 'group-hug' instead of a bat, as was said.

No names to go with those quotes yet, but that may be a matter of time.


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The latest gems of legal advice are amazing.

You shouldn't sue someone because it will end up in circuit or superior court, as opposed to district or small claims. (Wtf? This doesn't even make sense).

You shouldn't sue someone for the thousands of dollars that you got rolled for, because you will wear down and quit. (Okay, that presumes that "I" am a quitter.)

The case will cost so much money that you won't be able to bear it. (A dealer of helmets is going to have a pile of cash to fight with? Its not like John Smith living in a single-wide trailer is suing Exxon here.).
Horse$hit "legal" advice from the same type horse$hitters who shouted down and stopped the reveal on the XRFacts hoax in 2010 and who ridiculed the guy who first exposed the Champagne rune as airbrushed in 2012. The true destruction of that end of the hobby was/is IMHO, aided and abetted by such pontificating self-interested buffoons. This anus end gets exposed as such to the flabby part of the hobby forum bell curve when the other side, the head, is not lopped off by censorship. The group hug "it's no ones fault" nitwiticisms are to protect the cockroaches from the kitchen light, which is on now.
Rule #1: - A Wafpert is never wrong.
Rule #2: - If he is wrong, look at rule #1 and censor all voices that say he is wrong.

That CD were regarded authentic is nobodies fault, all wafperts considered them real.
That ZAM already in 2012 pointed out that there was something wrong and even more found the evidence that the decal was spray painted seems to be ignored.
Talking about damage control.
Next they will blaim Hambone and the K98k forum for voting that fake helmet "helmet of the year" :facepalm:
This site was criticized by them for not letting them off the hook for censoring XRFacts discussion. :googlie
I think the best about it is when they bring up the name of the soldier who supposing used it in the war. Just because his name is in it. Anyone could go on a website and pick out an random name from the German grave's list. And the three too four paragraphs is good from the person explaining that it's correct sounds like a lot of bs too me.
The guy who didn't "evolve" (post #28) is suspended from the site.

His last posts before being suspended? They were calling out suspicious camo helmets.

What a bunch of a holes. Suspending someone for saying the truth. Because he calls you out on your fake helmets that you are trying too convince people that are real. Isn't that fraud and basically stealing people's money.
All concerning C-SS:

#1. "It looks a bit too good. I have my concerns, Bob..." 12/21/2006 (Initial doubts)

#2. "Guess I was wrong too. Glad I was in good company. Sorry Bob" 12/22/2006 (Acquiescence as big names are dropped)

#3. "I privately never believed in these [C-SS] decals...." (Panzer 1432)

"Same here. They were controversial for a very long time..." (11/28/2015) (Admission of privately never believing in C-SS)

#4. "I handled this helmet in hand as well, nothing to worry about as you can see when you check the close-ups made with the USB microscope, you need to be familiar with it to make a little bit of sense out of them."

"No need for panic at all..." 02/28/2012 (Vetting a C-SS helmet)


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#5. "The enemy has always been amongst us... The champagne rune helmets were passed around like a hot potato..." 12/20/2015 (As if he wasn't at fault for vetting them)

#6. "Smart people grow older and get wiser." 12/21/2015 (He really means, 'some people grow richer, and some get poorer.' Now this is what I call "evolution".)


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#5. "The enemy has always been amongst us... The champagne rune helmets were passed around like a hot potato..." 12/20/2015 (As if he wasn't at fault for vetting them)

#6. "Smart people grow older and get wiser." 12/21/2015 (He really means, 'some people grow richer, and some get poorer.' Now this is what I call "evolution".)

Some of these guys are, shall we say, quite special. These are some of the same people who gobbled XRFacts' bull$hit like hogs at a trough because they were told by the WAF intelligentsia that XRFacts was the "savior of the hobby". These same type people angrily shrieked, wailed, moaned, and applauded the censorship and banning of those of us who told them their "savior" was bull$hit. They shrieked, moaned, and wailed at the guy who first told them that their precious leader blessed Champagne rune lids were airbrushed hump jobs back in 2012. Now they are falling back into arrogant self-righteous navel gazing nitwiticisms.

The fault in both of these obscene hoaxes is with this same bunch of group think navel gazers. They will run that hobby into the ground with such defective and self-interested thought processes. Theirs is a world where any ideas or thoughts outside of those which the bless is heresy and the unwashed/low post count/non-waftard is a heretic for challenging them, to be censored then banned. Their information and knowledge pool thus becomes like the Hapsburg family tree; a telephone pole, with the same results; intellectual Armageddon. If these people legitimately wanted to clean up their mess they would be demanding answers and accountability.
J. Wraith unloads. There may just be a demand for certified ball-sacks over there. If they can't grow a pair, maybe they can buy a certified set.


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J. Wraith unloads. There may just be a demand for certified ball-sacks over there. If they can't grow a pair, maybe they can buy a certified set.

He'll be censored, suspended, and banned perhaps soon.
Chickens coming home to roost.


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Oh (I have a small penis) it's getting good over there. Mike is saying that posts about CRs and XRF were altered and censored, with members being banned for it. They are denying that it happened (hahahahahahahahahahahahahah.... Ahem.. hahahahaha). They are now threatening Mike with censorship and banning, for pointing out the fact that people were censored and banned.

I couldn't make this up. I swear. I couldn't.
I read all of that. They aren't denying it now because it's a fact that it was done. They're just saying now that the previous censorship and bannings were not a result of them censoring and banning to stop a discussion but censoring and banning to enforce the rules and that if you discuss that then you violate the rules subjecting yourself to censorship and banning. Arguing with or showing "disrespect" to a moderator is a violation of the rules which subjects you to censorship and banning. Here are the rules as quoted:

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I read all of that. They aren't denying it now because it's a fact that it was done. They're just saying now that the previous censorship and bannings were not a result of them censoring and banning to stop a discussion but censoring and banning to enforce the rules and that if you discuss that then you violate the rules subjecting yourself to censorship and banning. Arguing with or showing "disrespect" to a moderator is a violation of the rules which subjects you to censorship and banning.

I recall disagreeing with the WAFperts and then being accused of "disrespecting". I told them that disagreement did not equate to disrespect and that respect is something to be earned, not demanded.