We are now seeing the typical waftard logik starting: it's original because we have theories which you can't prove false, e.g., the secret SS helmet rune airbrushing program. Ironically, Peter U was the first to advance this theory as sarcastic humor
So every FOH ("Friend Of Hicks") and person who owns or sold one of these things is going to eagerly and publicly embrace these various blitherings while ridiculing the opposition for being unable to refute them. Meanwhile, the moderator(s) will be looking for any reason to lock the thread.
Let's say I walk up to someone and say "Hey, I have a Picasso painting for sale. Want to buy it?" And they reply "Maybe, Is it real?" What is the correct response on my part?
A-Its real. Here is legitimate testing done according to accepted scientific and industry practices. Here are the quantitative results. Would you like to have it reviewed by someone as well?
B-You can't prove that its fake. Therefore its real. If you don't like that, I don't care, because more people around here know me. I have a guy who's gut instinct said that it was correct.....He printed out a piece of paper saying as much after I paid him enough money to buy a few cases of Coors Light.
I guess the answer depends on what you collect.... In the real world, things must be proven as fact, NOT knocked down as fiction. If you make a statement or present an item for review, the burden is on you to make a case for it. Saying dumb shite like "Maybe its real, because maybe there was an airbrush program" doesn't work. If there was one, show proof. Pictures, manuals, general orders from the SS, interviews with people who did the paint, sample stencils used in the process. Don't throw out this bumblefuck trash theory and then wait for the Greek chorus to back you up.
I was reading through a thread the other day where the hive was vetting a Soldbuch. It had so many red flags. The picture looked replaced, as evidenced by the mismatched ink stamps on the front of it (Maybe it was wrinkled when they stamped it). There were stamps inside that didn't match up with others in the book (Maybe they altered the stamp in the field). The picture showed awards that the guy could not have had based on his branch of service (maybe he transferred from another unit). Some awards in the photo were penciled into the book so that the two matched (maybe it was written in a hurry) There was a post stamp in the book that clearly show a number, one that was not associated with the guy's unit (maybe he was part of a mixed unit that was put together from other broken units) Hell, one of the pages where an award should've been was BURNED AWAY, like someone had messed up writing a stamp in and then removed part of the page (I didn't see a good theory for this one....)
An object can have one (perhaps two in some cases) "maybes" and still be authentic. But if you have to conjure up stories for a laundry list of crap that looks wrong, the item is wrong. How likely is it that the guy's photo was wrinkled, stamped with weird stamps, transferred after he received an award, put into a mixed unto so that the book had the wrong RP number, had awards written in pencil, and then a page burned out? Most observers will come up with the same answer here. The item proves itself, the world doesn't prove it wrong.