DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

I remember that I was banned from Waf with one of my screennames because I had strong case against Maui and a Waffen SS helmet he had contected wrongly to a file he found in the Washington national archives.

I'm curious about this story. Do you remember any details or have a link?
Doug, you mentioned that your work would be included in a couple of upcoming books. When do you think these books will be published and who are the authors?

Also, what about the camo problem? Is that too big of a mountain?

I've been invited to include my work in an upcoming helmet book that will be out in France for European collectors, important as many of these are winding up in Europe among non-forum participating collectors or so I have been told by a few of our European counterparts, and another helmet related book if we could get it off the ground. I probably shouldn't mention authors at this time as I don't have permission. Either way I am comfortable this will be out there in print in one or more forms at some point in time.

With respect to camos I agree with Hambone and Peter with respect to testing the paints in some fashion. Not something I plan on taking on at this time however, but perhaps in the future. Would really be an interesting study. Early Retirement looms on the horizon, perhaps a project for then.

What a letdown, I was enthralled with the thread, and unfortunately there is no conclusion. I would like to see his whole personnel file. Things do not add up to me, and it looks like a serious case of confirmation bias on behalf of the helmet owners. I wish someone could provide a definitive answer either way. I do know that trying to match the handwriting on the card and helmet is preposterous.
WAF will censor/suspend/ban if you as a mere low post count person expose waftardation publicly on their forum. Even if you stay within the rules a waftard or three will slip in and start baiting, i.e., a waftardbater, and should you reply the Wafmod zaps you.
Just wow

I was trained as a scientist..this is how you come up with a hypothesis...and prove it.... :hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail:

Very much so. There's always been confusion about the terms "XRF technology" and the "XRF application" likely due to semantics. The terms appear to be used interchangeably by waftards. They shouldn't be. The XRF "technology" is powerful, reliable, and repeatable with many useful applications. The XRFacts lid testing XRF "application" was flawed and misrepresented as science. No museum uses XRF in an application similar to the manner pioneered by David May and Kelly Hicks or solely to make authenticity pronouncements. David May and Kelly Hicks lack the academic background to fully understand what they don't know. So does nutmeg.
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I think Nutmeg is trying to save face for making such ridiculous assertions and predictions about XRFacts. Frankly, what he was predicting was the most frightening aspect of the whole thing; that a XRFacts' COA would in the future be "required by collectors" before buying any relics. That actual human beings were hipmotized by this light show and free plastic bags so easily explains the existence of 419 scams and the elekshun and re-elekshun of the Messiah.
Nutmeg needs to buy a Kenny Rogers album so he can learn when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.
You saw that DougB gave a bit of a nod to HamFacts "Provenance Through Magic" with his comment that a magic eight ball passed over a helmet was better than XRFacts?
It was my impression from the beginning that maui was confusing elements with compounds. Perhaps he wasn't aware of the difference. As if an elemental sketch, the best information a handheld XRF instrument can offer, was, in some way, equivalent to full blown chemical analysis. Unfortunately, they don't make a handheld mass spectrometer. But, that didn't stop maui, the former marine. He just used his marine rifle marksmanship skills and boot camp training to improvise, adapt, and overcome. As Hambone and Peter U suggested on WAF about eight years ago, chemical analysis could likely establish a "fingerprint" for legit lid paint and out post-war modern formulations.
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I'am curious who is going to swallow the $8500 loss on this one.
But I seriously doubt it will be the one that wrote the CAO.
Is this decal considered bad because of the champ. style? or for another reason?..This is most def. out of my league of expertise.

I really have a hard time with SS decals other than the obvious fakes that anyone
should recognize.... I was able to sell some other items that I had to make the purchase which
equates to about 3 months salary for me. Not sure what to do now?

Damn that's rough. He purchased this helmet JUST because of the COA and book feature, while knowing that he knew nothing about these helmets. I feel bad for the guy, and I'm not kicking him while he is down, but man.
A lot of people bought these things based solely on the COA, much like we see people buying 98k's based on Mitchell's Mauser certificates.