Well said. But to me for someone to suggest that perhaps the SS was airbrushing runes on helmets to look exactly like a decal after decals were ordered removed is far beyond unsophistication. It borders on psychosis or some mental pathology. I would hold that opinion even if the author of such a fantasy knows it to be fantastic bull$hit because that would require the author to be so arrogant or delusional as to believe others are so stupid or profoundly ignorant as to believe it. I'm embarrassed for anyone who would publicly post something like that.
Maybe they did have time to paint them on, it's not like they were fighting a war or something....
Same lot of folks that still believe in Bigfoot and Nessie.
Maybe they did have time to paint them on, it's not like they were fighting a war or something....
Same lot of folks that still believe in Bigfoot and Nessie.
This is what I recall in 2013 of that event that took place in 1975 or 4. The helmet was a birthday gift to a friend of mine, then it wound up in an advanced "closet" collection; then came back to me for a short while then went to a local advanced collector who enjoys it immensely. The shell is a dark Schiefergrau finish, with wide style Champagne rune (If you look in "SS-Steel, Updated Edition" you will see a chapter devoted to NS helmet characteristics and champagne rune variations--Also Quist Decal variations). Pictured below are a recent picture of the helmet; a 1970s picture of the helmet on my picnic table along with another champagne rune (M-42 --ckl I think)and some pages from SS-Steel discussing the NS decal variations and helmets they appear on.
101combatvet can buy a lot of champagne decal helmets for fair prices I think........
101combatvet can buy a lot of champagne decal helmets for fair prices I think........