Be careful. Fakers in our midst. gill120 Dave Gill please respond

There is no excuse, or justification, for this despicable behavior / conduct among your fellow collectors.

It forever sullies the reputation of any man involved in such an egregious act.

What were you thinking ??????
There is no excuse, or justification, for this despicable behavior / conduct among your fellow collectors.

It forever sullies the reputation of any man involved in such an egregious act.

What were you thinking ??????

Money makes people do disgusting things. Greed got the best of him
I know Dave Gill from the local shows around me. The only stroke he had was a stroke of bad luck that he was caught pimping a sniper

A major reputation destroying stroke !!!!!!!!!

Ultimately, I hope, this can serve as a cautionary tale for all of us.......
I have been watching this thread and thinking about it and other similar issues that have happened in the past. Long before this board and Tuco's board in the late 90's a similar issue happened on another mauser board that was active at the time. the details are a bit foggy, however a matching rifle ( possibly a byf 43 f block?) was turned into a sniper, I believe it was "tank driver", and he was caught.
What I find concerning is we often want to dictate to people how they should care for their collectables, what to do with it, Howards, yes /no, steel wool vs bronze wool, how to clean and so on.... Frankly and sometime unfortunately this is up to the owner and what they would like to do with their property. Where this went off the rails was it was marketed for something it was not. I see this often in the Porsche community," leave it original and untouched" vs the crowds that essentially build resto mods and hot rods with the eye for more performance and reliability. I am not sticking up for the offender, but we all have the liberty to treat our property as we see fit.
The reality of the situation is as these appreciate further we will have more things altered or "faked", and even with the good intentions of this board, some uneducated smuck is going to drop 10K on a rifle and show up on the board and ask " how did I do and did I pay too much?"
Have a great day nonetheless. Jeff
jsz I remember that. He claimed his medical bills got way out of hand and was desperate. I think it was on the Wehrmacht Awards Forum if memory serves.
I have been watching this thread and thinking about it and other similar issues that have happened in the past. Long before this board and Tuco's board in the late 90's a similar issue happened on another mauser board that was active at the time. the details are a bit foggy, however a matching rifle ( possibly a byf 43 f block?) was turned into a sniper, I believe it was "tank driver", and he was caught.
What I find concerning is we often want to dictate to people how they should care for their collectables, what to do with it, Howards, yes /no, steel wool vs bronze wool, how to clean and so on.... Frankly and sometime unfortunately this is up to the owner and what they would like to do with their property. Where this went off the rails was it was marketed for something it was not. I see this often in the Porsche community," leave it original and untouched" vs the crowds that essentially build resto mods and hot rods with the eye for more performance and reliability. I am not sticking up for the offender, but we all have the liberty to treat our property as we see fit.
The reality of the situation is as these appreciate further we will have more things altered or "faked", and even with the good intentions of this board, some uneducated smuck is going to drop 10K on a rifle and show up on the board and ask " how did I do and did I pay too much?"
Have a great day nonetheless. Jeff

This is a very objective assessment and to a degree, I agree. Let’s say someone gets a really unique barreled action. Do they display it like that, or do they add other appropriate parts to display it the way it WOULD have looked when built? These things are all up to individual decision.

What I propose is a kind of K98 mentality, where unique and special guns like the one in question are recommended to be preserved as is, without being permanently damaged or altered. Yes, this extends a sort of “group morality” on us which seems to run contrary to personal property rights, however I maintain that for the preservation of historically important things this is necessary. Let me digress.

Is everyone familiar with Mail Pouch barns? They made folks swear to never tear down a barn that had their advertising on it, or so the story goes. What was the result? Mail Pouch barns lasted WAY LONGER than similar aged barns. I live in Ohio, where there were many. Some still stand, but almost everyone of my age group knows about them. They know because they were saved as is. Whatever a mail pouch barn was, it got saved.

Will people 200 years for now be interested in unfinished sniper rifle receivers? YES THEY WILL because they are a “thing” and hopefully some folks will own ours!!

Guys, do we want variants to exist for their own sake and for others to look at and handle and enjoy or not? Doesn’t originality matter to some degree?? I maintain that the enormous amount of knowledge and research here demands that we encourage the preservation of rare or special variations. I think we owe it to ourselves, to future collectors, and in some way to the rifles themselves. I would be interested to hear other opinions on this, and I respect and understand the opinion of the fellow collector I quoted here. Yes these are individual property, but I suggest we have a greater responsibility here.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.
jsz I remember that. He claimed his medical bills got way out of hand and was desperate. I think it was on the Wehrmacht Awards Forum if memory serves.

I certainly hope that is not true, as I have had my own health problems and would not wish that on a blade of grass. However, one must temper their need with morality. Panic and desperation are scary but even then one must make the morally correct decisions and see that it is unfair to harm others to fill our own needs.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.
I have been watching this thread and thinking about it and other similar issues that have happened in the past. Long before this board and Tuco's board in the late 90's a similar issue happened on another mauser board that was active at the time. the details are a bit foggy, however a matching rifle ( possibly a byf 43 f block?) was turned into a sniper, I believe it was "tank driver", and he was caught.
What I find concerning is we often want to dictate to people how they should care for their collectables, what to do with it, Howards, yes /no, steel wool vs bronze wool, how to clean and so on.... Frankly and sometime unfortunately this is up to the owner and what they would like to do with their property. Where this went off the rails was it was marketed for something it was not. I see this often in the Porsche community," leave it original and untouched" vs the crowds that essentially build resto mods and hot rods with the eye for more performance and reliability. I am not sticking up for the offender, but we all have the liberty to treat our property as we see fit.
The reality of the situation is as these appreciate further we will have more things altered or "faked", and even with the good intentions of this board, some uneducated smuck is going to drop 10K on a rifle and show up on the board and ask " how did I do and did I pay too much?"
Have a great day nonetheless. Jeff

Thats scary that You bring up the tank driver dilemma !!!!!!!
Me and a friend just brought up that same Subject Yesterday , such things are very hard or if at all ever really forgotten by other collectors !!!!!
I certainly hope that is not true, as I have had my own health problems and would not wish that on a blade of grass. However, one must temper their need with morality. Panic and desperation are scary but even then one must make the morally correct decisions and see that it is unfair to harm others to fill our own needs.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.

I recall the Tank Driver incident very well . I am not trying to justifies his fraudulent act in any way . I just want to clarify that it was not Tank Drivers Medical bills that got to high it was actually his daughter was very sick and it was her medical bills that got out of control . Was that the real reason or was Greed the real factor only one person can answer that question .
Wow. And a Big Ticket Price too I would imagine.
Glad it all worked out and no one got burned.
Great guys looking out for everyone on the Forum!
Thanks for posting.
Oh it'll end up on gunbroker.. It'll sell to someone with deep pockets but empty common sense/patience/the wit to do any research or even ask around before bidding. These rifles have a habit of popping up repeatedly. In a couple months or a couple years a thread will be posted titled "look at what popped up again."

Someone who is trying to make a deceitful buck is not going to walk away from even a dollar of value.

Just my humble opinion/prediction.
I didnt know this was going to make such a stink. I offered the rifle because he said he was looking for one. I took a number of pics and forwared them to him to look it over. He declined because he said some other members questioned some parts on the rifle, that he had contacted. I wasnt trying to twist anyones arm to purchase the piece in question, nor did i make any promises of the rifles originality. It is an LSR receiver and parts were added.I hope this is over with. I think i will take the parts off of the rifle , they are real. Regards to all .
"I never made promises of the rifles originality."
But you knew it was fubar.. Since you're the one who did the work. This was not a case of "woops I didn't know". This is a case of you knowing full well it was not legit and thinking "well I didn't say one way or the other" shields you from it being an extremely deceitful sales tactic. I see this crap all the time with fake Mosin snipers on gunbroker.. sellers knowing what they are peddling is fake, carefully word it "in sniper CONFIGURATION" or some other carefully typed up description and their excuse/not taking a refund is always the same as yours "I never said it was original."

Sorry for the multiple posts all.. Still figuring this new forum config out.
The same turd has popped up from the toilet water once again. Almost was fooled by it til a good friend helped me out, found out it was the same rifle Rich sold to Dave Gill as a 3-Hole. Serial 6681