Be careful. Fakers in our midst. gill120 Dave Gill please respond

You guys are SPECIAL!!! I asked about what the Rifle is worth TAINTED as it may be.....I wanted a PRICE/VALUE I have found a matching scope,base and can.....Why should I not put it on this rifle and enjoy it??? The rifle will always be QUESTIONABLE FROM NOW ON does not mean it should not be enjoyed. I deleted my post because I asked a question and you guys wanted to ruminate over a person's bad actions rather than answer my honest question.....Matt has seen pics of my Scope set and putting it on this gun to shoot will not hurt the scope set at all. so why not just move on.....I drive the SHORT Bus In real life I recognise SPECIAL...
Someone would have come along and answered your question. He’s been trying to sell that thing for years. It’s not going anywhere quickly.
You guys are SPECIAL!!! I asked about what the Rifle is worth TAINTED as it may be.....I wanted a PRICE/VALUE I have found a matching scope,base and can.....Why should I not put it on this rifle and enjoy it??? The rifle will always be QUESTIONABLE FROM NOW ON does not mean it should not be enjoyed. I deleted my post because I asked a question and you guys wanted to ruminate over a person's bad actions rather than answer my honest question.....Matt has seen pics of my Scope set and putting it on this gun to shoot will not hurt the scope set at all. so why not just move on.....I drive the SHORT Bus In real life I recognise SPECIAL...
We are honest on this side of the fence.

Then there is the other side of the fence.
Maybe your pal Dave Gill can give you some tips on humping K98’s and douchebaggery?
Never met the man. Not my pal and to cast doubt on my character is uncalled for .... and you can look up my ebay feedback user wantedoldlures or gunbroker dlsova them should speak for my character.
Dean, part of what we do here is defend our hobby against dishonest people. When someone like Dave comes along we make sure that it is never forgotten what he has done. It helps future collectors, such as your self, to find this thread. We care greatly about this hobby and hate to see it ruined by greedy people seeking to take advantage of others.
Dean, part of what we do here is defend our hobby against dishonest people. When someone like Dave comes along we make sure that it is never forgotten what he has done. It helps future collectors, such as your self, to find this thread. We care greatly about this hobby and hate to see it ruined by greedy people seeking to take advantage of others.
And how does attacking me help? Never met the man and I am being accused of being his pal, you have spoken with me twice you should have a bit of an opinion the others not so much.
And how does attacking me help? Never met the man and I am being accused of being his pal, you have spoken with me twice you should have a bit of an opinion the others not so much.
You certainly were not helping your first impression on this forum by deleting your post & suggesting the commenters had special needs. Not very becoming of a public employee who works with special needs children….
And how does attacking me help? Never met the man and I am being accused of being his pal, you have spoken with me twice you should have a bit of an opinion the others not so much.
Not defending any personal attacks against you. Freedom of speech means all speech is allowed. Even those we don't all personally like. At times I've been personally attacked here also. Comes with the territory and is pretty funny sometimes.

Just letting you know how we view people such as Dave and why we continue to hammer his character.

As for your value question, some will be reluctantly to give an opinion on value. As I said on the phone, I personally feel like $3,000 to $4,000 is fair. Others may disagree.
Thanks Matt....As for my Kids on the bus they go to school until 26 and when they act up it is my job to inform them so that they may learn they were out of line 24 years I have worked with them and love most of them dearly. We take the older kids to jobs situations at business all over Downriver Detroit so they can learn things like what when and to whom to make judgments of how to be responsible and not fear the public because they are dif, Great Job wish I could do it for 24 more but I just turned 60. I deleted my post after having talked to Matt on the phone.
You'll have to forgive people as the topic itself is one that stirs passion amongst collectors. So naturally people get heated and off topic towards an issue that wasn't closed in the best of ways, but at least thought of as dead.

As for earlier question of "why not put a matching scope base and can on the rifle and enjoy it".
I would ask the question what happens when you're no longer the owner of it. Seems like future set up for more people being scammed, only now rifle would be more dangerous.
Keep in mind that I'm not saying you intend for this, only something to think about.
Interesting thread and back and forth. The Seller did himself no favors by his actions and excuses here. As others have stated, when I saw he had stated "The rifle had been destroyed," I said to myself Rrriiggtthh, I'm just SURE it was. 🙄 What a surprise it turned up again.

*The only person I feel bad for here, is Sova.

Thank you to all involved in calling out this Fraudster.
Here's an interesting correlation I've noticed. These fraudster types invariably turn out to be total d'bags as human beings. Who'd have thunk it?
to answer your questions, yes i put the taper pin holes in the receiver. I considered this my shooter rifle, and wished to complete it. i did not openly deceive anyone, the rifle no longer exists. It was stripped and destroyed. So you can take off your list of rifles.
So much for being Destroyed

Convenient of Dean to not mention the rifle's history. Seems this turd has found a worthy owner.
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Have to say I am super grateful for threads like this that help us keep track of humped rifles like this. Hoping that when that rifle is looking to be sold again in the future people will come back here and learn on why they should avoid it.