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  1. R

    M42 Camo - Real or Memorex

    Decal, liner, chinstrap, and paint are all post-war fakes
  2. R

    Questionable Camos

    You're right. Most of my fakes are textured. I mentioned why earlier. It's easier to fake realistic looking wear with textured paint. Here's one that's not heavily textured.
  3. R

    Questionable Camos

    I agree this looks similar to my Normandy repaints. What I don't like about it is the rounded edges of a lot of the paint chips. Not saying it's fake, but it would require an in-hand inspection.
  4. R

    Questionable Camos

    The Luft camo raises red flags IMO. While the wear looks pretty convincing, realistic looking paint chips are easier to fake on a textured surface. I'm also suspicious of what looks like brown oxidation along the edges of most of the paint chips. This is almost uniformly distributed across the...
  5. R

    Questionable Camos

    M35 Luft Camo Wood chip textured paint over Luftwaffe blue-gray with heavy wear
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    Questionable Camos

    M35 DD Heer Done for a forum member. i'm sure he won't mind my posting it since I've agreed up front to post repaints.
  7. R

    Questionable Camos

    M35 Dot Camo Here's a departure from my traditional helmets. The paint scheme mimics SS dot camo pattern. Wear is light to make it appear as it would have in wartime.
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    Questionable Camos

    M40 nskk Fake NSKK helmet in Luftwaffe blue-gray. Fitted with original liner
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    Questionable Camos

    Here's an example. This helmet was posted on the WAF several years ago by a popular collector. It was deemed by friends of the owner to have "unquestionable provenance" and must therefore be real.
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    Questionable Camos

    Man, this is such an accurate description of what HAS happened many times in this hobby - pretty much since it began. Then, if the guy who fell for the con is a "big time" collector or dealer, he and his cronies will shout down anybody who raises doubts about the authenticity of the item he...
  11. R

    Questionable Camos

    M38 in a box Here's another FJ Werke para helmet that I painted and aged a number of years ago. Liner and straps are aged repros as well. Fairly convincing. Mike Despres made the BEST repro paras I have ever seen but he's no longer in business. His shells and liners were almost perfect.
  12. R

    Questionable Camos

    It's a trade secret. :biggrin1:
  13. R

    Questionable Camos

    Hi EF - From what I see, I don't believe the decals you posted are chemically altered. Ruffin
  14. R

    Questionable Camos

    Good guess. I will say that it's a chemical process.
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    Questionable Camos

    Fake decal crazing Crazing on a decal is generally a good sign that it's real but be aware this can be faked too. Here's one of my "experiments". Not perfect, but with a little more practice this can be made to look pretty realistic. Of course, if you know your decals you can spot fakes that...
  16. R

    Questionable Camos

    M40 Woodchip Camo M40 ND with field gray wood chip textured paint. Interior also repainted. Fitted with original liner. This one is hard to spot as a fake.
  17. R

    Questionable Camos

    M42 Normandy Here's a size 68 M42 Normandy repaint I just completed. This is typical of my work which you should now be able to recognize.
  18. R

    Questionable Camos

    Fake M35 AK Here's a fake M35 DD "pink" AK. It's a complete repaint inside and out. Fitted with original liner. Note that the condition of the liner does not match the heavy aging on the interior. Note also some of the repeating wear marks.
  19. R

    Questionable Camos

    Yes, I have considered stampings and grinding as a way to mark helmets and have also experimented with them. What I found is that they can be filled in with wood filler, sanded smooth, and touched up with paint resembling the paint on the shell. In that way the stamping can easily be made to...
  20. R

    Questionable Camos

    I don't mind responding Ken, but as I said in my first post, I won't get into ethical arguments because I've been through this already on GHW. If you want to read the long thread you can find it there. Besides, there is no way I can adequately address your concern so I'm not going to give it a...