Senior Member
Will you please post a link to where I can purchase a hard copy of your book? The item number posted in the LN thread wasn't working for me. I saw you mentioned that k98kforum members would get the pdf version as well for free, very gracious! Thanks for the good work.
Will you please post a link to where I can purchase a hard copy of your book? The item number posted in the LN thread wasn't working for me. I saw you mentioned that k98kforum members would get the pdf version as well for free, very gracious! Thanks for the good work.

Camos in general were few and far between in collector's circles in the '50s and '60s, and those in excellent shape were even fewer.
Of course they exist (I'm not saying they don't). It's just that most of the 'good stuff' has been 'collected up' over the years and now resides in top-end collections.
Some of the 'exotic freshies' in excellent condition we are seeing coming out of the woodwork in recent years are very possibly side-by-side copies of actual originals.
Of course they look good, of course they look like known originals. It is similar to the forging of historic artwork that looks so good it even fools the art experts.
We should take note of what REX (a good guy) is capable of and realize that he is not the only one with these and similar capabilities. However, they are not marking their work as REX is, but those helmets are entering collector's circles via "vet acquisitions", "wood-work finds", "barn discoveries" and "old collections".