Questionable Camos


Will you please post a link to where I can purchase a hard copy of your book? The item number posted in the LN thread wasn't working for me. I saw you mentioned that k98kforum members would get the pdf version as well for free, very gracious! Thanks for the good work.:thumbsup:

Camos in general were few and far between in collector's circles in the '50s and '60s, and those in excellent shape were even fewer.

Of course they exist (I'm not saying they don't). It's just that most of the 'good stuff' has been 'collected up' over the years and now resides in top-end collections.

Some of the 'exotic freshies' in excellent condition we are seeing coming out of the woodwork in recent years are very possibly side-by-side copies of actual originals.

Of course they look good, of course they look like known originals. It is similar to the forging of historic artwork that looks so good it even fools the art experts.

We should take note of what REX (a good guy) is capable of and realize that he is not the only one with these and similar capabilities. However, they are not marking their work as REX is, but those helmets are entering collector's circles via "vet acquisitions", "wood-work finds", "barn discoveries" and "old collections".
Sorry, but i disagree.... this book is non valuable, Why he didnt mention it when a camo is shown here and ask lot nr to check it?, would be faster and more veritable than his explanations ( sorry, here i must laugh, :bump2:)

I know many members that :biggrin1:bought it thinking valuable and now is lost in the libreries

Acer, you have mentioned using pages of my book to do your 'dirty-work' in the loo.

Please be forewarned that I cannot verify the integrity of the materials used in the ink and paper processing. As such, if you should develop a nasty rash 'down there', I cannot be held responsible. I'm sorry.

Acer, you have mentioned using pages of my book to do your 'dirty-work' in the loo.

ME ???, :rofl: what do you smoke?

Please be forewarned that I cannot verify the integrity of the materials used in the ink and paper processing. As such, if you should develop a nasty rash 'down there', I cannot be held responsible. I'm sorry
What do you smoke?
Hi Rune,
I can answer you as the adult im, dont worry i can be very serious except when people is playing with me or not taking me seriously and in this forum those things are happening.

Im not here to argue with everybody. im here because somebody told me that helmet posted in GHw2 are posted here with our replies, i came to see it and kept in silence until M45 put my name ( or better copy and paste) my name in one of his threads, i didnt find it normal, now its funny, that somebody took our pics there to judge them here, probably for you can be perfect to take the other´s helmets and bring them here, but for me is not normal, but wacthing the people´s reaction it seems im the beast ( who cares).

I dont disagree in a special helmet, i disagree in the way they are posting here and how member of GHW2 are posted here, even he permit to say " do they are so stupid" ?? when i dont know M45 and dont want, i wouldnt took his book even with a stick, because i have read until all this matter nothing relationed to lot numbers.

M45. and i will finish with you soon because im making too much publicity to whom doesnt deserve it. If you book would be really so important, so neccesary for collectors, so valuable, and not because you writte it ( :facepalm:), since the first moment you would have checked the helmets with your book, asking lot numbers,showing the pages where they come... where do they are?? no one and nothing!!!! i have shown you in a couple of lines how valuable is your book :laugh::laugh:

So wait me sat in a chair if you could imagine for a moment i could take only a page of your "famous" book.

Please, avoid me wasting my time replying to your valuables threads, you can keep posting our pics and, probably, you will post someday one of my helmets, but only because you are very jealous of them ( would like to see your collection), well.... wait.... better no, thanks!! not really interested at all

You English is basically passable, but there are some phrases that are not very clear.
Scrapes reveal the fresh paint underneath (a very bad sign, IMO).

Of course they do, by their very nature scrapes to a top layer reveal the 'fresher' looking paint underneath that has not been exposed to wear/age... :facepalm: and usually that is some shade of tan being that bottom layer (on the 3 colour "Normandy" camo helmets). Definitely not a point to judge a camo on IMHO.

As an aside I yet to be 100% convinced by the GHW2 SE66, but do like many of the helmets Acer posted up.
Of course they do, by their very nature scrapes to a top layer reveal the 'fresher' looking paint underneath that has not been exposed to wear/age... :facepalm: and usually that is some shade of tan being that bottom layer (on the 3 colour "Normandy" camo helmets). Definitely not a point to judge a camo on IMHO.

As an aside I yet to be 100% convinced by the GHW2 SE66, but do like many of the helmets Acer posted up.

On authentic camos, scrapes from 70 years ago would reveal paint that has been exposed to the elements for the last 7 decades, not bright fresh new appearing paint as what I have seen.
On authentic camos, scrapes from 70 years ago would reveal paint that has been exposed to the elements for the last 7 decades, not bright fresh new appearing paint as what I have seen.

Yes, sure, still waiting to see your collection, if you ever have had anything
There are several things that make me shake my head during forum "debates"; two of them:

1) Bashing non-English speakers for an inability to articulate a point with perfect English precision. This usually from those who cannot speak a second language (i.e., an American).

2) Attempts to equate knowledge with collection size, i.e., "you don't have a big collection, so your opinions are invalid".
M35 DD Heer

Done for a forum member. i'm sure he won't mind my posting it since I've agreed up front to post repaints.

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Hi Rex

Thank you for sharing your newest work. Your helmet painting show in a scaring way how "original" and belivable a camo can be replicated with "natural" combat wear. You are replicating this so good that I personally are not able to discern this particular helmet from originals.

Which is the reason I will never buy a "Normandy" camo, as I personally believe that the majority in circulation today are fakes.

I think our friend Acer is in for an unpleasant surprise down the line. His behaviour makes me wonder which motive he has for slandering Brian in this thread (he is also using every opportunity in GHW2 to put Brian and his book in a bad light). As such behaviour clearly show lack of empathy and is generally unintelligent, I cannot remove the thought that there also could be a different motive behind such evil and ignorant writings on a forum.

Luckily, it is easy to see in this thread who is the bad guy. It is not Brian Ice. I do not agree with him on several of these helmets, but that does not compel me to not treat him with respect.
I support GWH2 for the complete exposure of the Great Champagne Rune Fraud. That discussion was not allowed at WAF. My remaining hope for the integrity of the hobby is GHW2. There are enough fake camos out there that they will be found everywhere.
Just wanted to take a minute and say as a member for a number of years who joined primarily to gain knowledge of k98k and other small arms of Germany, I have interest in all facets of german militaria from WW2 and WW1.

It is a testatment to this forum and members that over the last few years, a forum dedicated originally for small arms is now becoming a haven for german helmet collectors (allowing both pro/con views with no BS like other dedicated helmet forums).

Just look at the number of posts in the last year or so here regarding helmet collecting and the number of new members (both here in the U.S. and overseas) who have found their way to joining and adding knowledge to helmet collecting.

Thanks to all for this and to the Mod's who primarily started this for k98k's but probably never envisioned that the forum would evolve and expand to include so many other areas in collecting, especially helmets.
WOW look at that Camo!!!! it's like something you'd see on GHW2 every week

Thanks for posting Ruffin :thumbsup:

Won't fool a collector that studies and has handled real camos.

While Acer gets hot headed he has some valid points.I have no idea who or how long people on this forum have been collecting.But I can be only assume from some of the comments there are a lot of newbies commenting if they can't tell Rex's Camos are fake.And comments that "most Normandies are fake.For one they all exhibit the same texture.

Knowledge is power in helmet collecting just as it is in any field.

Not trying to fight or put anyone down but some of these opinions are just as dangerous as the the fakes.

BTW Ve been fooled 2x by camos I thought were legit in 15 years of collecting.If you do your homework it's not as dire a situation as you may think.One was owned by a very high end collector and GHW did call it out.I think it's a great forum without prejudice .
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To my deep satisfaction I have been deemed a newbie who has not studied the field of german helmets. I guess 26 years of collecting does not count. My meagre collection of 10 original helmet (way to few to have an opinion...) of which three are camo's still put me in the amature league by some. Which is fine. I have learned over the years that integrity and honesty in the german helmet collecting community is more wanting than one earlier believed.

And yes, I think the majority of the "Normandy" camo's circulating now most likely are exotic freshies, or enhanced originals with fake paint.

With all the new knowledge, especially the lot number research done by Brian, has mitigated a lot of fakers urge to make "factory issue" helmets. That leaves the fakers to search for new markets where it is not to easy to detect what is real and what is not. Hence the flux and abundance of sexy, exotic freshies of every kind. The dealer sites are packed with camo helmets. Go figure...!!