Search results

  1. R

    Receiver marking?

    Think the stock could be any Lighter in color!!
  2. R

    K98k 1943 DOT Matching re-blued + polished bolt

    For $1000 I would keep looking!
  3. R

    Mossberg 151M (B)

    Sure one well built Mossberg and imagine very accurate. My book says 151M [B} made from 1947 to1958. Similar to the Model 151 M with changes in butt plate and sights.
  4. R

    Where have all the OC gone? (Original Contributors)

    Me too nobody! Learned much here but don't want to give my 2 cents if not 100% sure on some topics. Am amazed at the knowledge many have gleaned through the study of milsurp weapons.
  5. R

    Where have all the OC gone? (Original Contributors)

    Lucky to have this forum. So much knowledge to be gained from honest folks here. Always give an honest evaluation too.
  6. R

    June issue American Rifleman

    Just received the June issue. Interesting photos for sure.
  7. R

    New to German Mausers - a little help?

    Wow $1000 for that!!! Over priced ain't the word. Does sure look like the bolt came off a Mitchells. Have heard R/Cs are hitting the $600-800 mark but run fast from this one.
  8. R

    New to German Mausers - a little help?

    Bolt in the white and import marked. I would runaway quick. Hold out for a much more original 98k in my opinion. How much are they asking for this one if I may ask? Am sure more info will be forthcoming .
  9. R

    Hi to all

    Yep best place to be especially before buying. Check here first before getting burned
  10. R

    Advice buying a K98

    Yep quite habit forming indeed. The search is often enjoyable also.
  11. R

    1935 Mauser S/42G *garage find*

    Glad ya got your LTC or FID. Yep Ma. stinks and will screw ya good for even ammo possession without one. Gonna get worse in Ma. sometime this summer I heard from Gun owners Action League. Always some new crap from the Democraps!
  12. R

    Really BAD !!!!!

    Honesty is such a rare commodity often these days. Damn shame.
  13. R

    CE 41

    Put it back to original or at least as close to original as possible.
  14. R

    SS Assault Gunner's Wrap

    Truly awesome stuff in your collection! Thanks for sharing.
  15. R

    New to me 1941 mauser berlin, 9289a

    Nice score indeed. Looks like a more rare one to come by being a 1941 rifle.
  16. R

    Oh. My. Gosh.

    A bit mind boggling I would say.
  17. R

    New Member

    Welcome. You have found the right place to be. Honest members here that know their stuff. Like to see pic of your rifle if possible.
  18. R

    Fake SS mauser

    A shame is right that a decent rifle had to be ruined
  19. R


    Best place to be for knowledge. Honesty spoken here too.
  20. R

    Going rate on an RC K98?

    Seem to be going up every time I look here. My BYF 44 mix-matcher ran me$250 in 95 from Century. Recall back in the early 70s practically giving some milsurps away. Wonder if my old friend still has that $25 Type 99. Hope he does!