1935 Mauser S/42G *garage find*

Photo Link:: Here are some updated pictures of the Mauser k98 I found in my garage. Test fired 20 rounds yesterday and it’s insanely accurate. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. From the little research I’ve done it seems to be a rare gem. Everything is matching except the bolt which is different but also all matching.
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It's a period rework of an S/42G. It was rebarreled by the depot at Magdeburg sometime during the war. It will probably marked with an Eagle/Mg10 on the grip behind the triggerguard.

Nice find, and very light cleaning only please.
From this post?

It's a period rework of an S/42G. It was rebarreled by the depot at Magdeburg sometime during the war. It will probably marked with an Eagle/Mg10 on the grip behind the triggerguard.

Nice find, and very light cleaning only please.
There is a faint stamp in the wood behind the trigger guard it’s so dark and worn I can’t tell if it has an eagle, also how should I go about registering this or should I even bother?
From this post?

My other pics were super blurry and didn’t show all the proofings
There is a faint stamp in the wood behind the trigger guard it’s so dark and worn I can’t tell if it has an eagle, also how should I go about registering this or should I even bother?

If you’re in the US, I doubt there is any need to register it. Perhaps some stupid state has a stupid law, but I’m not aware of any. You should be good.
EDIT: Oh, it's the same rifle from the other thread. I thought this was another garage find! *Goes out to the garage to have a look around.....
I was waiting for my license to come in so I could legally own it. MA has some dumb laws so I was afraid to leave the property with it.
The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts has a law on the books that requires you to have an LTC or FID (firearms identification) to own a gun. If you are caught transporting a gun without one or the other, you could end up with a year in jail. Of course this law isn't enforced on criminals as it should be, but it could get the average person into a lot of trouble.
It's a period rework of an S/42G. It was rebarreled by the depot at Magdeburg sometime during the war. It will probably marked with an Eagle/Mg10 on the grip behind the triggerguard.

Nice find, and very light cleaning only please.
Link: Here’s a pic of the stamp not sure the specific name of it
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The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts has a law on the books that requires you to have an LTC or FID (firearms identification) to own a gun. If you are caught transporting a gun without one or the other, you could end up with a year in jail. Of course this law isn't enforced on criminals as it should be, but it could get the average person into a lot of trouble.
submitted my prints April 2nd got my license May 2nd. and exactly, someone who wants to do harm does not care about breaking extra laws.
submitted my prints April 2nd got my license May 2nd. and exactly, someone who wants to do harm does not care about breaking extra laws.
Glad ya got your LTC or FID. Yep Ma. stinks and will screw ya good for even ammo possession without one. Gonna get worse in Ma. sometime this summer I heard from Gun owners Action League. Always some new crap from the Democraps!