New to German Mausers - a little help?


I've only messed around a bit with a few Yugo Mausers (M24/47 and M48). I usually mess with US stuff otherwise. My local store bought a milsurp collection and started posting them this week. I went in and browsed, and this on called to me a bit, but I was a little leery of jumping on it since I know so little. So I walked away and came home to do a bit of research.

Its a S/42 dated 1935. There is a mark above the S/42 that almost looks like an asterix. Its an X but it looked like little separate - - wings on each side. So I'm guessing its a Russian Capture. However, all the parts I found with serial number matched. Not electro pen, actual factory looking stamps. From memory, the receiver, barrel, bolt handle, bolt shroud, trigger guard, magazine plate were all marked. Those are the matched parts I remember. I might have missed some.

The stock also had the serial stamped on the left side and its been sanded. Another indication of an RC if my short amount of research holds up.

The bolt is in the white, so I know that's wrong now. It didn't stand out in the store since I was used to Yugo's. The rifle is import marked on the left side of the end of the barrel, but I was having a hard time reading it. I could tell it didn't look like the MMC Mitchell's Mausers mark. I've seen that on Yugo's at gun shows. It had a different 5 digit serial or code in the import mark.

I don't have a 8mm muzzle gauge, but I used a dummy round and there was about a 3/16 gap between the muzzle and the brass. So... not bad, not great as far as the wear does. They have the bolts tied down, and since I wasn't sure about it, I didn't take it to the counter to have them open it up so I could inspect the bore. If I decide to go back tomorrow, I'll take a look.

Anything else stand out on this one? Any reason to avoid? What would be a reasonable price on it?

Bolt in the white and import marked. I would runaway quick. Hold out for a much more original 98k in my opinion. How much are they asking for this one if I may ask? Am sure more info will be forthcoming .
By any chance are you located in Virginia? I believe we might share the same local gun shop and if so, I was blown away by the hyper-inflated prices on the half dozen K98ks they had in stock this morning. I handled some of the most worn out RCs I have ever seen for $999. Even the atomic-proof "licorice jellybean" finish was worn thin on most. There was one "matching" rifle for $2999 that looked nearly as worn out as the RCs, over-sanded stock and multiple number fonts to boot. I believe I inspected the rifle you posted and the "Asterisk" stamp I observed strongly appeared to be from Mitchell. The mirror-polished bolt is another hallmark of that variety. All of the offerings I looked over left me feeling very pleased with my meager collection at home; I honestly don't believe I have seen a sadder, more overpriced group of Mausers being offered for sale in a retail shop.

Feel free to PM me if you are in fact in Virginia, might have a few local resources I would be happy to pass along.
Just search Mitchel's'll find a ton, renumbered, humped guns, pimp shined bolts, unless its a cheap shooter, run away, far away..
Looks exactly like a mitchells mauser re-work, especially with the bolt not being blued. Don’t give Don Mitchell’s garbage rifles anymore attention, they belong in the trash.
Wow $1000 for that!!! Over priced ain't the word. Does sure look like the bolt came off a Mitchells. Have heard R/Cs are hitting the $600-800 mark but run fast from this one.
Yep... I'm in Virginia. I mainly went in to give the M1917's and the IHC Garand a once over. This was the only Mauser that I kinda liked the look of before I got home and read about the bolt finish. One near it had a black finish that looked almost like duracoat it was so thick and ugly.

I'm a bit familiar with MM from the Yugo side. I didn't have my glasses with me, so I was having a hard time reading it in the store lighting, but it didn't look like the MMC marking I'm used to seeing on their reworks. If I go back I'll take my glasses.
I have dealt with that gun shop for years and used to find good pieces for reasonable prices, but that all changed around 2020. They still get old stuff in but their price-points are beyond retail. I check the wooden "bargain bins" and their used knives....still can get a few deals there!

I keep a running "saved search" on Gunbroker for 8MM in Virginia and have found several good deals that way, might be worth looking into if you are not in a hurry.

This is the rifle I handled earlier today that was $2999, the website is now showing it as sold!


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From what you described it sounds like a Mitchell's Mausers rifle. You know what to do already.
I bought 2 Yugo's from them in the last few years, and they were good rifles at a decent price. But, that's the only used stuff I've bought from them. I've passed on every US milsurp they've had.

I did look at one you posted too, but it was already way out of my price range anyway. The one I posted here was more of a whim. I had thought of getting a Yugo 98/48 at some point, so a German marked rifle would be nice too.

I got interested in the Yugo Mausers back when Cabela's got their stash of M48's in back in late 2021. Did a little research, went back and checked them all, and not a matching set of numbers on any of them. They were asking $700 when they got them in... $100+ over matching number rifles. I went back the other month, and most of them are still there priced at $450.

Anyway... message received. Run Far, Run Fast.

Thanks everyone.
FYI - There was a decent bolt-mismatched dou. 44 at the Richmond Gun Show today for $1199 OBO. Finish was well-worn, bolt appeared to match itself, stock looked good, all numbers I could see matched and looked right to my eyes. Was on a table down the first aisle on the right coming in from the main entrance. Might be worth checking out tomorrow morning if you have time, show opens at 10AM.
I wasn't paying attention and didn't realize there was a show this weekend. Too much going on lately. I might try and check it out. Was it the guy that has all the milsurps on the triangular racks. He's usually on the right side near the front.
You might be thinking about Chesterfield Armament, which are set up on the same side near the seller I mentioned. They always have a huge selection...but never sell anything. I work the shows in Hampton and Richmond and see the same rifles again and again. They have several K98ks but all were priced higher than the ones you saw recently at the gun shop. The last show I worked in Hampton they had an RC with a mismatched straight bolt (from a Vz.24 probably) that had a $1699 price tag. The man with the dou. was an older gentleman selling on his own and not a "dealer," you would stand a much better chance of securing a good price with a private seller like him.