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    Portuguese K98 new imports

    I happened upon a u tube video of a guy with 60 or so 37As that were all matching with really crisp markings, original slings etc. are these part of this group or is that old/something else? They looked nice and def rarer than the Bs I think tho not an expert here
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    17 Amberg and some kit

    Wow very kind words thank you. Definitely rewarding to be able to get a sense of completion - something we don’t often get to experience in our hobby. Now on the the early war set!
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    17 Amberg and some kit

    Thx for the comments and yes harder than WWII but patience does pay off and I’m still surprised how often nice imperial stuff pops up. And on the bandolier proof that walking the gun shows can pay off as well. Found it on a table at the Allentown show. Worked out to about .50 a round! Was...
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    17 Amberg and some kit

    Haven't posted for a while and just finished a project so I thought I'd share. I started collecting Imperial stuff as a kid and a goal was a complete set of late war kit, in the best condition possible, ideally new/unissued. With a few recent additions I'm finally just about there. Still need a...
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    K98 sniper

    Fake muscle cars used to be fake muscle cars; now their called “tributes”. Maybe we should call these Tribute snipers.
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    Portuguese K98 new imports

    Wow those centerfire guns are awe full I wouldn’t touch for half the money. You’d never get it back. Between the new condition early imports and later Hansen guns in VG+ there are plenty in collectible condition floating around if U want one of these. Extra mark next to the serial? Non...
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    Getting in 100 k98k rifles.

    Missed out? Have they all been sold? What was the price?
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    Getting in 100 k98k rifles.

    Looks like all early ones with flat but plates. The Hansen bunch had the smallest import stamps I’ve ever seen. Still have one I picked out of a rack of about 20 or so for $275 in their shop! How are these marked?
  9. Y

    Stopped by the Gunboards K98k Forum that’s a name.....haven’t been in a decade and frankly wouldn’t have known if it even existed still. No need thx to Bruce and mike. All the good peeps here anyway so what’s the point.
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    Might not have ever had a hood and easy enough to see close up. Wouldn’t add one if that’s the case. And the laminate stock is actually less common than the walnut, much as folks like the latter. Very nice. Don’t touch a thing as others have said. Lots of these around but always a crowd pleaser
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    BYF 45 ZF41 Unissued

    Menzel stocks on late Oberndorf guns are better finished than those on gustloff guns which show a lot of chatter. This is right.
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    Bond drive Gewehr 98

    Agree bond guns a cool bit of history and you’d never clear the barrel anyway. I heard the rods were coated with something before driving in with a hammer but could be folklore.
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    Humped bcd 45

    A C block BCD 45 woulda been built oh, maybe in July or August ;). And agree looks like steyr wood. Only a few full stock with disc and all around 75k so that’s bogus. Phosphate finish looks bad all around.
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    Should I clean or leave as found 1940 K98k

    Leave it alone it’s only original once
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    Social security number engraved on rifle

    Are you sure it’s not a service or laundry number? I think that was a common way to identify war trophies. I’ve got a byf 44 L block with a SN ep’d on the floor plate and front band and it’s duffle cut as well. Does not detract for me at all it’s a real bring back and part of the history.
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    T-Gewehr New Stock

    What does something like that run?
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    SWP45 SMRS 79126a

    Nice and plenty of chatter still on the wood. Minor issues on rare ones like this are no big deal. I’d be happy to own it.
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    Steyr VG-5 aka VK-98 for review and critique

    Btw the sling looks like the strap from a battle pack. And could absolutely be original. You see all sorts of things used including gas mask straps etc. I think they about 30” long. The known serials for these run to just under 10k and at 8100 this one is pretty late. Most were phosphate at...
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    Steyr VG-5 aka VK-98 for review and critique

    Ps it’s a beauty and got to love that wood esp the knot!
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    Steyr VG-5 aka VK-98 for review and critique

    On a gun like this the bolt is fine for display unless you paid as an original. I believe these follow the pattern and timeframe for regular steyr production in terms of blue to phosphate, which transitioned in the S block. As Darren points out in his book, contrary to popular opinion these...