Steyr VG-5 aka VK-98 for review and critique

Joseph Burke

Senior Member
Steyr VG-5 aka VK-98 for review and critique. Just received this VG-5 and am trying to determine if anything is amiss. Call me the skeptic. Of most concern is the numbering on the bolt although it is similar font as the the receiver serial font. Most items on this are textbook according to Weaver's reference book but this rifle is primarily blued as opposed to the far more common phosphate. The barrel is a couple inches shorter than a standard K98k barrel and I'm unsure of the two common barrel length measurements for the VG-5. The barrel is correctly marked and correctly counterbored as is the norm. Also, the greater than normal amount of plum on the rear of the receiver caught my attention. The only item that is known to be wrong or incorrect is that it has a non-original fabricated magazine insert. Maybe it never had one? Open to thoughts and opinions on anything though to be questionable.

Flickr Album of 40 plus images for your review:

VG-5 Steyr 8107 1.jpg
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The bolt is humped, renumbered Steyr with what looks to be a largely Czech back half. I believe the BR to be completely fine, and they definitely show up blued. Steyr was experimenting with finishing processes towards the end, after their relocation, you see some very plum and mottled guns in the later blued examples.
If I can get my phone to agree with me, I can get you some pics of a couple others to bounce yours off of. I'm with Clay on the bolt. It's not good.
Great rifle, even with the replaced bolt! :D (y)(y)(y)
Yeah, pitty about the bolt but it's not like this is the kind of thing you just grab off GB any given Saturday after a couple beers.

And good god every time I see one of these I'm shocked all over at just how crude they were.
As others have said the bolt is a hot mess.. But the rest looks fine. If you paid appropriate price than Id say live with it. If you paid top dollar send it back. The sling is interesting on its own. Looks possibly original
On a gun like this the bolt is fine for display unless you paid as an original. I believe these follow the pattern and timeframe for regular steyr production in terms of blue to phosphate, which transitioned in the S block. As Darren points out in his book, contrary to popular opinion these were not “last ditch” and were actually produced earlier in 45.
I don't think it's a bubba. Correct bolt, VG5 for sure not a late k98 bolt there, I don't see any sign of filing"1" ," 0" Yes some how double stamped. I think it's an error at factory, but overall a very nice example.
I don't think it's a bubba. Correct bolt, VG5 for sure not a late k98 bolt there, I don't see any sign of filing"1" ," 0" Yes some how double stamped. I think it's an error at factory, but overall a very nice example.
No, that bolt is bad. Rest is really cool tho! The knot is special.
Btw the sling looks like the strap from a battle pack. And could absolutely be original. You see all sorts of things used including gas mask straps etc. I think they about 30” long. The known serials for these run to just under 10k and at 8100 this one is pretty late. Most were phosphate at this point and also had the thick barrels but not questioning this one I like it. Also the bolt could be straight or bent at this point both appear in the late range. Shrouds tend to be rough finished as you see appear in the S block as well. I’d be happy to own and would not mind a mis-match for such a rare gun.
Just to clarify, some have said the bolt is 100% bad, some have said the numbering is bad. Is the bolt itself bad, as in type and construction, or is the bolt itself correct for this model, but renumbered?
Bolt body is not VK98, may be late Steyr. Majority lack bolt detent on gas shield (save for early guns) and have a notch cut in bolt body for bolt disassembly. Back half is impossible to tell if Steyr from these pics on my screen, not clear enough.

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Rifle has been returned to seller. Loved that slab stock but couldn't accept the bolt issue. I'll admit I still hated to send it back.