Welcome to the forum! Your rifle is a K98k made in 1945 by Steyr and is in the late war configuration commonly known as the Kriegsmodell. These late war rifles are very simplified compared to earlier rifles and as such, do not have a bayonet lug or cleaning rod and have much lower finish standards compared to earlier rifles. The "T" block was the last block of K98ks made in 1945 before the surrender and many from the block were brought back by GIs after being captured in the immediate post war time. The bolt shroud, cocking piece, and rear sight on this rifle should be numbered as well, take pics of those and verify that they match the serial number. Close ups of the barrel bands would be much appreciated as well. If the rifle is truly all matching and in very good condition, I would reckon a fair value of $2400-$2600. This one is missing the sight hood but not a major detractor and the stock looks very nice from what I see. Link below should give you a good idea of what to look for though different stock wood(walnut vs your standard laminate).
A recent addition, early 3 digit BNZ T block with final proofs. Mostly phosphate with a few blued parts, rig included a nice late 2 stitch sling and rubber muzzle cover. The hood on it was a crappy repop that I replaced with one I had in my parts box, hopefully I will get lucky and find a nice...