Third Party Press

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  1. P

    My RC bnz. 43

    Nice, looks like a vets war trophies.
  2. P

    Help K98 stock repair

    not a proper scarf joint at the wrist, should undercut the cheek piece towards the butt.
  3. P

    RC BNZ45 Kriegsmodell stock restoration

    Steam then sand. A tea kettle with hose works best.
  4. P

    1936 K98 Mauser help. LOTS of pics

    Cool rifle, really like that it was a bring back by your Grandfather. I just clean the bore after shooting and detail clean once a year, about 200 rds a year. That is a keeper, congrats
  5. P

    Yugo 98's lineage

    have you ever seen the number "31" stamped on the right side of the recoil lug like that?
  6. P

    Yugo 98's lineage

    here are some pictures, not much help, seem well scrubbed. I looked in Laws book and it didn't help me, but I am far from a expert.
  7. P

    Yugo 98's lineage

    Is there any way of telling the lineage of a K98k mauser that has been redone by the Yugo's, say by machinist hallmarks etc? TIA
  8. P

    can anyone help me figure out what i really have?

    so the "Thick Wall" for the LSR scope mount was an added on piece? Or was the surrounding metal milled away?
  9. P

    THE sight hood pliers?

    why not some Garand Rear Handguard clip pliers
  10. P

    k98 white lettering

    I have gotten a few Russian Captures that had the rear sight markings filled in with white that had turned yellow. It's on a Sauer that I received from R-Guns. Odd that the sight was the only part with white.
  11. P

    What is your favorite 22 cal Ammunition?

    I usually buy the cheapest, right now have a bunch of Gov't surplus, that I like and it is lead. Just use a jacketed bullet every so often and it seems to keep down the leading. Before that it was a stash of CCI.
  12. P

    K98 Bolt Stuck in Receiver

    Did that, used Bamboo Skewers like chop sticks to fix it. You won't scratch the bluing with bamboo.
  13. P

    K98 Bolt Stuck in Receiver

    Is the Extractor still on? Something is not lining up with a passage. Take a long thin stick and make sure you have everything like the extractor or the bolt catch lined up with their passages. Don't try to force anything, you will only bend parts.
  14. P

    $15k Sauer

    That is true, or maybe someone found it and stashed it away. Heard there was a lot of that.
  15. P

    $15k Sauer

    How can a rifle from the losing side of a 6 yr war survive intact without any repairs. Hard to believe.
  16. P

    Matching 1943 JP Sauer....

    almost to good, I wonder were the Vet found it, locked away in a closet. Very nice score!! I wonder why all the nice stuff shows up on the East Coast.
  17. P

    My first mauser and som questions about barrel.

    You got a sweet deal on that, looks nice, congrats.
  18. P

    My first mauser and som questions about barrel.

    you said 250$ is that American Or Krone?
  19. P


    Did you try their website , It doesn't work. for $5500 you should want to personally inspect it , or have someone that knows look at it.
  20. P

    Have a rust problem...

    Like they all said, problem is you don't want to destroy the original finish on the metal. Moisture and oxygen causes the oxidation of the metal. You have to get the last bit or it will start up again. Vinegar on a q-tip works well at removing rust, but it will remove bluing as well. Lay the...

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