Third Party Press

$15k Sauer

For the sake of the seller I hope the NR bidder is real. I will also say that it feels good to see an auction close for that amount and not have to spend the next 7 days trying to figure out how to come up with the cash to pay the seller. Okay, I got that off of my chest. I feel better.
That's ridiculous.

NR bidder.......but someone with feedback went up to $15000. Sad state of affairs.
I sold my 1939 Erma k98k on Gunbroker late last night for $3100 :

About an hour or so earlier a Mauser Obern.1939 sold for $4825:

My Erma was, I would say, scarcer and more desirable and in comparable condition, along with a unique stock variation. My Erma 39 was all match’g except the band spring, the MO 39 was all matching including the band spring…quite a pricy part (other things being the same, which they obviously are not). The $15k Mauser mentioned in this thread was also all matching including the band spring. Maybe the band spring is the key! The only real difference I can see is that I had a reserve and a buy it now price on my 98k and the other two sellers had no reserve

What did I do wrong, and is there a lesson in all this for sellers?

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Well, first off the 15k auction for the most part wasn't real. The bidding I mean .Like H.B. said. I think it was taken over by a couple serial scammers/shill bidders. I would be highly surprised if he gets paid. I also think there was one involved in DAK's 42/39 auction. Your Erma was sold for a realistic be it a bit higher price for what it is. You did nothing wrong you got top dollar for your rifle. I.M.H.O. and this shows what your rifle is worth. One of these scammers went public on another forum why? I still don't know ? Ranting about these rifles sell to cheap and he wants them to sell for more???? I don't think he follows the prices too closely.. He was reported to gun broker and was kicked off the site. I think you can log onto gunbroker multiple times under many names.. So he could be back at it ?? We shall see. I hope you'all get paid.....

Also: for the record. I'm not stating that the all NR bidders are shill bidders.. We were all NR bidders once and we have to start somewhere. Or that the sellers auctions were shilled to their knowledge. Both are stand up honest guys. Sellers I don't think have any control who bid on their auctions. Some guys state that NR bidders are to check with them 1st. before placing a bid to make sure they are legit.

All and all auctions are 'events' and rarely have the same result twice. We cant judge the market from a couple run-away auctions.. If the market gets flooded with k98's after a windfall you can bet the prices will fall.
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Auctions aren't always on the level. (Amazing) The same guns get retreaded and recycled, some growing big "winning" bids only to show up again. There is a fair amount of chumming of the water, auction "appraising", shill bidding and such. Then guys wonder "why can't I get a price like that??" or they cite high (fictional) auction prices to support their prices based upon auction fiction.

That 27 1939 is a scarce code and date and sold about right. The others are not and it's always entertaining to see such auction chicanery bring out more of the same rifles which don't sell for 1/3 of the "auction" price.
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Yeah, there is something fishy there, my bet is its shill bidding/fake bidding, and if the seller is not in on it, doubtfull he'll get paid...

Thats just nuts.

I guess someone out there with more money than brains really wanted it...but its a long shot...

Seriously if they start going for more then 10K for matching 98k's, I will sell off a few!
Current auction activity

As Mike said, I'm done.

First on the 15K auction.. I agree that the final bidding in the low 2ks was the last of the real bidding. Stay tuned to see if this gets
relisted. Next for the 39 Oberndorf. IMO wildly inflated price due to who knows what. I have been selling way scarcer codes for far less on this forum (ie. duv42 for 2300). This is not a knock on Keith, since its the bidders that drive the prices up. The only problem is that these
uber high price auctions skew the value and just make it harder to buy a good rifle for a reasonable price.

IMO that JPS was worth in the mid-2ks, and the 39 Oberndorf in the same range.
People see that and become target fixated. They think if a rifle gets a "winning" bid of $3k or $4k then theirs is automatically worth that, i.e., that is automatically the "market price". Invariably it is not, and many times far from it. At best it's an anomaly and at worst, shilling or auction chicanery. The worst part is random people who don't collect these who see that. They then walk their "$4,000" 98k through the shows, and post them on WTS boards and get butthurt feelings and think everyone is trying to rip them off when they don't get an offer over half that amount.

Military Rifle Journal