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You are comparing 60s-70s USA mass production to 20s-30s old-world style German production. As we saw on the clip, this factory is still producing items old-world style; hand blown, hand painted, one at a time. No two look exactly alike. This type of craftsmanship is what you are seeing in the hand painting.I don't know how chewing gum is made but I've been working that shite for a long time. I know that they don't have individuals blowing these out by hand, individually. That's because my grandparents had boxes full of the damn things from the dime store for cheap. Santa, elves, reindeer, gingerbread houses, all kinds of things. If they were expensive we wouldn't have been putting firecrackers in them and blowing up Santa on the driveway in a million tiny thin colored glass pieces while my grandfather laughed and said "y'all will need to clean that up!" Those that you posted are made in a cheap factory process. If they were expensive and individually made I doubt they would be painted in such a crude fashion.
There is no hypocrisy here. We ask for photographic proof because these are highly controversial, as in treated as a joke by many, sold by Walter at The Max. The evidence against their legitimacy is far more compelling than the evidence in favor of legitimacy. These are sold by Walter and generally gooned in videos. We have plenty pics of Xmas decorations in Nazi Germany, just none of these, nothing close. The kiss of death for the "museum" and "news" story authenticating them was that blue zombie Hitler head, which Walter has hanging all over his displays and which even his podnuh doing the interview smirks and goons.
So, applying the presumption that such things are fake until they prove themselves legit, what proof do we have that they are legit?
Possibly from a special order for some high uppity-ups.
Germans seeing the approach of the Allies maybe started to see the stark contradiction of a 'Nazi xmas' and feared a backlash, so made sure certain items disappeared. The attic hiding place seems appropriate.
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