Werhmacht Awards Forum (WAF)

The banning of Mr. Saris, a man of unimpeachable integrity and genius level knowledge of the hobby and German militaria was/is inexcusable. Detailed thread over on HJ Research Forum regarding the matter:


thanks very much, I would also like to know what happened there, I have not renewed my full membership there yet, links says you have to be a full member to view, such a shame what they did, if not a suck $ss or one of the rah rah crowd, this what happens I guess.
I can't believe I just wasted my time reading that thread about the daggers. My main takeaway from the 5 pages is that someone is writing a book on a famous dagger collector. The "father of the hobby".

I guess its time for me to start my unoffical biography on Mike and Bruce. Volume -1.
LOL, the take home points for me were, once again, Ron Weinlands and his pathetic excusus for selling fakes, which he clearly brags about on the thread as he posts a SOLD - pertaining to the blade he had on their eStand. Like rubbing the noses of those daring to question his wares in dog sh*t!
He states:
I don't think anything has been proven here, so draw your own conclusions as I have. Tom Johnson's sale display photos are enough for me,
Ha ha ha ha, OK, so lets see what is "enough evidence/proof" for him

A picture, of a bag of blades?

Who put those blades in that bag?
When were they put in there?

Yep, thats all it takes, a small image of something, and "all`s OK folks, roll right up and open your wallets, $950 a pop folks.
Forget to mention that the same website has plenty of expensive fantasy items too, like this fantasy HJ knife, for only $3000.-

What a bunch of useless, dissapointing wet blankets these people are. Same names, same tricks.... "Cash Only Folks, roll up roll up"

OH, and before anyone says anything about those fantasy HJ knives being genuine (just coz they are pictured in one of Johnsons books and available on other sites like War Booty), no, we already researched this in 2012 on the HJ research forum, and uncovered the series of fantasy rubbish with NSDAP, 2 x different HJ and SS logos mixed into celtic patterns, as well as finding them offered for sale by House of Swords in the early 1980`s! Thats what we do on the HJ Research forum, we "research" and don`t just drool over internet images to help us shift fakes for $950 a pop!
HJ honor bogus.jpgHJ honor bogus2.JPG

Oh, and by the way, in 2010, Ron Weinlands, yes the same guy shilling for these Full Röhm Blades, sold a fantasy SS knife, described as the rarest SS knife known :facepalm:
Over on the HJ Research forum, we like to follow certain dealers and fakes, and keep tracks, otherwise this all gets forgotten, and when the same names come up over and over, it`s harder to connect the dots.
ron fake sss.jpg
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LOL, the take home points for me were, once again, Ron Weinlands and his pathetic excusus for selling fakes, which he clearly brags about on the thread as he posts a SOLD - pertaining to the blade he had on their eStand. He states:

I don't think anything has been proven here, so draw your own conclusions as I have. Tom Johnson's sale display photos are enough for me

Ha ha ha ha, OK, so lets see what is "enough evidence/proof" for him
A picture, of a bag of blades?
Who put those blades in that bag?
When were they put in there?

And here is the best part. Take a look at the photos from Johnson's site. A SS blade and a SA blade at left. Only the obverse showing in all three of the photos. No Röhm dedication to be seen. The photos prove ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as far as the WAF thread! So much for Mr. Weinand's proof ..... "Tom Johnson's sale display photos are enough for me." - Really ....?


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And here is the best part. Take a look at the photos from Johnson's site. A SS blade and a SA blade at left. Only the obverse showing in all three of the photos. No Röhm dedication to be seen. The photos prove ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as far as the WAF thread! So much for Mr. Weinand's proof ..... "Tom Johnson's sale display photos are enough for me." - Really ....?
Ha ha ha, you are right, didn`t even bother to look, just judged the general image of "stuff" in a velvet case - that could have been put in there at any time, by anybody, for whatever reason.
You are right, not only is using these images no proof at all, but they don`t even show the same items he is selling. What a total Muppet.
thanks very much, I would also like to know what happened there,
He spoke the truth once too often. He never took sides, never pally pallied up to anyone, and I guess the usual crowd got sick of his continual rules and regulations. That spoilt a sale for many a criminal over there. Seen it on the WAF too, someone once said to Wim: "We never see you posting any of your collection, all we ever heard from you are rules and regulations being quoted."
Wim stopped collecting 40 years ago because of the fakes, and has dedicated his life to researching, writing books, articles and trying to help the seriously interested.

The seriously interested, are few and far between in this hobby. Far outweighed by the criminal dealers and horrible scum that have someone risen to the top of the hobby.
And here is the best part. Take a look at the photos from Johnson's site. A SS blade and a SA blade at left. Only the obverse showing in all three of the photos. No Röhm dedication to be seen. The photos prove ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as far as the WAF thread! So much for Mr. Weinand's proof ..... "Tom Johnson's sale display photos are enough for me." - Really ....?

I'm not a dagger guy, don't know much at all except maybe to tell what one is or is supposed to be, so forgive this observation if it displays my ignorance: isn't a Roehm inscription special enough that a photograph allegedly showing the finding of these rare jewels at the Herder factory should feature said inscriptions? That is, the act of flipping those blades over and taking a couple more pics would be too onerous? I've never run out of "film" in my iphone and it could take pretty detailed pics of such inscriptions. It's a 5s by the way. If I made such a find I would have taken maybe 50 detailed digital pics of the inscriptions at the site of find to document such a rare event. What am I missing here?
The seriously interested, are few and far between in this hobby. Far outweighed by the criminal dealers and horrible scum that have someone risen to the top of the hobby.

You nailed it right there. That seems to be the attack monkey choir standard shriek: "where are pics of YOUR collection?" That is, credibility at such forums is based upon a person's accumulations not their knowledge and research. I guess knowledge and research are not as good for business at such places as accumulations. I know people with very small to no collections who are the most knowledgeable in K98k collecting. I know of people with very large collections who are lacking in the knowledge department.

..Far outweighed by the criminal dealers and horrible scum that have someone risen to the top of the hobby.

Not sure how this keeps happening with little to no repercussions? If it was fine art, coins or stamps someone or several of the someones would have faced jail-time, lawsuits or loss of their credibility at the very least.
I'm not a dagger guy, don't know much at all except maybe to tell what one is or is supposed to be, so forgive this observation if it displays my ignorance: isn't a Roehm inscription special enough that a photograph allegedly showing the finding of these rare jewels at the Herder factory should feature said inscriptions? That is, the act of flipping those blades over and taking a couple more pics would be too onerous? I've never run out of "film" in my iphone and it could take pretty detailed pics of such inscriptions. It's a 5s by the way. If I made such a find I would have taken maybe 50 detailed digital pics of the inscriptions at the site of find to document such a rare event. What am I missing here?

You are not missing anything. Your "ignorance" rather reveals another giant hole in this sordid story. I'm not an expert but political daggers with unground Rohm dedications are quite rare and desirable. Especially if found on a smaller production and previously unknown maker. One would think that Mr. Johnson as a storied researcher and author would have documents all facets of such a discovery. Not only to include detailed photographs but also any documentation that might be available from the seller/producer. Excellent observations HB ......
The seriously interested, are few and far between in this hobby. Far outweighed by the criminal dealers and horrible scum that have someone risen to the top of the hobby.

Well said MJ. From my perspective the "seriously interested" are those individuals who have no agenda other than seeking the truth. In my limited experience quite rare in this hobby but one of the foundational elements of this forum.
Thanks for the reply Jo, doubt if I ever go back there, , more or less post a item there for verification, "Its Real" or "trust me" with no proof of how they arrive at that conclusion, I really don't plan on buying any more items anyway, I had some HJ items picked out from a local friend (collector/dealer) friend, but stuff was stolen from him, hope the low life scumbag enjoys them. Yes a great injustice to Mr. Saris, pisses me off that those that called him a friend over there said nothing to defend him, $$ickenshi#$
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Röhm took a hot one to the skull in 1935 by Papa Eiche.
After that, the NSDAP did their best to wipe him from the history books. Cigarette cards with his photo - gone, albums, books with a mention of him – gone or changed.
There is no way, in a month of Sunday`s, that any blade manufacturer would have kept any stock around with Röhm`s name on. The repercussions would have been too great.
If any manufacturer did have a few blades that were already etched with Röhm and his blah blah, dedication, they would have been recycled quicker than the attack monkey posted above could do a Sieg Heil.
That`s just the way it would have worked.
Röhm was killed and wiped from history because he was a traitor, he committed treason! So, he, as well as many others, were shot.
Any collector or dealer that even entertains the notion that a period maker kept aside a bag of Röhm-etched blades, needs their head looking at, and understands nothing of history.
Not surprising, though, when you look at the other fantasy nonsense that Johnson has in his books and sells. (HJ camping axe, BDM knife, DJ Knife, HJ knives with blue and green diamonds etc…)
MJ, all of that about Roehm makes perfect sense because these things must be placed within, and viewed through the prism of, their historical context. Certain mentalities we see on forums are characterized by trinket worship, the state of being a "trinket whore." The trinket whore views artifacts not through an holistic, historical, objective research prism, but through the cool story / sales pitch / accumulation view provided by a toilet paper tube, perhaps even the tube that comes with that barn find Wehrmacht toilet paper. Viewed through the trinket whore's Wehrmacht issue toilet paper tube, authority is established by the height of your trinket pile, not the quality of your historical research, knowledge, and application of tools (such as the microscope) for study and authentication. Such research and study undercuts the accumulation of trinkets and "takes the fun out of the hobby." The mongers of such humpery are antagonized as this cuts into their profits. Better to keep up the forum "rah rah" / pay no attention to the man behind the curtain / show us your trinkets or shut up / censorship theme. Some sites receive their money in turn from the mongers. One hand washes the other and both hands wash the face as the LCN says. All just my opinions of course.
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