Werhmacht Awards Forum (WAF)

I don't think he is free to roam, but Hambone could better answer that. I know members can be restricted to certain sections. I clearly remember the trying to buy without papers. The other story sounds even worse.

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Thank you Capt., you are correct.
.... I know members can be restricted to certain sections.

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Tell me about it. I`ve been relegated to the Sodcast thread and this one. Every time I try and post in another section I get a pop up full of swearing and an animated clay man laying on his stomach farting, laughing at me!
It is what it is, and I`m just gratefull I can still log in.
Tell me about it. I`ve been relegated to the Sodcast thread and this one. Every time I try and post in another section I get a pop up full of swearing and an animated clay man laying on his stomach farting, laughing at me!
It is what it is, and I`m just gratefull I can still log in.

too funny!:laugh: keep the sodcasts coming,,,I liked the one with the guys jowls and hoy the looked like a Dobermans!:facepalm:
awesome material,,,and I like how you curse more just to piss off those who complained about the swearing,,,!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
I like how you curse more just to piss off those who complained about the swearing,,,!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
You know about it.
Those that don`t want to hear the truth have hated me from day one already, so no amount of nice talk and politeness would change that.
I could don a white robe and say the Lords prayer before each video it still would not make a difference to to corrupt sheep, they`d kick and moan all the same, so I just charge on with the way I am.
What I can tell you, from what I`ve seen online, is that a few of those who are sobbing because of the language, are the same people who F- and blind every second word when they are off the net.
It`s just a distraction... "Don`t watch the truth, horrible language, please don`t watch, the video makes me and my sheeple followers look like Muppets and prevents us from making money selling a 1970`s fable tagged onto our fakes. Please don`t watch, in fact it`s all just nonsense you don`t need to watch, take that to the bank and lets get on with discussing old stories here with no images or factual evidence. History? Chums, we, the old collectors, write history - we always have. In fact I picked up a box load of it at a motel buy from a vet in 1969, remember that as if it were the day before yesterday. Anyone who dares to question me gets banned, remember that! "
Fireman is a well liked, respected, longtime contributing member of our community. His assessment is correct in my opinion and you know what I mean. I've experienced it first hand. My positions which provoked the abuses at Gunboards were eventually proven correct (as they invariably are, otherwise I wouldn't take those positions) and your position later changed on that issue if I recall. You get credit for that. The freedoms here are not to encourage bickering or shiteslinging because it wouldn't fly elsewhere, but to foster transparency, truth, good information, knowledge exchange and of course, entertainment. A certain amount of driveby littering is accepted here as the price of open and free roads. However, at a certain point we have to draw a line and the above attack on Fireman is over that line. This goes for Niblet too and his attacks upon you. So if it continues I'm not going to censor y'all, but I am going to deter and stop the conduct. A rule here is this: if you don't do it at your house, don't do it at ours just because our freedoms allow it. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.


Thanks HB....although I'm not sure what I contribute these days. The honesty around here is refreshing.

BTW...got the pouch in. It's great! Thanks!
You know about it.
Those that don`t want to hear the truth have hated me from day one already, so no amount of nice talk and politeness would change that.
I could don a white robe and say the Lords prayer before each video it still would not make a difference to to corrupt sheep, they`d kick and moan all the same, so I just charge on with the way I am.
What I can tell you, from what I`ve seen online, is that a few of those who are sobbing because of the language, are the same people who F- and blind every second word when they are off the net.
It`s just a distraction... "Don`t watch the truth, horrible language, please don`t watch, the video makes me and my sheeple followers look like Muppets and prevents us from making money selling a 1970`s fable tagged onto our fakes. Please don`t watch, in fact it`s all just nonsense you don`t need to watch, take that to the bank and lets get on with discussing old stories here with no images or factual evidence. History? Chums, we, the old collectors, write history - we always have. In fact I picked up a box load of it at a motel buy from a vet in 1969, remember that as if it were the day before yesterday. Anyone who dares to question me gets banned, remember that! "

Well said and accurate in my opinion MJ. We've captured a forum attack monkey from another site and he is still in deprogramming so the best he'll do is sieg heil you. Once the deprogramming and normalization is complete the Nazi tendencies will be removed and he will wink at you and give a thumbs up, or maybe simply pee in his own mouth. It's work in progress. Cheers.

You know about it.
Those that don`t want to hear the truth have hated me from day one already, so no amount of nice talk and politeness would change that.
I could don a white robe and say the Lords prayer before each video it still would not make a difference to to corrupt sheep, they`d kick and moan all the same, so I just charge on with the way I am.
What I can tell you, from what I`ve seen online, is that a few of those who are sobbing because of the language, are the same people who F- and blind every second word when they are off the net.
It`s just a distraction... "Don`t watch the truth, horrible language, please don`t watch, the video makes me and my sheeple followers look like Muppets and prevents us from making money selling a 1970`s fable tagged onto our fakes. Please don`t watch, in fact it`s all just nonsense you don`t need to watch, take that to the bank and lets get on with discussing old stories here with no images or factual evidence. History? Chums, we, the old collectors, write history - we always have. In fact I picked up a box load of it at a motel buy from a vet in 1969, remember that as if it were the day before yesterday. Anyone who dares to question me gets banned, remember that! "

Speaking of banned does anyone know about why Mr. Wilhelm Saris was banned @ war relics f., I can find the thread something about a buckle he called out? I found a open letter from him a while back on that site, now I don't see it though, I took screen shot, always looked forward to hearing from him.


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Zacker, I believe that banning people and censoring discussions is extraordinary. There must be a very obvious and extraordinary reason to do this. Being a jacka$$ is not a sufficient reason as I would have censored and banned myself a few times. This site is for thoughtful, objective, intelligent, honest, adults who are interested in this hobby, its integrity, and perpetuation. Thus, I have faith that the members can determine for themselves what is valid and what is bullshite. That's not for a moderator to determine in advance and spoon feed what's left. That's for imbeciles and they don't seem to last long here. :thumbsup:
I like how you curse more just to piss off those who complained about the swearing,,,!

As I've told Jo on several occasions, my only complaint regarding his videos is that there is not enough swearing!
Speaking of banned does anyone know about why Mr. Wilhelm Saris was banned @ war relics f., I can find the thread something about a buckle he called out?

The banning of Mr. Saris, a man of unimpeachable integrity and genius level knowledge of the hobby and German militaria was/is inexcusable. Detailed thread over on HJ Research Forum regarding the matter:

The banning of Mr. Saris, a man of unimpeachable integrity and genius level knowledge of the hobby and German militaria was/is inexcusable. Detailed thread over on HJ Research Forum regarding the matter:


Doesn't surprise me. The truth will often get people banned from those trying to conceal it. I believe I earned a lifetime ban from gunboards, even though I hadn't posted there since September (could have had something to do with Facebook), and I had only gone there to delete my posts. Really wish they would delete the rest of my posts. I would rather have zero association with the site. Only go there to read old John Wall posts, just have to use a VPN now lol. Either way for years now no one wants to hear about SA stamps and others that Waffenampt Shop sells.

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..I have faith that the members can determine for themselves what is valid and what is bullshite. That's not for a moderator to determine in advance and spoon feed what's left.

Amen and as it should be in a forum that values honest discussion and others opinions.
The banning of Mr. Saris, a man of unimpeachable integrity and genius level knowledge of the hobby and German militaria was/is inexcusable. Detailed thread over on HJ Research Forum regarding the matter:


Didn't the "War Relics" site also ban and shut down some discussion about the Great Shampain Ruin Hoax? Didn't the "super moderator" there claim they were real because he saw one in 1964 or something? The credibility and integrity of a site and forum is forfeited by such antics. One never knows what information was removed that would contribute to the truth.
Well, and some a$$ing around, comedy and such. :thumbsup:

Of course. :moon:

One thing we don't get much of and I kind of wish there was a bit more are those requests for members to 'validate' someone's fantasy piece. It's only happened a few times and the answer turns out not to be the one they came looking for. It did instigate some good conversation, but without going off the rails like the SS sniper thread on GB
Of course. :moon:

One thing we don't get much of and I kind of wish there was a bit more are those requests for members to 'validate' someone's fantasy piece. It's only happened a few times and the answer turns out not to be the one they came looking for. It did instigate some good conversation, but without going off the rails like the SS sniper thread on GB
Though you have to admit that was the most action a thread received there in years and it was pretty damn entertaining at times.

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Of course. :moon:

One thing we don't get much of and I kind of wish there was a bit more are those requests for members to 'validate' someone's fantasy piece. It's only happened a few times and the answer turns out not to be the one they came looking for. It did instigate some good conversation, but without going off the rails like the SS sniper thread on GB

The two biggest assholes ever that would guarantee a trainwreck, Shooter Ike, and pgaplayerless, and his POS sniper fantasy...
The banning of Mr. Saris, a man of unimpeachable integrity and genius level knowledge of the hobby and German militaria was/is inexcusable. Detailed thread over on HJ Research Forum regarding the matter:


Slash, I signed up there but could not see that thread. I'd be interested to hear what the real deal was there. A reason for the foundation of this site was to frustrate censorship. Gauleiters at other forums and sites have been quite infuriated that what they censored turned up here and their censorship pointed out. They've struggled mightily in the past to shut us up, including "legal threats" and demands that we "post retractions" and "apologize.":laugh: I think they've mostly given up.
..struggled mightily in the past to shut us up, including "legal threats" and demands that we "post retractions" and "apologize.":laugh: I think they've mostly given up.

That's fantastic! "I'll sue you for telling people the truth about my fakes" :laugh:
That's fantastic! "I'll sue you for telling people the truth about my fakes" :laugh:

The best was the XRFacts lawyer who demanded that I be censored, that a retraction be posted, and that we actually post links and advertisements for XRFacts. I responded to that silly codhead directly. I never heard back. :googlie