Werhmacht Awards Forum (WAF)

I give the guy credit if he is admitting his mistakes. Would be nice if collectors of certain firearms and other militaria would do the same. Even better if they admitted the outright fraud they committed.

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I give the guy credit if he is admitting his mistakes.
.....have to. Imagine if whatever crap you did always followed you, with zero forgiveness, zero forgetting. God, I would probably be the 21st century Josef Mengele.
There wouldn`t just be one big black book of all my bad deeds, but a library ful of them. :bump2:
Hey fat boy! How is the illegal firearms market treating you? able to buy any good untraceable weapons lately?. I could put your name in lights if you like, make you a star.

I already am a star, no need for some nobody like yourself to promote me,,,,:laugh:

illegal firearms trade? hmmm do you have any proof of that? or are you just opening up your blowhole with some drug induced
"wisdom" again? Lets dance
.....have to. Imagine if whatever crap you did always followed you, with zero forgiveness, zero forgetting. God, I would probably be the 21st century Josef Mengele.
There wouldn`t just be one big black book of all my bad deeds, but a library ful of them. :bump2:

good to see your doing well Jo
I give the guy credit if he is admitting his mistakes. Would be nice if collectors of certain firearms and other militaria would do the same. Even better if they admitted the outright fraud they committed.

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I wish WAF would have gave me some credit when I admitted my mistake,,,,I mistook them for an actual forum:facepalm:
I already am a star, no need for some nobody like yourself to promote me,,,,:laugh:

illegal firearms trade? hmmm do you have any proof of that? or are you just opening up your blowhole with some drug induced
"wisdom" again? Lets dance

What’s that fat man?. Still have this one of you trying to buy guns with no papers across states borders. Your a stooge and should keep your mouth shut. I was there when that eagle hit your APO and you never paid the guy, you did a PayPal dispute and took the money back and you claim it was a mistake. It was a mistake to list it for sale on the same forum you stole it from and have it recognized from the guy you robbed. It’s easy to miss an extra 3k in your checking account I’m sure.

Only thing worse than a liar is a thief, you got all the bases covered you fat prick, and your probably a criminal too. Fat slob.


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No different to any other dealer with a table full of everything from Xmas Hitler head bulbs to KZ jumpsuits.
I never had anything to do with him until a few months ago. In fact, I "met" him by sending him a mail saying that his Anti Partisan badge book was the biggest cock of shite I`ve ever seen, with him inventing his own manufacturing method to explain the expensive cast fakes shown in the book as genuine. A few mails back and forth, and then somehow we got onto SS rings and he sent some micro images and asked if I also thought what he had sent me was cast. So, I said yes of course it is, then he sent me a few to make videos of and that was it. I know he has since had a good few professionally examined by independent "company" that has nothing to do with the hobby, so can support anything he claims about the metal content and the way they were made - cast - the way I explained in the videos. I have seen the results but was asked to not say anything, so I won`t. I guess he wants to keep it for a while to ram up a few people’s rear ends at some point. Fair play, I would probably do the same, as there are one or two puff skulls that deserve a good virtual kicking.
Still, not of any interest to me at all, never even looked at any ring threads, just got on with the badges. He sent me another to examine a few weeks ago, the Norwegen Militär Verwaltung, that turned out to be a cast fake mess. I know he bought it as original, and thought it was, but I also know that he accepts the video and evidence that it`s cast with plastic (soft) enamel, so that`s good enough for me.
Not forgetting that he was willing to send it to me, pay postage - take the risk, and now has to live with a €400 loss and a public video, meaning he could never sell it as original.And that alone, is 110x more than any dealer or even collector has been willing to do so far. So if that does not deserve credits, then I don`t know what does.

No need to press on with "correcting" many other mistakes, I guess that would be up to him at some point if he wished to.
As far as what he is like as a collector and dealer on fora, I would have no idea at all, I just know him from email contact really. (And the I♥pizza thread)

The hard part, especially for a dealer, and more so for an established author like he is, is to accept that you have been wrong. Drastically wrong. And slowly start working on admitting it (esp. to your audience) and somehow trying to improve. That`s really all anyone could ask.
I wouldn`t even know how many times I`ve been wrong about stuff before, but I learned the error of my ways, and have been sent back to the hobby to instill the fear being turned into a meme, into every fake seller and fake shiller out there. And random haters for sheets and giggles.

What’s this guy selling Jo?. Where is the money at? Memel medals, party pins?. No, this guy writes certificates and you ain’t telling him anything if his forum posts are any indication.

Autographs, SS cloth, clay, Honor rings, partisan badges, etc. He knows everything and another guy who likes ray guns and lasers to authenticate things. He sells certificates and he will write them on anything you want. He even claimed he could authenticate a camp cap that he had for sale for 2000.00 as original as one of 3 types.


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Are those certificates any better for wiping your a$$ with than the ones issued by Kelly Hicks for German Helmets?

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Are those certificates any better for wiping your a$$ with than the ones issued by Kelly Hicks for German Helmets?

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No, their really not and it’s the same game. I guess when compared with Hicks however, I would be inclined to choose the Scapini paper.
whoa wait a minute Vid was one of Hick's biggest cheerleaders when the ray-gun authenticator was devised
what happened Vid? did you have the ray gun in your lap too long and get cervical cancer from it?

you keep posting that fantasy post and keep regurgitating the same 'ole Niblet RR Eagle saga

I'm like JR Ewing of "Dallas" fame,,everyone loves to hate me because I am so good

I made a mistake with the RR Eagle,,squared up with the guy and then he went to ground as a way to get back at me

for delaying the payment,,fair enough,,but I paid the man what I owed him in the end,,,and admitted my mistake to the community

its old news buddy,,,,get some new material,,,,lets talk about your visit to Germany!!!
Lulz....I love how dealers/mods come here and act like a horse's a$$ when on their home forums, they would ban someone for behaving that way or whine to the owners about getting them banned. Pretty much why the K98 forum exists.
Lulz....I love how dealers/mods come here and act like a horse's a$$ when on their home forums, they would ban someone for behaving that way or whine to the owners about getting them banned. Pretty much why the K98 forum exists.

well "Vid" goes by several names over at WAF, "J Wraith" is one, I have seen his syntax in others as well

he's in bed with someone over on the Mod team there,,he has to be,,,he got shut down as "VID" because he went off on a drunken tirade about Gottlieb and being Jewish I believe,,but he's there alive and well primarily as JWraith.
the management knows but looks the other way

I should set up a website on something TR related,,claim I'm an expert,,plagiarize all my write ups and documentation on everything on my site take a bunch of fancy pics and oh yeah realize the items are all on consignment,, so I don't actually own anything

and still live in my parents basement because I don't have a day job,,,,then you can call me "Vid:
I'm like JR Ewing of "Dallas" fame,,everyone loves to hate me because I am so good

Your'e a criminal and a loser, and your'e not even good at those. You stopped payment for 3000.00 U.S claiming non receipt and had the merchandise. Then tried to resell it, there is no conceivable way to end up with both the item and the cash without knowing it. Thats how dumb you are, a criminal and a pathetic loser who shops the internet looking to make illegal firearm transactions across state lines.

Now, you can run to the K98 forum with their freedom of speech platform and shoot at me if you like, but at some point and likely soon I am going to grab an internet club and beat you like a baby seal. You will not be happy fat man.

Lulz....I love how dealers/mods come here and act like a horse's a$$ when on their home forums, they would ban someone for behaving that way or whine to the owners about getting them banned. Pretty much why the K98 forum exists.

Listen pal, I go where I need to go. You want to come at me and I will come to you. I did not tell this jack-off to come here and use your forum to dick around with me, I don't bother anyone and say very little on the web these days.
Listen pal, I go where I need to go. You want to come at me and I will come to you. I did not tell this jack-off to come here and use your forum to dick around with me, I don't bother anyone and say very little on the web these days.
He does have a point about gunboards. Many Mods seem to have faded away from there, and I don't blame them for it, then you have people like Little Charlie Myller putting the death nails in. I have kept my promise to no longer go there.

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He does have a point about gunboards. Many Mods seem to have faded away from there, and I don't blame them for it, then you have people like Little Charlie Myller putting the death nails in. I have kept my promise to no longer go there.

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I honestly don't know and I am a small section and the politics are beyond me, I don't know these people or mods from Gunboards and I just assumed the comment was directed at me as it was made here and all i am trying to do is defend myself.

I do know, having been in the firearms industry what is acceptable behavior and what is not. I know there is a reasonable belief that this guy here stalks the firearms forums attempting to buy handguns without papers, in a clear violation of the law and he was flagged for it on Gunboards by a seller. There is no question of the ethical questions of this or in the law, if a person were to walk into a gun shop or facility and try anything remotely close to a transaction that was not above board he would be tossed on the spot and the transaction stopped cold.

In addition, no matter how people feel about WAF mods or any mods is up to them, but when you have a clear cut case of conduct that amounts to theft its over and it should be over. This guy was not booted off WAF in a misunderstanding, he was booted because he stole a 3000.00 Railroad eagle from a seller on the stand. When it was not received quickly he opened a PayPal dispute and took the 3000.00 back into his account and then received the bird. He then waited months and relisted the bird on E stand for 3000.00 for sale. The original seller saw that ad and spoke up about the despite and non payment, the photos and the thread were clear. The excuse put forth was so far from believable that he was immediately removed from the WAF. This is not hard stuff, he was caught red handed with property that he did not pay for.

Now, this forum is a firearms forum and here you have a guy with questionable ethic in purchasing firearms and caught with property that did not belong to him and obtained through deceit. And he is free to roam here. One should not have to be so intelligent to see that his place here has no benefit to the forum or to the content of the forum other than to use it to stir trouble. Man has been shown to be a thief, no bones about it. He has been flagged for attempting to buy paperless weapons across state lines. Why is he here, and why do i need to come here and defend myself on a firearms forum against him.
I don't think he is free to roam, but Hambone could better answer that. I know members can be restricted to certain sections. I clearly remember the trying to buy without papers. The other story sounds even worse.

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Lulz....I love how dealers/mods come here and act like a horse's a$$ when on their home forums, they would ban someone for behaving that way or whine to the owners about getting them banned. Pretty much why the K98 forum exists.

Listen pal, I go where I need to go. You want to come at me and I will come to you. I did not tell this jack-off to come here and use your forum to dick around with me, I don't bother anyone and say very little on the web these days.

Fireman is a well liked, respected, longtime contributing member of our community. His assessment is correct in my opinion and you know what I mean. I've experienced it first hand. My positions which provoked the abuses at Gunboards were eventually proven correct (as they invariably are, otherwise I wouldn't take those positions) and your position later changed on that issue if I recall. You get credit for that. The freedoms here are not to encourage bickering or shiteslinging because it wouldn't fly elsewhere, but to foster transparency, truth, good information, knowledge exchange and of course, entertainment. A certain amount of driveby littering is accepted here as the price of open and free roads. However, at a certain point we have to draw a line and the above attack on Fireman is over that line. This goes for Niblet too and his attacks upon you. So if it continues I'm not going to censor y'all, but I am going to deter and stop the conduct. A rule here is this: if you don't do it at your house, don't do it at ours just because our freedoms allow it. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

We are different here and our efforts as a community of K98k collectors have created a healthy and thriving hobby at a time when other areas of German WW2 collecting are failing and in disrepute. I know you can respect that and what we are doing so I ask that you respect our site, forum, and members as you would want you and yours respected. Niblet, you and Vid take that shite private or elsewhere please. Everyone have a happy and healthy 2019.
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