Werhmacht Awards Forum (WAF)

I don't even go there Capt. so I don't know what they are doing now. When I was moderating there I stayed mainly at the K98k side. Poor moderating can kill a forum (i.e., the punchbowl turd). In such instances it's best to have no moderating whatsoever, which is better than bad moderating. Good moderating is none to very little and with subject matter knowledge. The moderators here were chosen for subject matter knowledge in their forum areas.

The problems start when you have a moderator who begins to think that a forum is "his" and that He and his circle of toadies should dictate what the forum should see and know. That is no longer a discussion forum. Genuine discussion includes different positions and sometimes heated debate. Presumably, everyone here is an adult and has been involved in a debate. Mod censorship is excused by the moderator claiming that he is "keeping things civil" and "we're handling this behind the scenes" and the opposing viewpoint is coming from a "troublemaker."

Spot on.

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I mainly go to the ring forum on the SS sub forum but that is getting to be a drama with Mr. Scalpini and his Sodcast Video partner trying to push an agenda. That almost happened here but see he disappeared. Getting so the forums are really not worth going to anymore. Everyone seems to have to one up some one or try to engage in arguments to bolster their ego.
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I mainly go to the ring forum on the SS sub forum but that is getting to be a drama with Mr. Scalpini and his Video partner trying to push an agenda. That almost happened here but see he disappeared. Getting so the forums are really not worth going to anymore. Everyone seems to have to one up some one or try to engage in arguments to bolster their ego.
Who is that with the videos?

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Without straying too far off subject and attacking the person, the intentions are fine and can be helpful to the collector. What is not for me is the language and the presentation style he uses. To some they may like this style but for me, it would be better received to be more professional and less comical in the voice style and presentation. When you are talking about serious items and money, professionalism would be better. Also, he test what is sent to him and who makes that determination that what was sent is actually real. Here, I am talking specifically about the honor rings. If you go to the WAF, you will see Mr. Scalpini has been asked numerous times what was tested and the item. He (as far as I read) has not produce any thing yet.
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Without straying too far off subject and attacking the person, the intentions are fine and can be helpful to the collector. What is not for me is the language and the presentation style he uses. To some they may like this style but for me, it would be better received to be more professional and less comical in the voice style and presentation. When you are talking about serious items and money, professionalism would be better. Also, he test what is sent to him and who makes that determination that what was sent is actually real. Here, I am talking specifically about the honor rings. If you go to the WAF, you will see Mr. Scalpini has been asked numerous times what was tested and the item. He (as far as I read) has not produce any thing yet.
Yeah the language was over the top in the earlier ones. Then he toned it down. Admittedly I haven't watched the last few but I will.

I agree he should reveal the source of what he reviews.

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I'm about too the same point now when it comes too Gunboards. Both Mauser sections have gone down hill in the past two years or more. I think the only thing keeping the K98k section afloat is thanks too Mike. But as I see it with the amount of crap information being posted there anymore and dealing with some of the toadies nowadays. Its like trying too save a boat taking on water with a Dixie cup.

And don't get me started on the Mauser section good lord. You have such a nice rare, rusted, shot out bore, pitted, mismatched, cut down Mauser. Did I tell you have rare it was. Here let me show you mine and the rest of its pitted, rusted, mismatched friends.

"All those are junk"

Junk how dare you say that let me post seven paragraphs telling you how much I know about Mausers and how rare these are. These are extra special and worth thousands!

Gunboards is a magical place where rusted, pitted, mismatched Mausers are treated as the treasures they are, you can show off your knowledge about waffenmeisters assistants and books you've written, and argue about the merits of Howard Feed and Wax and how using it doesn't make you bubba. I find myself going there less and less...
Gunboards is a magical place where rusted, pitted, mismatched Mausers are treated as the treasures they are, you can show off your knowledge about waffenmeisters assistants and books you've written, and argue about the merits of Howard Feed and Wax and how using it doesn't make you bubba. I find myself going there less and less...
I'm glad I am not the only one who finds the rusted pitted mismatched junk a waste of space. The worst thread had to be the one man monologue regarding some beat up Chinese Mausers that anyone could have changed parts on over the years.

I just popped over there and it seems to be a breeding ground for those wishing to discuss bubba'd junkers.

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I mainly go to the ring forum on the SS sub forum but that is getting to be a drama with Mr. Scalpini and his Sodcast Video partner trying to push an agenda.
Would you care to elaborate? I am 100% independant, and have no partners. Very keen to hear the "agenda" I am supposed to be pushing :thumbsup:
I mainly go to the ring forum on the SS sub forum but that is getting to be a drama with Mr. Scalpini and his Sodcast Video partner trying to push an agenda. That almost happened here but see he disappeared. Getting so the forums are really not worth going to anymore. Everyone seems to have to one up some one or try to engage in arguments to bolster their ego.
I already explained why I took a short break. Cancer in the family, hot summer, health problems. Why the vitriolic crap? "It almost happened here... but he disappeared." (snicker snicker) "Tried to push an agenda..." All I read from you here is whine whine... anything that doesn`t sit well with you gets attacked and twisted to fit your thinking? This is also your modus operandi on the Soy Milk Factory WAF. Don`t confuse me with a one-hit wonder poster, because I am the opposite. I have a tendency to stick like crap to a blanket when it comes to utter rubbish posted that is intended to in some way diminish my research or me. Indeed, serves no other purpose.

I was asked to make videos of a few rings, I was paid to do so. I was sent the rings, made the videos and that was it. I have not entered into any debate post video(s), and have no intention of. So, I am not "trying to push any agenda", as far as the SS Ehrenring goes, am I.

I couldn`t give a monkeys who likes the language or not, in fact I do it on purpose to piss off people like you. People who have nothing but whining in their bag of tricks, never anything of use to bring to a debate, nothing but vitriol and Ra Ra. Maybe you`d care to direct me to a few posts of yours across net world that contain research, contain substance? I have looked but have only found the usual Ra Ra. People like you, indeed actually you, as I`ve had you on my a$$ from day one on WAF for no reason other than you don`t agree with me about anything and everything, are useless to this hobby. Words and slander and opinion and never, let`s repeat that because it`s quite important, never, anything of interest, factual or in any way important to the debate/items.

Who gets to decide what is original or not? The items do, and only the items. Not your Ra Ra, not some dealers fabulous 10-page descriptions, not Wittmann, not Gottlieb and not me. The items do. This is why "my agenda", is to promote a much better examination of the items. A detailed inspection. Not a picking and choosing of soy boy opinions garnered from the WAF, not what your old head believes it knows, not what the general consensus - sans facts - concludes. The item does.

You and yours make me sick, you really do. Collectors like Antonio spend ages writing books, researching debating, bringing facts and points of view to the table for discussion. Images, ideas, and they (he in particular) are open to other opinions, willing to acknowledge when they are wrong. And you and yours hug the sideline, and from the comfort of a dilapidated faux leather armchair attack and attack and attack and pick holes and whine and whine at what you don`t agree with. “It`s wrong RA, I would have done it better RA, I don`t like the language RA, I don`t like the presentation RA, I I I..." Adding a good sprinkle of cockiness and jabs as you go - as you have here towards me.

Constructive criticism I personally love, it is what helps me improve in what I am doing. But vitriolic old head Ra Ra from people who have done nothing to help the hobby, and are doing everything to ruin it, naaah, that`s just Sodcast time filler material for me.
I already explained why I took a short break. Cancer in the family, hot summer, health problems. Why the vitriolic crap? "It almost happened here... but he disappeared." (snicker snicker) "Tried to push an agenda..." All I read from you here is whine whine... anything that doesn`t sit well with you gets attacked and twisted to fit your thinking? This is also your modus operandi on the Soy Milk Factory WAF. Don`t confuse me with a one-hit wonder poster, because I am the opposite. I have a tendency to stick like crap to a blanket when it comes to utter rubbish posted that is intended to in some way diminish my research or me. Indeed, serves no other purpose.

I was asked to make videos of a few rings, I was paid to do so. I was sent the rings, made the videos and that was it. I have not entered into any debate post video(s), and have no intention of. So, I am not "trying to push any agenda", as far as the SS Ehrenring goes, am I.

I couldn`t give a monkeys who likes the language or not, in fact I do it on purpose to piss off people like you. People who have nothing but whining in their bag of tricks, never anything of use to bring to a debate, nothing but vitriol and Ra Ra. Maybe you`d care to direct me to a few posts of yours across net world that contain research, contain substance? I have looked but have only found the usual Ra Ra. People like you, indeed actually you, as I`ve had you on my a$$ from day one on WAF for no reason other than you don`t agree with me about anything and everything, are useless to this hobby. Words and slander and opinion and never, let`s repeat that because it`s quite important, never, anything of interest, factual or in any way important to the debate/items.

Who gets to decide what is original or not? The items do, and only the items. Not your Ra Ra, not some dealers fabulous 10-page descriptions, not Wittmann, not Gottlieb and not me. The items do. This is why "my agenda", is to promote a much better examination of the items. A detailed inspection. Not a picking and choosing of soy boy opinions garnered from the WAF, not what your old head believes it knows, not what the general consensus - sans facts - concludes. The item does.

You and yours make me sick, you really do. Collectors like Antonio spend ages writing books, researching debating, bringing facts and points of view to the table for discussion. Images, ideas, and they (he in particular) are open to other opinions, willing to acknowledge when they are wrong. And you and yours hug the sideline, and from the comfort of a dilapidated faux leather armchair attack and attack and attack and pick holes and whine and whine at what you don`t agree with. “It`s wrong RA, I would have done it better RA, I don`t like the language RA, I don`t like the presentation RA, I I I..." Adding a good sprinkle of cockiness and jabs as you go - as you have here towards me.

Constructive criticism I personally love, it is what helps me improve in what I am doing. But vitriolic old head Ra Ra from people who have done nothing to help the hobby, and are doing everything to ruin it, naaah, that`s just Sodcast time filler material for me.


That guy is an a$$, and he may write books and classify things into to neat little piles but in the end he is a proponent of bullshit science and certificates. You want to play with a microscope and its hard to find fault other than debating the findings. You want to point lasers and gamma rays at wood, clay, and silver and sign your name its another matter. Not only that he is obnoxious and condescending. That whole thread was just another chapter in the who is going to be the ring god next saga. 12 separate classifications for Julleucters and he is over on Facebook claiming he can authenticate holocaust clothing to boot, that's horse shite attached to 2000.00 camp hat. I like your videos, I even like you, but that guy is a complete douche.
The WAF probably is the worst forum I've ever registered for.
Full of arrogant people who claim to know everything, but know nothing!

That guy is an a$$, and he may write books and classify things into to neat little piles but in the end he is a proponent of bullshit science and certificates. You want to play with a microscope and its hard to find fault other than debating the findings. You want to point lasers and gamma rays at wood, clay, and silver and sign your name its another matter. Not only that he is obnoxious and condescending. That whole thread was just another chapter in the who is going to be the ring god next saga. 12 separate classifications for Julleucters and he is over on Facebook claiming he can authenticate holocaust clothing to boot, that's horse shite attached to 2000.00 camp hat. I like your videos, I even like you, but that guy is a complete douche.

I like you to Vid,,sorry you didnt corner the market on SS stickpins,,,you could have made a mint,,you and Gottlieb:laugh:
I like you to Vid,,sorry you didnt corner the market on SS stickpins,,,you could have made a mint,,you and Gottlieb:laugh:

Hey fat boy! How is the illegal firearms market treating you? able to buy any good untraceable weapons lately?. I could put your name in lights if you like, make you a star.

That guy is an a$$..... that guy is a complete douche.

No different to any other dealer with a table full of everything from Xmas Hitler head bulbs to KZ jumpsuits.
I never had anything to do with him until a few months ago. In fact, I "met" him by sending him a mail saying that his Anti Partisan badge book was the biggest cock of shite I`ve ever seen, with him inventing his own manufacturing method to explain the expensive cast fakes shown in the book as genuine. A few mails back and forth, and then somehow we got onto SS rings and he sent some micro images and asked if I also thought what he had sent me was cast. So, I said yes of course it is, then he sent me a few to make videos of and that was it. I know he has since had a good few professionally examined by independent "company" that has nothing to do with the hobby, so can support anything he claims about the metal content and the way they were made - cast - the way I explained in the videos. I have seen the results but was asked to not say anything, so I won`t. I guess he wants to keep it for a while to ram up a few people’s rear ends at some point. Fair play, I would probably do the same, as there are one or two puff skulls that deserve a good virtual kicking.
Still, not of any interest to me at all, never even looked at any ring threads, just got on with the badges. He sent me another to examine a few weeks ago, the Norwegen Militär Verwaltung, that turned out to be a cast fake mess. I know he bought it as original, and thought it was, but I also know that he accepts the video and evidence that it`s cast with plastic (soft) enamel, so that`s good enough for me.
Not forgetting that he was willing to send it to me, pay postage - take the risk, and now has to live with a €400 loss and a public video, meaning he could never sell it as original.And that alone, is 110x more than any dealer or even collector has been willing to do so far. So if that does not deserve credits, then I don`t know what does.

No need to press on with "correcting" many other mistakes, I guess that would be up to him at some point if he wished to.
As far as what he is like as a collector and dealer on fora, I would have no idea at all, I just know him from email contact really. (And the I♥pizza thread)

The hard part, especially for a dealer, and more so for an established author like he is, is to accept that you have been wrong. Drastically wrong. And slowly start working on admitting it (esp. to your audience) and somehow trying to improve. That`s really all anyone could ask.
I wouldn`t even know how many times I`ve been wrong about stuff before, but I learned the error of my ways, and have been sent back to the hobby to instill the fear being turned into a meme, into every fake seller and fake shiller out there. And random haters for sheets and giggles.
Must also add that he wrote a book about the SS rings - BEFORE he found out they were cast!
So if you think about it, he could just have said nothing, stoped looking, and done a "Wittmann". Not bothered to correct his past mistakes, not bothered to further his knowledge, not bothered to help future collectors. Just quietly acknowledged he was wrong, and to save face just "moved on" and forgot the subject.