My name is David C.
There are a lot of inquiries & speculation on recent issues at another forum which I have chosen to no longer be a member of after being "Suspended"for 30 days from a moderator there who thought he was either my high school principal or my employer suspending me for not following HIS rules on ### forum. My reply to such was to stick your suspension where the sun don't shine & ban me for good." "Remove my name, my posts, like I never existed in the whole 3 weeks I was there."
"David, I am not banning you, just a 30 day suspension". Needless to say, heated emails were sent back & forth in which I stated my opinions of this man. His last reply was.."Okay, I guess I will leave", my response to him was "You will not be missed". I don't believe anyone ever spoke to this man the way I did. He "spanked me", I "spanked him back harder".
To those here asking with great concern "What has become of #### ?". Ask yourself a question, If you left a forum unannounced, would the Pied Piper be asking "Where did so & so go ?" I doubt it.
I was going to get into more of this, but it would not be right to open up emails & opinions. The above topic to me is history better forgotten.
Next, I owe a great apology to M45. I went on a rant against you due to my passion for this helmet hobbie, & a poor control of my emotions.
The bashing of you started when a new member asked me to help him buy his first camo. I said "Sure, will be fun, I would love to help" We looked at a few , good & bad. Ken B that same day posted the M35 green/tan camo. I told the new guy..."There is a nice one". Then showed him (from the pics) another one I thought was real.
Well I get a mail from him that night.."David, the helmets YOU said look good, why is this guy M45 bashing them today on K98 forum ?" "Think I will just forget the whole camo thing"
Needless to say, I was breathing fire. So after berating M45 & his lot# books due to my anger, I decided to join here, review every camo that was said fake, put together a list of sort, present them in a tasteful way & ask how these determinations are made, most camos need a "hands on" if they are good fakes. Yes, M45 the first 7 pages I got into, your views were correct IMO on every one of them. But they were so fake, it was not even a credit to you to mention them.
I have ended my crusade on the above topic. I admit I did not understand how forums work. I was angry that helmets posted on one forum can turn up for review on another forum within seconds. I thought there was some confidentiality, but I was naïve in my thinking.
So again to M45, I really do apologize for my rant against you. You can either flush it or accept it.
Hambone, lastly want to address you. Your post yesterday calling me "alligator mouth," whatever that was...I had discussed via PM just a few days ago that I DID NOT have the integrity issue with K98, it was with ### forum. That their members were responsible for sending posted camos here for review (condemnation) might be a better term. To me, that is a lack of integrity. If you want to learn about camos, go to a few shows & handle them. I also told you there are some 30-40 pages of camos, that takes a long time to review. Then as I mentioned prior, was going to catalog the ones I wanted to discuss & rather than start ranting again, I was going to present them to you guys to get your reasons on condemning said helmets. Your rant yesterday against me was premature.As I said, I am no longer interested in reviewing camos here. Since I am not a member at ### forum, why bother ? Lastly my observation of late is maybe this is the forum I should have joined instead. Maybe in Canada, they don't have freedom of speech, we do here & it looks like this forum would have suited me better.
So, that's it. I am done with my explanation & apology to M45.David C